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View Full Version : My old black SRi

24-01-06, 04:33 PM
been meaning to put these up for a while now. What a state lol its been there and not moved since last march :roll: really should get it moved :lol: my gran is going nuts about it lol. can you belive someone tried to steal it, just as it is :roll: turns out its the same people who nicked my red one and torched it, they are mates of the kid who lives next door and are all still at school :evil:
anyways heres the pics
not too bad eh :lol:

24-01-06, 04:44 PM
can you belive someone tried to steal it
lmao, what drugs were they on. Im loving the air vents in inner wings. Also i take it when you say the people that stole your red are friends of next door that you have beaten th shit out of said rude boys.

24-01-06, 04:50 PM
the best bit is it has no loom or steering wheel lmao
i havent done anything yet as ive only just found out that info but i think they will be meeting mr bat very soon :lol:

24-01-06, 05:02 PM
looks nice m8,lol

24-01-06, 05:05 PM
yeah its very low mileage, he's hoping to win some shows this year

24-01-06, 05:18 PM
absolute concourse mate :lol:

24-01-06, 05:28 PM
I like the black/brown flip paint and lightweight front end, can see that catching on in the world of Novas :lol:

24-01-06, 05:51 PM
lol andy you mad **** lol :lol:

24-01-06, 05:55 PM
yeah im a particular fan of the brown/black flip
told ya it was dead riggy!!!
on another note im pleased with the pictures my new phone takes

24-01-06, 06:15 PM
that reminds me how my white nova used to look(not as bad but close) and how my red nova looks... cant really tell its rusting coz the rust and paint work mix in well on my lmao...

so seriously,,, y u still got it?


24-01-06, 06:27 PM
it had a really good engine in it but i just never got round to removing it, my tools as well as epo's got stolen when my car got torched (ill never leave tools in the car again!!) and something always seems to crop up when i say im gonna do it, only needs the shafts unbolting and the engine lifting out

24-01-06, 06:30 PM
lol how about this then lad


24-01-06, 06:33 PM
oh rite i see... and wats happing with this engine?

u sellin it..


24-01-06, 06:54 PM
them were the days riggy!!! I found the pics of it before the respray was attempted and it didnt look that bad, it was rediculous how quickly it rotted!
yeah i think im sellin the engine, not sure yet, maybe gonna stick it in the missus sr cuz her motor is a bit toss cuz its done 160k but if i do sell it i will let you know.

24-01-06, 06:59 PM
ok cheers m8.. i've bin after and sri engine for ages... but couldnt be fucked to go far for 1 lol
