View Full Version : what would you do/put this?

jamie gsi16v
10-03-06, 12:30 AM
got it cheap so why not?
http://img106.imageshack.us/img106/8829/controlpannel9tz.th.jpg (http://img106.imageshack.us/my.php?image=controlpannel9tz.jpg)http://img161.imageshack.us/img161/8900/controlpannel16tx.th.jpg (http://img161.imageshack.us/my.php?image=controlpannel16tx.jpg)
its going on my c20let nova,
acc1 fan1
acc2 fan2
acc3 water injection
but what do i do about wiring the ignition and start button as i obviously dont want sumbody jumping in and flicking the switch n pushing the button and driving off? needs to be sum sort of safety feature only i can work, also where would you put it as the red cover can be easily knocked down causing the engine to stop, and cutting a 280bhp turbo nova straight off is not very healthy?
any ideas etc are very welcome cheers j

10-03-06, 12:36 AM
Just have the starter button working the start motor, but keep the ignition key for ignition?

jamie gsi16v
10-03-06, 12:51 AM
but if i still used the key id be lazy not turning it the extra notch to start it and then my big fancy red covered switch will be useless unless i use it to control nos? hmmmmm

10-03-06, 08:22 AM
Surely u will have an alarm/immobiliser?

Welsh Dan
10-03-06, 11:06 AM
but if i still used the key id be lazy not turning it the extra notch to start it and then my big fancy red covered switch will be useless unless i use it to control nos? hmmmmm

Pull the starter wire(s) from the keyswitch, so that you have to use the button to start.

10-03-06, 12:37 PM
could use the covered switch for the fuel pump. Nos arming switch sounds good if you used it to control the perm live and had another switch to actually activate it.

10-03-06, 02:56 PM
what bouts putting a cutoff switch somewhere that you have to turn on to start it

10-03-06, 03:00 PM
Thats what i was going to say.
Have like one of them Dis-Connect things from Demon Tweeks.
Its like a key for a switch, you push the key in to complete the circuit.
You could use that for the Ign live to the flick switch, then the start button to the starter solenoid.

Once you remove the Dis-Connect switch theres no ign live to the flick switch so the car wont start.

Dont know exactly how secure those switches are tho,you dont want someone just bridging the gap where the key goes with a screwdriver or something.

10-03-06, 03:47 PM
as he says above they do cut off switches that completes the circuit same as fuel pump cut out switches for rally cars to stop fires etc if they crash good idea and very hard for a car thief to think <oh does he have a cut off switch under the bonnet?b4 i start tampering with his vehicle> lol