View Full Version : False floors

30-12-01, 01:52 PM
Can anybody help me with any info on building a false floor. I've got a fearless roll cage, no back seats and want to tidy it all up. I got a quote from Sextons in Bath for ?200, just for the floor, no ICE. I thought this was a bit much so I thought i'd have a go myself. Something like Martin Kelson's would look good. Shall I go and grab some MDF and do it myself? Just the basics on how it's done would be cool. Any help wuold be greatly appreciated.

We like a smooth behind

30-12-01, 05:12 PM
heres a detailed method;

1, get mdf
2, cut and shape mdf till your happy and it fits
3, cover in nice stuff that you like

"I'm a junky with a monkey"

31-12-01, 01:21 AM
ohh Cambridge I just love your replies sometimes m8. Right I?ve never done this b4, but if I was going to do it I?d use the original boot carpet as a template cut into some MDF.you will find that you will need some batons of wood all the way down the boot build and this might even have to be different thickness where the back seats used to be, compared to the boot floor itself just to get it sitting level this will also allow for the fitment of speakers as the false floor would be raised from the original floor and the magnets wont then touch the metal floor. I would sound proof your car floor as well, as your gonna get a lot of road noise from the back if you don?t, also cut out slots in the MDF for your rally harnesses to go through if you have them?? I only say this as you say you have a roll cage, I would also drill through the false floor into the original floor and self tap it in place (coz you don?t want half a ton of MDF hitting you in the back of the head if you decide to see if your roll cage works, then as Cambridge says cut out holes for your speakers and cover in carpet.

web site: www.perpetualbliss.net
E mail: v5uk@perpetualbliss.net

31-12-01, 01:33 AM
your reply is just a very long winded way of writing what i did :P

"I'm a junky with a monkey"

31-12-01, 11:53 AM
he has a point steve



01-01-02, 07:55 PM
okay I'll shut up then. LOL :'>

web site: www.perpetualbliss.net
E mail: v5uk@perpetualbliss.net

02-01-02, 01:47 AM
one thing about false floors..... dont trust them!!!

02-01-02, 09:22 AM
very good point pag.

i was just about to walk over a rickety floor in my loft and u saved me.

cheers big ears


02-01-02, 10:33 AM
i made a false floor in the back of my nova and carpeted it all out. looks great - amp etc all hidden, loads of room under it to store crap. The disadvantges of it are -Very noisy (i didn't soundproof), rattles a bit (My carpentry skills are lacking) and the front seats don't go back flat anymore because the floor is the hight of the boot lip.
But i think i like it more than having back seats (people asking for lifts, rubbing arches!)

03-01-02, 04:12 PM
well personally i think that the description cambridge cave was pretty damn good.
a little abrupt, but you get the idea.

buy mdf, cut mdf, fit mdf, cover mdf.

The name is misleading - I am not wise, or wooden.

03-01-02, 04:13 PM
well personally i think that the description cambridge cave was pretty damn good.
a little abrupt, but you get the idea.

buy mdf, cut mdf, fit mdf, cover mdf.

The name is misleading - I am not wise, or wooden.

03-01-02, 06:09 PM
oops... how did that happen?

The name is misleading - I am not wise, or wooden.

04-01-02, 10:42 PM
Cambridge ought to write a new version of the Haynes :O

To remove engine:

undo bolts
remove engine


05-01-02, 02:55 AM
to be honest the haynes manual as it is, isnt far from my description :p

Refitting is the reverse of removal. lots of the time it just aint that simple. Its easy to take something appart, but putting it back together requires a hint of thought lol

"I'm a junky with a monkey"

05-01-02, 08:13 PM
judicious manipulation is a term used in they haynes manual alot. they should just put "just whack it till it falls off"

05-01-02, 09:57 PM
lol....true....very true! :p

18-01-02, 12:35 PM
lol, Actualey that term can be used in MANY diffrent ways :D

18-01-02, 12:37 PM
lol, Actualey that term can be used in MANY diffrent ways :D

18-01-02, 03:48 PM
the floor has o be in at least 3 bits

16v Engine fitting and advice... mail me for a quote :D