View Full Version : dent in roof

15-03-06, 09:29 PM
hi i have a dent in my mk 1 project on the roof above the A piller i was finking of cuting up some 4x4 2 a decent lengh putting a jack in the car and jacking up the 4x4 2 the A piller 2 push the dent out has anyone ever had this problem if so how did you push out the dent cheers

15-03-06, 11:44 PM
Burgo is the person to ask for detailled advice, but to be fair I dont think that simply shoving a block of wood onto the jack and pushing away will help. all that would do, as I can see, is push a dint in the roof in the shape of its end.

What sort of dent is it? a crease? shallow? all affects the final answer see!

15-03-06, 11:47 PM
why am i lol novamad gonna need a pic of the dent mate

16-03-06, 05:15 PM
ok luke ill take 1 over the weekend