View Full Version : digi dash has an infection

17-03-06, 08:41 PM
right as some of you will know i fitted a digi dash to my mk1 a couple months ago.

when im on motor ways or when the car get fairly hot really the digi goes redish in colour, and it looks like it has an infection:confused: on the speedo, where the 3rd digit is theres permenatly a little skwiggly thing there in the orange (lit up) colour, it appered when i was going down the motorway.

anyone else had these probs or is it just me again:roll:

cheers, lew

22-03-06, 08:03 PM
do u know if you have the reflectors round the two main halogen blubs? i had a dash which didn't and as the blubs got hotter and hotter the dash slowly went red and sometimes the speedo would turned off, if you do have these then the reflective coating may have worn off causing heat to spread.



22-03-06, 08:16 PM
ahh i see. will i be able to see these the reflctors then or will they be out of site?

but the speedo is pretty much f**ked now thou!

cheers loads bud! lew