View Full Version : Heres another question!

03-04-06, 03:29 PM
I enjoyed reading the last thread so much, heres another hypothetical question that will roast your noodles.

A car is travveling along at 80mph, at the same time a fly is flying straight at it head on at 5mph.

The fly hits the car.

Now, if you could slow time down to almost a stop, the fly, once it hits the car, will stop travelling forwards and start travelling backwards, therefore there will be a moment in time where the fly is stationary (it may only be a millionth millionth of a second) in between going forwards and backwards.

Seeing as at this point in time the fly will be in contact with the car, and stationary, then surely the car has to be stationary for that 1000,000th of a second as well?

Spent an hour and a half discussing this in a phisics lesson at school years ago, never forgotten it. :wtf:

03-04-06, 05:36 PM
the fly will be stationary half way through being splattered across the car, plus the fly as a whole will be changing its rate of change differently due to its insides squashing more lol. Also the car will hardly change in speed, conservation of momentum.

Cant be ****d to think anyway as im not in the mood today

03-04-06, 05:45 PM
Yep, the fly will be in equilibrium ( ;) ), not moving forwards or backwards.

But the force of the car moving forward(momentum) is greater than the force of the fly flying at the car. So it will have almost nill effect on the car.

03-04-06, 05:56 PM
I remember doing this. If the fly stops, which it must do to change direction, the car must have also stopped. From what I remember it proves that time is animated i.e. time is constantly stopping and starting at some unimaginable rate. Like the refresh rate on your monitor but a trillion times faster.

04-04-06, 12:18 AM
Beam me up scottie:roll:

04-04-06, 12:21 AM
yea, but not all of the fly (or car) would be stopped at the same time, surely.

04-04-06, 01:01 AM
yea, but not all of the fly (or car) would be stopped at the same time, surely.

Well if the fly is not moving, then the car can not be moving in to it can it.

This one's too complicated for me to think about. lol

04-04-06, 10:31 AM
wow! i got a headache! lol

04-04-06, 12:41 PM
lol not put an awful lot of thought in to this but, no the car cannot be stationary ONLY if time stops - If you slowed time right down you could make the car look stationary but it wouldn't be. However parts of the fly, in its world of pain will be stationary as the other bits compress and splat on to the windscreen of the car. So the whole fly won't be stationary all at once. Hard to put in to words these little questions.

04-04-06, 01:47 PM
take the deltas of time etc. EG you have a mega high speed camera filming the car and fly interaction.
and for example 2 frames of the film show that the fly is effectively stationary while its velocity vector changes. you see that the car will have moved forwards a little in the two frames.

04-04-06, 02:55 PM
Execelent explination by Stuart :thumb:

04-04-06, 03:34 PM
oh also time isnt a constant, and can be changed with respect to that of objects around it, just to **** your head up even more lol

04-04-06, 04:48 PM
:cuckoo: :eek: :eek: :eek: :cuckoo:

04-04-06, 08:40 PM
we eventually came to the conclusion that the car obviously doesnt stop, but if you think about it too much, it bakes your noodle lol