View Full Version : mova quickshift?

19-02-06, 10:21 PM
has any one got an xe nova fitted with a quickshiftkit?
i've just bought one from rally design and it is completly different to the original linkage, i know that obvioulsy it will be different to accomodate the reduced movement,

19-02-06, 10:32 PM
You will have bought the one for the Astra / Cav / Calibra (Straight), you need the one for the Nova (hook shaped).

I made the same mistake!

20-02-06, 04:29 PM
be bloody careful fitting it. Nova linkages are all old and worn out now, and once you pop off the main linkage to the gearstick, it never goes on again as good, and you cant get em new anymore. Trust me, i know, i have the burns on my left arm from the matrix pipes where i was attempting to pop it back on on the side of the road about a year ago lol

20-02-06, 08:51 PM
You will have bought the one for the Astra / Cav / Calibra (Straight), you need the one for the Nova (hook shaped).

I made the same mistake!

i have the hook type one, just that when placed next to the standard linkgage, the two connecting/pivot balls that protude at 90 degree angle from linkgage are on the same side. but on the quickshift version the there are opposite sides. is this normal?

dhdev (Oli)
20-02-06, 10:44 PM
i had probs with their linkages
tried two or three and none were right, had the wrong sized balls and allsorts

20-02-06, 10:54 PM
had the wrong sized balls and allsorts

That'll put a crimp on anyones day lol