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View Full Version : Reputation Points for sale

02-02-06, 03:53 PM
100 reputation points to the highest bidder*

* Payment by paypal. Reputation points given on receipt of cleared funds.

Mark T
02-02-06, 03:54 PM

02-02-06, 04:05 PM
4 pence

Mark T
02-02-06, 04:06 PM
:cry: I'll be good honest

02-02-06, 04:10 PM
any advance on 4pence? lol

02-02-06, 04:21 PM
5p, also i know nothing of said points. In the scale of things 100 points mightbe hardly anything.

02-02-06, 04:25 PM
ok... if dpnova were to leave you some reputation points by clicking this button http://www.novaload.net/forum/new3.5/buttons/reputation.gif beside one of your posts... you'd get about 5 points for it. But i can give you 100 (ooooooh!!!)

02-02-06, 05:13 PM
What can one do with said points? Can we win a teddy bear? Air miles? Lifetimes supply of KitKats?

02-02-06, 05:26 PM
it is there to help us that are bored at work pass time

02-02-06, 07:25 PM
they are more fun that the post count

02-02-06, 08:37 PM
they are more fun that the post count

ahh i finaly get it now lol

02-02-06, 08:38 PM

Ste L
02-02-06, 09:25 PM
i like my red reputation, its better than green lol

02-02-06, 09:36 PM
you say the points will be sold 2 the heighest bidder just wondering if you have a close date for the auction

02-02-06, 10:13 PM
you say the points will be sold 2 the heighest bidder just wondering if you have a close date for the auction
lmfao, why are you going to snipe it, ebay-style? lol

Hmm, there's a button for adding to people's rep, but how do you detract from it?

02-02-06, 10:19 PM
lmfao, why are you going to snipe it, ebay-style? lol

Hmm, there's a button for adding to people's rep, but how do you detract from it?

no was just wondering lol

Ste L
02-02-06, 10:53 PM
use the same button, you can choose, as i got bad rep aswell lol

can choose positive or good, click the buttin best to the online/offline status thingy ;)

02-02-06, 11:11 PM
pmsl ste the bad boy lol

Ste L
02-02-06, 11:34 PM
*gives riggy bad rep* lol

only messing

03-02-06, 08:08 AM
Buy Buy Buy

03-02-06, 09:00 AM
there is no closing date for the sale of the points lol, when i get an offer i like i'll take it :D

Click the reputation button and you can choose whether to give positive or negative... and leave a comment. ALternatively, click the positive or negative link in my sig... and it'll add accordingly to my reputation and then redirect you to where you came from... no faffing about :D

03-02-06, 09:05 AM
i keep getting mine taken away :p

03-02-06, 09:09 AM
all yours came from me anyway lol

03-02-06, 09:12 AM
good point but ian took some last night to :(

03-02-06, 09:20 AM
LMFAO! did he give a reason?

*edit* yes he did... it was because of your avatar lmfao

03-02-06, 09:21 AM
he doesnt like my avator

03-02-06, 09:26 AM
nor do i. Strangely Mark T doesnt like it, but gave you positive rep anyway. odd

03-02-06, 09:29 AM
its awsome, its because i lost my kebab man from the old one

Mark T
03-02-06, 09:32 AM
I gave posative rep on the previso that he changed it... If not I'm gona bust his ass back down to size lol

03-02-06, 09:34 AM
Leave My Points Alone!

Mark T
03-02-06, 09:37 AM
Leave My Points Alone!

As soon as you change your avatar

03-02-06, 09:41 AM
Whats wrong with it!

03-02-06, 09:41 AM
hahaha im - now lol

03-02-06, 09:42 AM
you're not the boss of me :D

03-02-06, 09:44 AM
lol :cry: lol Deffo helping to pass a boring friday morning

Mark T
03-02-06, 09:47 AM
Whats wrong with it!

I've got a glass of milk on my desk and it's making it curdle!:roll:

03-02-06, 09:48 AM
you have never seen a real cat women

Mark T
03-02-06, 09:51 AM
No? Not a photoshop?

03-02-06, 10:01 AM
na she lives in india, her mother bred with a wild cat

www.therealcatwomen.co.uk (http://www.therealcatwomen.co.uk)

Mark T
03-02-06, 10:02 AM
Ok not at all bazar?

