View Full Version : scooby vent

29-08-01, 12:56 PM
i wanna fit a scooby vent on my 1.3sr but i dont know the proper size for the vent i was told that there are about 3 different size's any help ladz????????

29-08-01, 04:10 PM
They are a pain in the arse, I have one on my car. They are made for a scoobie, which has a curved bonnet which doesn't sit anything like a nova bonnet, so the scoop doesnt sit right. Its so much work to even get it to look average. Id go for something else, Im going to take mine off soon coz Im sick of it looking cack !

Come on England !!

29-08-01, 05:08 PM
i would advise to go for another as the scooby vent is so common on most cars but if u want the scooby one dont let this put u off. choose ur size of vent and then get and old bonnet have a play never rush a job like this.dont give up. i would not advise to use filla or fibre glass to blend in the vent as it cracks. it is not as hard as people make it out to fit a vent.


29-08-01, 05:30 PM
cheers ladz thanx for da elp!

29-08-01, 07:18 PM
i got one from auto body and styling they get um made specially for them and they dont fit to bad either, just stick up abit on the corner so when stickin it down u need something heavy to hold it down

31-08-01, 01:19 PM
Where do you get the curved ones from? my mate with a swift gti was trying to put one on his bonnet, his car is white and the glue is black...that was quite amusing