View Full Version : Screwed over .........again

24-01-06, 12:22 AM
Is it jst me, or does anyone else get screwed over by gurls?

Lozzie C
24-01-06, 09:45 AM
Bless ya, what happened?

24-01-06, 10:19 AM
:lol: Constantly - by the wife.

24-01-06, 11:52 AM
I did until recently, but now i've found a good'un lol

Uncle razorjack seems to get screwed over by girls, but from what i've heard he also seems to attract physcopaths :lol:

Most girls seem to prefer guys that call them 'slut' and cheat repeatedly on them, so just act like a complete wank face and you'll be laughing......

Lozzie C
24-01-06, 11:59 AM
Hmm if most girls like to be called slut and be cheated on by their guys then I must be one of the minority!

24-01-06, 12:05 PM
^^^^ agreed. if i tried that i'd be sleeping in the shed :roll:

Lozzie C
24-01-06, 12:11 PM
Nooo because I'm a girl... from my opinion I don't like guys cheating on me etc.!

24-01-06, 12:48 PM
this is exactly what i meant. if i spoke to the wife like that, she'd put me in the shed, and probably leave me there.

24-01-06, 12:50 PM
Broke up with my gf bout a week ago, come saturday nite, she was all over me like we'd never been apart, me thinkin, great, we can sort stuff out. long story short i made sure she go home,opened the door 4 her, she says she loves me and ill see her tomorrow to sort us out.

In the morning, she called me up,'sorry we cant do this it aint gunna work! Im truely gutted now. now im gunna treat em as they should be treat.

24-01-06, 01:14 PM
Hmm if most girls like to be called slut and be cheated on by their guys then I must be one of the minority!
You obviously have never visited bristol lol Most girls seem to enjoy seeing guys that they constantly argue with and that treat them like crap. Quite frustrating really if you like them and would actually treat them like they should be treated. Oh well, their loss. I've managed to find one though that is actually normal :lol:

24-01-06, 01:18 PM
you can't tar them all with the same brush... just because you got your hopes up when she was all over you when she'd had a drink.

One bad experience shouldnt drive you to shun women!

24-01-06, 01:25 PM
true, but it jst hurts some times.aint the first time and wont be the last i reckon.

24-01-06, 01:41 PM
Women are wired up wrong, they simply dont operate in a normal manner (ANY of them). It does seem apparent that a lot of women like a bloke whos a total arse to them, but others dont. But women do like to fly off the handle with the slightest of provocation lol and lots have a royal sense of humor failiure when it comes to certain things.... like using Viz words to name their minge or periods etc lol

24-01-06, 01:47 PM
you can't tar them all with the same brush... just because you got your hopes up when she was all over you when she'd had a drink.

One bad experience shouldnt drive you to shun women!

Most girls

I never use certainties, A-level sociology made sure of that lol although i should have added "imo".........

24-01-06, 02:12 PM
Ah well, itsd her loss at the end of the day. plus i got the winning lotto ticket for friday,?100m :lol:

24-01-06, 02:39 PM
like using Viz words to name their minge or periods etc lol


24-01-06, 04:37 PM
this guy knows how to pull the ladies, take note.

24-01-06, 04:58 PM
lmao..............hmmmm, mite give that a go. :o

24-01-06, 05:22 PM
Uncle razorjack seems to get screwed over by girls, but from what i've heard he also seems to attract physcopaths :lol:
Too fcuking right - hence why I tend to keep most girls at arms length! Don't get me started on this subject or we could end up with a verrrrry long thread... lol

In the morning, she called me up,'sorry we cant do this it aint gunna work! Im truely gutted now. now im gunna treat em as they should be treat.
Join the club son :twisted:

My last gf broke up with me via text, in pretty much the exact same way as above. Turns out she'd been cheating on me (after denying it straight for a week) with a guy she worked with for two weeks at her new job - who was 35 (13 years her senior), married with a kid, lived at home with his mum, and looked like a hobbit. LIked to flash his cash too, so its clear why she was interested lol. Not to mention she then admitted she'd had "feelings" for him as soon as she met him, despite when I had previously expressed concerns about him (as she was always going on about the guy) and she said "even he was the last man on earth I'd never even think about that with him" or words to that effect.

People wonder why I have a dim view of women... lol. Karma I suppose, I've done some fcuking stupid things in the past but at least I'm honest!

24-01-06, 07:11 PM
all girls are evil, fuck them and chuck them in a rsponsible mannor


24-01-06, 07:28 PM
Ive never had a problem with my mrs. She's tops.

Although dear god i went through some psyco / menstrual / downright insane women to get to her.

Probly still a time bomb waiting to happen!

24-01-06, 08:08 PM
hey, i agree (kinda)

most girls i know, bar a few, seem to be either really possessive of their fellas (or cheat on them as if it's normal), and also fly off the handle for any reason...

but the same can be said about some guys - just gotta find the right ones...

a quest i have yet to fulfill, and probably never will ha ha...

gee that sounds optimistic :lol:

24-01-06, 08:46 PM
Now wait for an (un)orderly queue to form... lol

24-01-06, 08:53 PM
ive found a new technique to dealing wiv girls!!!

get a woman! someone older (not too much though as might be a minger sooner) and see what they are like. As a bonus...suger mumma!!! hehe

yeah im still looking for one of them 2 :oops: hehe

or try being an a**ehole for a week and say that with equal rights you are also entitled to a monthly moodswing that lasts a week!!!!! if she complains just say that ur on ur period and refuse her sex (this one could back fire!!!)

if i havnt helped then atleast i tryed.

ever thought of being gay?

well that will solve nothing!!!!!!!!!!!! so never think it again
(and no im not saying that from experience)

24-01-06, 11:04 PM
all girls are evil, f**k them and chuck them in a rsponsible mannor

I like your way of thinking, roll on friday! Woot Woot!