View Full Version : another bloody problem

16-12-05, 12:33 PM
at 45 miles per hour on a gentle left turn i get a weird low rumbling noise coming from the f/o/wheel - is this the bearing or the cv joint? when you do the same on a right turn incline its fine not a sound - the cars done 80k and its droped on its arse, and how much is a new cv joint/bearing gonna cost

I'thankyooooooooou! - alx

16-12-05, 12:36 PM
id say it was your cv alex

its normally the oposite one to where you think the noise is :o

although could be a bearing aswell if youve been running wrong offset wheels

16-12-05, 02:41 PM
" its normally the oposite one to where you think the noise is "

so true,. with all the squeekn i had with me brakes after getting new pads, and rumbling feeln like it was the discs turned otu IT WAS THE REAR, lolol

if its the cv join park with full lock on and you will see the rubber cracked or torn, cost ?15-20 to fix i got mine done for ?15 the other month, if they say anything over 20, ring somewhere else.

16-12-05, 03:55 PM
Yeah CV joint.

The cv joint on my old astra was completely mashed and the rubber boot was not damaged at all.

16-12-05, 04:06 PM
now thats what i was thinking - i checked the boot for cuts cracks or tears and there was nothing??? the boot was in perfect nick - are there anyother tests i can diagnoise the problem with? - what does a f**ked bearing look like? - is the "part" ie cv joint ?20 or is that what a garage would charge coz if its what the garage would charge ill do it at collage - is it one of those things where i get a discount for giving them my old constant velocity joint?, whats the worst that can happen if i ignore it till afta xmas? (when i get sum cash)

thx guys

19-12-05, 02:24 AM
yup definitley sounds like a duff cv joint mate,
the absolute worst thing that could happen is the cv could collapse all together and maybe shear leaving you stranded somewhere with no drive. but that is the worst possibility and i doubt it would happen...yet but i wouldnt leave it too long.

19-12-05, 09:37 PM
no the worst thing that could happen is

you are driving down a 40 mph road , the cv joint seizes , the driveshaft snaps , your car tourqe steers into a tree or oncoming vehicle and you die :o

sound sick but it could happen

20-12-05, 02:14 PM
shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit - shall get it done then - have been idvised by a lad at a meet last night (after he drove it round cheadle for a bit) that the wheel bearing was on its way out!!

20-12-05, 03:19 PM
take it to a bloody garage mate, say i am hearing a problem i been told its the cv joint, now i dont no about ur garages but say that to one here and they will whack it up on the ramp and take one look and say, YES you need a new cv joint thats ?25 for parts and labour, jobs a good en

or they will just drive it around quickly and say it isnt cv, if its the bearing shake the wheels see if there is any movement, if its sumit this small a garage would tell you in a minute, and they dont charge you!! well not here anyways

dont just leave it till you have money . 5minutes of your time is all itl take for someone to tell you whats wrong

20-12-05, 06:34 PM
i know i should really but im training to become a mechanic at collage - and well we'v brocken up for xmas now n i cant get it in on the collage ramps until jan and if i i do it at collage as part of my assesment it wont cost a thing (not even parts) and ill get a grade for cv/bearing removal and re-fitment so its a catch 22 until jan hmmmmm! ill think about it - thing is most garages round my end are sht - xcept kwik fit but im not that desprate!!! lol