View Full Version : "The Ring"

01-01-06, 12:42 AM
Mainly for people who have been to the nurburgring before. I would really love to go in the future when i build a car.

Whats it like?

How much does it cost to go there boats, petrol, using track e.t.c e.t.c

How many laps do u get?


01-01-06, 11:55 AM
i think ya pay per lap but i haven been but im sure i want to go

01-01-06, 12:45 PM
Its 15 Euro per lap, multi lap tickets are cheaper!

Been twice now, some people from the site have been three of more times! Think Karl and Andy B have been 4 times now!


01-01-06, 03:43 PM
give us a bit more info man rough costs and all that

01-01-06, 05:44 PM
Fuel ?200ish
boat ?38rtn
accom ?20per night approx
lap 15euro each

I spent about ?300 getting the car ready and buying spare parts, also paid ?45 for european breakdown cover.

01-01-06, 06:50 PM
Well worth it then in ur eyes i take it

01-01-06, 10:58 PM
fook me that was a cheap ferry.

02-01-06, 12:06 AM
Worth every penny cant wait to go again in May!


02-01-06, 03:21 AM
Can you go any time?? Do you have to book the weekend or do u find out when its on and land there? Shane

02-01-06, 12:22 PM
I get the ferry 3-4 times a year and never been lucky enough to get it that cheap.

It cost me about ?200 in fuel for the Journey but on the way we went through 2 unrequired countries!

02-01-06, 11:29 PM
I get the ferry 3-4 times a year and never been lucky enough to get it that cheap.

It cost me about ?200 in fuel for the Journey but on the way we went through 2 unrequired countries!

:lol: :lol:

your telling me !

Mark Beeson
03-01-06, 12:38 AM
Fuel ?200ish
boat ?38rtn
accom ?20per night approx
lap 15euro each

I spent about ?300 getting the car ready and buying spare parts, also paid ?45 for european breakdown cover.

I agree with all nick's prices except for the ferry. Normally Its around the ?100 mark rtn. Nick let us all know how to get those prices. Who where when???

Basically its like entering a mutli storey car park! Get a prepaid 15 euro ticket. Go up to the barrier slip it in and away you go. Do a nearly full lap then come back in where you started.

Its not like a track day over here. No briefing just get your ticket from the vending machine and your on.
Sometimes (like mine) your car gets noise tested on the car park. The marshalls are very fair though. Its just to keep the PC brigade at bay.
Whats it like?

Muslims have Mecca, us brits have the yearly ritual of the Nurburgring!

Its a fantastic exprience. Ive been 4 times now. Got back last Nov. Got a plane from Stanstead ?35 each return! Even if you only do it once it'll be well worth it. You do become hooked though. The scenery is also amazing. It has got very popular in the last year or two. Try to steer clear of british holiday periods as now everyone go's
Do it!

03-01-06, 01:27 AM
Cheers m8 i would really love to go this year if i get my car finished in time. Is there a few that arrange to go from novaload like convoy lol


03-01-06, 01:52 AM
Well if someone feels there up to it, he/she could organise a yearly Nurburgring expatition for a band of novaload members. I would be up for it next year after the cars fully finished nd im sure im not the only one.


03-01-06, 01:45 PM
Definetly up for it in the future. Keith could organise it since he has the experience!! lol