View Full Version : Speakers and steering wheels!

13-06-01, 09:45 PM
Hey, can ne1 help me here? 1stly i want to uprate my standard dash speakers, but cant get the old ones out or the dash off?! ne ideas or tips?
Also, how do u replace the steering wheel; rmeove old one, secure new one, etc?!?

13-06-01, 10:14 PM
Speakers: You got to remove dash board to get old speakers out. You will have to buy 4inch, or is it 3inch?, speakers to replace them as there aint much room behind there.
Steering Wheel: Steering wheel's easy enough... remove the "horn" plate in the middle of hte steering wheel. Undo the nut. Pull the wheel off. Remembering to put the nut back on a few turns before pulling wheel off. It takes some pulling and if no nut on there it'll come off suddenly and break you nose. Hurts like hell.

Oh and dont think removing dash is a five minute job... its more complicated than you'd think. Took me 5 hours to take dash off and fit a new one. But i aint no pro...

** Please Don't Spank Me TOO Hard... I Didn't Mean To Honest!!! **

14-06-01, 08:53 AM
You don't need to remove the dash, mine were done at an I.C.E place without taking the dash off, I know for the passenger one you just have to take the glovebox out, the other one is a bit trickier though.

Ease Yourself Back Into Conciousness !!!!!

14-06-01, 09:41 AM
don't bohter, the hole you have got to put new speakers in is soo small you can't fit any decent ones in there. just leave em or disconnect themand put some decent ones in your doors.

;)Never be afraid to try anything new, remember amateurs built the ark and professionals built the Titanic !;)

14-06-01, 09:57 AM
I managed to get some 4" Infinity reference speakers in there without removing the dash. I`ve got a mk2, and the old speakers twisted out. The infinity reference speakers have a larger dome than most giving the effect of having a larger speaker. They also have a huge magnet. The sound quality and performance is so much better now. It was a tricky job, but you`ve got to be brave and attack it.


Whoopass! :D

14-06-01, 10:47 AM
you need to take out the air vents and a couple of other bits n pieces to get at em

BEng Hons Automotive Electronics Engineering :) worship my electronics skills :D

14-06-01, 07:26 PM
I had to remove my steering column and wheel complete, support the wheel on a big vice and severely twat it with a big copper malet to get the taper to realease! No way would a puller release it, trust me I use them on motorcycles every day. It`s not difficult to remove the column and may save you some time if the puller won`t touch it ;)

14-06-01, 09:42 PM
MC, how did u secure the speakers? Did you use the plastic discs off the old ones :-/

15-06-01, 02:25 AM
Speakers take about 10 mins to remove (on a MKI anyway, not sure about MKII - see Haynes either way), steering wheel takes about 2 mins to remove, with the proper wheel puller tool......forget trying to remove it any other way......it's too much hard work. Spend the ?8 to ?10 for the proper puller...it's worth it, and dead easy. BTW....not any ordinary puller tool....it's specially designed just for Vauxhall-Opel cars. Most decent (not Halford) car spares shops have 'em.
When you take off the horn push, look down inside the wheel and you'll see the nut, with two elongated oval holes, one at each side of the nut. The legs of the proper puller, slot into these holes and the end of the threaded rod pushes on the top of the column.
Remove the nut completely if using the puller, as it's a right bitch removing the puller from the wheel after, unless you can have access to the under-side of the wheel.....which you can only do with the wheel removed.
If you leave the nut on, you can't remove the puller,and you can't remove the nut 'cos the puller doesn't leave any room to do so, so you're buggered!

15-06-01, 07:10 PM
took the steering wheel nut and locking washer off as described and stood outside the car and smacked the bottom of the wheel with a wooden malet and the wheel flew off safely onto the drivers seat B-)

15-06-01, 08:30 PM
Mine was on for 12 years and refused to budge!

16-06-01, 12:02 AM
I used self tappers and the tabs on the new speakers to fix em in m8.

My old wheel wouldnt budge with the proper puller (as a mechanic found when he split his head open), so I resorte3d to a centre punch and welly loads with a hammer whilst pulling it with my knees. It worked, but took a few hours.


Whoopass! :D

16-06-01, 12:02 AM
The first wheel I took off, was off my A-reg 1.2L - August 1st 83, as old as they get, and that was a right fucker to get the wheel off...it took three of us pulling and tugging (at the wheel that is lol)...that's why when it came to swapping my wheel on my current Nova, I was having no mucking about, and bought the puller.

16-06-01, 12:09 AM
The shock of a hammer blow in the right place can break the seal formed over the years.


Whoopass! :D

16-06-01, 07:16 PM