View Full Version : spak plugs? 1.4 bootom end 1.3 head

25-03-06, 02:06 PM
what spark plugs should be used on a 1.4 bottom end an a 1.3 head
( i dont think the head has ever been skimmed but not 100% sure as i bought it second hand

what is the diffeence between the 1.3 an 1.4 spark plugs ?

25-03-06, 03:01 PM
Plugs for a 1.4 should be fine, saying that from what I can remember nova's use the same plug from 1.2 through to 1.6.

01-04-06, 07:39 PM
just found 1 of my old 1.4 plugs compared it to the plugs that came in the 1.3 when i got it. an the thread on the 1.4 plug is nearly twice as long as the 1.3 ?

01-04-06, 08:03 PM
according to all the lists for spark plugs, small block novas have the same plugs throughout the range (and even take the same "spuer 4" as aston martins lol)

01-04-06, 08:16 PM
The plugs in my old 1.4 engine are the same as the ones in my 1.2.

01-04-06, 09:07 PM
(and even take the same "spuer 4" as aston martins lol)

Well im not surprised with the power output that Nova's have lol

02-04-06, 11:56 AM
the plugs in my 1.4 were vaux (GM) 807
the plugs in my 1.3 head are champion RL82YCC (these are the ones that have the thread half as long as gm plugs) are these incorrect then?will any damage occur if i use them

02-04-06, 11:59 AM
all spark plugs are the same on novas bar the 1lt i think

02-04-06, 12:08 PM
if are the same then the thread part should be same lentgh on all makes shouldnt it ? cos on my champion plugs its half the lenght of the others

02-04-06, 12:47 PM
im sure its the 1lt ones that are quite stubby compared to the others, havent had a lot to do with them though. Im sure someone will say other wise / agree