View Full Version : avo coilover Q?

jamie gsi16v
05-02-06, 11:43 PM
since dropping my xe in my car it is extremely low which is understandable as the coilovers are wound very far down, about 20mm further left to go, but now with the heavier engine in iv found the car feels like its bottoming out? is it the coilovers doing this or is it the engine hitting my tie bars (no arb) but the tie bar is about 15mm from the gearbox, sounds like both sides bottom out though? the avos are set half way between soft/hard.

can i lower my tie bars at the front and still adjust my coilovers down ok or will the angle of the driveshafts cause me problems?

Lee H
06-02-06, 11:02 AM
Its the coilovers bottoming out as Avo's can't run that low. Had this with my Avo's and ended up selling them for some Gaz coilovers with shorter shocker bodies which cured the problem.

06-02-06, 01:39 PM
Are you running an F20 box? If so have you cut off the lug that hits the tiebar?

06-02-06, 01:53 PM
IIRC, he has already cut the lug off.

jamie gsi16v
06-02-06, 04:40 PM
Are you running an F20 box? If so have you cut off the lug that hits the tiebar?
yes iv got the lug off, looks like they are bottoming out, il look into some gaz ones?

Lee H
06-02-06, 04:41 PM
Avos have 12" shocker bodies as do most nova coilovers, only ones I could find that were shorter without paying Leda money was the Gaz ones at 11".

jamie gsi16v
06-02-06, 04:46 PM
funny how i had them wound down lower with my 1600 in and they neva bottomed out, wound them up 15mm and put an xe in and there terrible now, do u think stiffening or softening them will help at all?

Lee H
06-02-06, 04:53 PM
I had exactly the same problem, they were fine wound right down with the 1.6 in but horrible with the XE in. I was running higher poundage springs as well and it made no difference.

06-02-06, 05:08 PM
i ran the avo coilovers on my xe and had no problems, they were wound all the way. there now fitted to my 1.4 and there still fine.

what lug do you need to cut out because i never did this with the f20 and had no problems?