03-02-06, 10:04 AM

03-02-06, 10:11 AM
isnt a bazar some kind of turkish sale?

03-02-06, 10:15 AM
lmao yeah it is.

Ok not at all bazar?

03-02-06, 10:21 AM
lol She might work at one

Mark T
03-02-06, 10:22 AM
Thought I got the spelling wrong.. Kept looking at it and looking at it. Something aint quite right here?

03-02-06, 10:29 AM
Pah Wisewood that is disgraceful behaviour, I mean, using tricks like this to get increased rep points is just plain sad............

Besides, there is a guide to how to increase your rep points in the link in my sig! And it's free!
Click away folks, click away!

Mark T
03-02-06, 10:30 AM
Cheaky fekker lol

03-02-06, 10:31 AM
lol mine have all gone =0(

03-02-06, 10:40 AM
ah yes but you see Jules, the links in my sig are honest, and 100% automated... returning you to the post you were at before. Hassle free reputation points... its the future!

Ste L
03-02-06, 01:23 PM
but using your sig, you dont get a chance to give a reason for the good or bad

03-02-06, 01:26 PM
You dont need to give a reason though, whats the point... just takes longer. It records who left it, and for which post... so you can pretty much figure it out from there cant you really.

Ste L
03-02-06, 01:32 PM
i suppose, i'll have to agree on that then lol

03-02-06, 01:35 PM
also - click the link in my sig, and you're back to the post you came from within a matter of seconds without having to do anything else. If you do it properly, it loads the next page, askes for input, loads the next page etc etc.

Automation is the future. Thats why i developed a means of automating it lol

04-02-06, 10:44 AM
but using your sig, you dont get a chance to give a reason for the good or bad

See Wisewood - I told you it was underhand and dirty!
And because of you I have now gone from uber positive to negative.

I knew I shouldn't of got involved in all this!

People of NL listen to me! Wisewood is a tyrant! To fight the dictatorship then vote as many of my posts as possible positive!
Do it for the cause if not for yourself!
Maybe we should hold a dirty protest?

04-02-06, 11:31 AM
lalalala i'm not listening to you lol

04-02-06, 05:09 PM
lalalala i'm not listening to you lol

The cat is coming out of the bag...............
The beans are going to be spilt..........

05-02-06, 10:25 AM
your reputation isn't looking too healthy maate - would you like to bid for some additional points? ?1 seems fair - only 1p per point! lol

05-02-06, 08:27 PM
your reputation isn't looking too healthy maate - would you like to bid for some additional points? ?1 seems fair - only 1p per point! lol

How about you 'take care of it' and I won't publish the contents of the PM's you sent me?

05-02-06, 09:00 PM
a deep sea diver
ooh thats a big.............bid!

05-02-06, 10:50 PM
reputation given out free:
mark t = pos for him abusing dps gay avatar
jules = pos just to spite wise, now publish away
wise = neg for selling points lol fiddle the reps and ill do it manually through admin cp :p

05-02-06, 10:54 PM
Given Ian rep cos he's a throughly decent bloke!
Given wise negative cos he's a fraud!

And the PM's from Wise have 'vanished' Hmmmmm

05-02-06, 11:22 PM
Im off work tues and will probably be on here most of afternoon, lots of points being given out, lets see some good posts on all the forums between now and then.

i get the feeling denny will get a neg for his avatar then too lol :cry:

Ste L
06-02-06, 12:12 AM
just noticed im not in the red now :D

06-02-06, 09:29 AM
pmsl @ how this thread has gone mad

06-02-06, 11:26 AM
pmsl @ how this thread has gone mad

Yep you've opened a can of worms!
lol :thumb:

06-02-06, 11:41 AM
i am now infamous around these parts lol

06-02-06, 06:39 PM
pmsl wisey you rebel lol

06-02-06, 11:45 PM
Baaad to the bone, b,b,b,b,b, baaaad!

07-02-06, 08:09 AM
you'd butter believe it :D

07-02-06, 05:33 PM
so is there any way for you to see which person left the feedback for you ?

07-02-06, 05:36 PM
click user cp and ull see how many people take points off you for your picture lol

08-02-06, 08:37 AM
so is there any way for you to see which person left the feedback for you ?

shows you the last 5 who left you feedback.