View Full Version : Smoothing Bumpers?

13-08-01, 03:27 AM
I'm planning on painting my bumpers (either body coloured, or mt grey or similar), and want to smooth them first to get rid of the dimpled texture. Basically, I'm wanting any hints and tips on doing this.

I've already started doing the rear one, but sanding wasn't going to work, 'cos the plastic is too soft....it was just roughing it up instead of smoothing it!

I've managed to get it farley smooth by scraping across the surface with the edge of a blade, but what's the best way to get a really smooth finish? Do I need to skim over it with a thin layer of bumper filler maybe?

Any help much appreciated ;)

13-08-01, 09:32 AM
I got mine smooth by sanding b4 spraying, and building up quite a few layers of paint.

Kill your speed !!!
Not a Squirrel !!!

13-08-01, 10:39 AM
use wet and dry paper
start off with grade 80
no corser other wise you will score your bumper !
the move to 120
then 240
then 320
try to get a=it as smooth as you can with this paper
then use 600 to get the ultimate finish
this will take about 8 hours a bumper to do a good job

make sure you sand every were coz where you dont sand the paint wont stick (like where the sticker goes round them it is all ready smooth but still sand it )

have you got any grease or black to black on you bumpers in the last 6 months ?
if you have cleaqn it very WELL with washing up liquid to get rid off all the oil

you need 4 cans of plastic primer per bumper
and about 6 cans of paint
prim the bumper and with graqde 600 w&d smothe the primer do this for each layer of primer
then spray


:) decisions decisions :)

13-08-01, 01:18 PM
Cheers lads.....smooth bumpers on the way soon then ;)

I'll probably fill in the groves and stripe-line as well while I'm at it, to get to proper smooth look. I know I need to use the flexible special bumper filler, but any hints and tips would be useful.....any help appreciated..again!


13-08-01, 01:21 PM
if your filling the groves and line, then remove the sticky bit of stripe, and score the area WELL with a stanley knife, gives filler somewhere to bond to, slap on the davids p38 filler, and bobs ur uncle


13-08-01, 06:57 PM
or use fibre glass then filler in the groves then sand that and paint.


send nova and mk3 astra gsi pics my way for my attempt at web design.

13-08-01, 06:59 PM
I've not got an uncle bob?

13-08-01, 07:06 PM
regular filler was fine for me on the smaller grooves, screwed in countersunk headed screw in every inch or so on the bigger groove and worked the filler in round the heads, giving it something to grip to.

B-) Streakers beware: Your end is in sight B-)

13-08-01, 07:22 PM
Cheers lads.....a few extra tips to help ;)

I don't recon I'll get it done for Billing though :O I've still got my new arch panel to weld on, grind down, fill, smooth, prime and paint for then....not gonna have much time for the bumpers I don't recon!
I'll get 'em started properly after Billing instead now. Cheers again lads.

14-08-01, 10:37 PM
Im an unkle bob...sad eh?

clear repeaters,lowered and more performance in the pipe line :)

14-08-01, 11:06 PM
lol@bob ;)

14-08-01, 11:17 PM