View Full Version : Bank Advice...

06-04-06, 09:22 PM
Right, to say I'm a little annoyed is a slight understatement.

Just checked my account with Nationwide, and a DD payment for my loan that was supposed to go out on the 3rd April (a Monday) got refused as it put me over my overdraft limit. Fair enough, but I'd paid ?250 in on the Sunday (2nd) via the cashpoint, so was well in credit (DD amount was ?157).

The cashpoint stated, at time of paying in "All payments are backdated to the time of payment" or words to that effect. Checking my statement online, the money shows up on 3rd April and says "Credited on 2nd April".

However... my DD came out on the 3rd April, and was refused due to lack of funds. Even though I'd paid the money in the day before. So, Cahoot have now charged me ?30 as, so far as they can see, the DD payment has failed.

Seen as the cashpoint makes no mention of money taking 'xx' time to be credited, and my statement acknowledges when the money was paid in, where do I stand as to making a complaint? Obviously the cashpoint recorded the fact I'd deposited the money, in cash. But the money wasn't physically added to my account until late on the 3rd. IIRC when the DD comes out, if I check my balance on the day it says "Direct Debit being processed" all day, and the money is subtracted from my balance at the end of the day.

TBH I've only had this happen once before (in around 18 months worth of loan repayments, including paying money in via the cashpoint the evening before the day its due to come out) - that was at the turn of the year, and I thought that was because we had so many bank holidays at once so just accepted the fact I was too late with my payment. Then they charged me once ?30 in Feb for unpaid DD, and a further ?20 in March for going over my overdraft limit - which technically I didn't as they refused the DD so the money never really came out of my account.

Is it worth me going in and causing a fuss? Am I likely to get anywhere?

Incidentally, there was a thing in the paper today about how the financial ombudsman has told the banks they charge too much and must reduce their charges... and a guy who complained to his bank and got ?5000 compensation!

(p.s. no reverse runways or aircraft were involved lol)

slammed saloon
06-04-06, 09:28 PM
mate i would go and complain. i know this aint exactly the same bt my mum had a loan once n tyhey told my dad in his statemenet so she kicked off in the bank n they paid it off for her because it was there fault. worth complaining id say :thumb:

06-04-06, 10:00 PM
Incidentally, there was a thing in the paper today about how the financial ombudsman has told the banks they charge too much and must reduce their charges... and a guy who complained to his bank and got ?5000 compensation!

Unfortunately this is only going to apply to credit cards, and not bank accounts. Time will tell though.

Switch banks to Lloyds TSB, theyre very understanding in situations like these

06-04-06, 10:08 PM
Natwest seem to let me get away with going over my OD every month lol.
got a loan payment going out on the lst working day of the month and i get paid on the last working day.. so things get messy now and then but they seem to accept it lol

06-04-06, 10:11 PM
Thats odd, as my Nat west bank when i was with them used to treat me like a school boy and scold me if my account went OD. Theyre also doing a sterling job of doing everything with my company bank account as slowly as possible. Will be switching it to lloyds in a few weeks lol

06-04-06, 10:13 PM
ive heard iffy things about buisness accounts with NW.. but they have been fine with me forever.. odd

06-04-06, 10:16 PM
Mm, I've also got an account with Natwest and they've been pretty good. Was planning to close the account and use just my Nationwide one but now I'm not too keen on that idea!!

My sister had a lot of trouble with Lloyds TSB though. Guess it can vary from customer to customer how good a bank is!

06-04-06, 10:29 PM
I didn't get on with Natwest, but HSBC have been excellent. It really seems to depend on the individual, the missus gets on well with Halifax and they didn't want to know when i was looking a student accounts.

06-04-06, 11:01 PM
cahoot haven't charged you 30 quid mate nationwide have!!

or if they haven't they will soon!!

they done the same kinda thing to me, but they set the DD to come from a 2nd account i have with them, because i didn't have the money in that account (the only account was loaded mind,) they charged me ?30 for it

and still won't gimme it back!!

06-04-06, 11:02 PM
cahoot haven't charged you 30 quid mate nationwide have!!

Nope, Cahoot charged me, its come frrom my loan. Nationwide will charge me later on I daresay. Well they did before anyway...

Welsh Dan
07-04-06, 12:18 AM
I've been over my OD limit with HSBC a few times and they don't charge me, they just refuse to give me cash until I'm within my limit again which is fair enough. I am a student though so the rules might be slightly different. I'd go complain about it but stay calm. :)

07-04-06, 10:27 AM
Lloyds tsb charge me ?30 for a returned DD, and then the next month also charge the ammount of the missed DD as part of their account charges (even if the DD went ok the second time), OD charges aren't too bad though.

07-04-06, 12:43 PM
i bank with abbey. i bought something off ebay once and paid through paypal taking the money from my abbey bank by mistake. when i realised what id done, i couldnt go pay any monney in the bank because it was shut. consequentley when a DD was paid from my account and i became 14p over my OD limit, i got charged around ?30 for the direct debit being paid and a further ?30ish for going over my OD limit. so ?60 for the 14p really pissed me off. I called the bank and after enough begging i managed to get the charges removed as i hadnt been over my OD limit in well over 6 months.

i remember on GMTV last year a student took abbey to court over his ?30 charge for going over his OD limit and he won his case as abbey didnt turn up and justify why they charged the amount they did.

craig green
07-04-06, 02:23 PM
Some bank charges are actually illegal.

Look on here for guidance.

http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/ (http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/)

Well worth visiting the branch IMO.

07-04-06, 02:29 PM
I'm just wondering if Joff might reply to this, seing as he's a finnancial advisor?

07-04-06, 03:04 PM
hsbc charged me but i went in an explained what happened and they let me off.

07-04-06, 04:52 PM
Just reading the MoneySavingExpert site right now. Very iiiiiiinteresting...

Anywoo, I'll go in tomorrow morning (didn't have time today, got tied up at work :mad: ). I think I'll have a quiet word in their ear tomorrow over the counter, and if that gets me nowhere I'll follow the information on that site about writing to them and the possibility of legal action.

07-04-06, 09:44 PM
just explain the situation to them, most banks are pretty reasonable most of the time imo, if it starts to kick off just threaten to close the account on the spot and recommend to family/friends to do the same-that usually sorts them out....happened with my parents and some mortgage trouble years ago, so they closed all the bank accounts in the family!!lol....lol

07-04-06, 10:21 PM
Complain like crazy Jack and keep on complaining, ?30 is peanuts to them, keep at em till they give it back, NW that is, its their fault. Incidentally I,ve been with them for years without a problem.:(

08-04-06, 11:43 AM
Just been in this morning and they said to write to them and they'll more than likely refund the money (so basically the same as the MoneySavingExpert site says!).

Writing a letter right now lol