View Full Version : anyone see Prison Break?

24-01-06, 08:40 AM
New show on channel 5... seems pretty cool.

24-01-06, 09:48 PM
missed it.

ads made it look good though.

what was it like?

25-01-06, 09:27 AM
Seems pretty good so far. Guy gets locked up and put on death row for shooting the vice presidents brother or something, but he says he didnt do it.

He has 1 month to go before he gets executed... so his kid brother, who is a structural engineer, walks into a bank, pulls guns and tries to rob it - gets caught and gets put into the same prison as his brother.

Kid brother then sets about making friends with "useful" people in the prison etc.

Turns out mr structural engineer worked for the company who was subcontracted to design the prison, and he has tattoo's all over his body in a gothic style, showing the plans for the prison... cunning :lol:

Its quite a lame sounding story, but quite well done.