View Full Version : dont even go there...

14-12-05, 04:24 PM
I think most blokes will readily admit to being big kids but today I had the time of my life . My niece is about to experience christmas for the first time , so I popped into Toys r us for something cuddley. Within ten miutes of arriving inside the place , I,d got lock jaw from walking round , gob open like I was catching flies. I was stunned.
It was toy heaven.
I spent ages in there .
I,m jealous of the toys kids now have .
And have a jaw ache.

Wish I was 9 again.

I reckon it must be murder for parents , this time of year if youve got kids.....

So be warned , on no account enter such places ...it,ll leave you pennyless , feeling aged , and give you a complex of why you feel the need to return ( just to drool over scalextrics and hard nut nowaday action man ) :evil:

14-12-05, 04:26 PM

14-12-05, 04:33 PM
I love walking round toy shops, the stuff you can get these days is AWESOME! but costs as much as a good PC.

14-12-05, 05:53 PM
go on ebay and search for toys you used to have.....

tranformers, MASK, micromachines, Action force etc its all there....

kids toys today are gash bar the funky electronic ones

14-12-05, 05:58 PM
go on ebay and search for toys you used to have.....

tranformers, MASK, micromachines, Action force etc its all there....

kids toys today are gash bar the funky electronic ones

Im inclined to agree with Stu.

Some of the old school early-mid 80's toys were awesome.


14-12-05, 07:22 PM
lol you cant beat a transformer with sharp edges and random small pieces falling off.

14-12-05, 07:27 PM
go on ebay and search for toys you used to have.....

tranformers, MASK, micromachines, Action force etc its all there....

kids toys today are gash bar the funky electronic ones

Fuckyeah! I remenber my old MASK car, used to be great for bruising peoples ankles in the playground.

I also remember my 1/10th scale A Team G series and General lee made out of Lead!!! Youll never get toys like that again!

14-12-05, 09:48 PM
crash dummys was my fav and i agree with you toys arnt made as thay use 2 be

14-12-05, 09:58 PM
Stu certainly has a point ...goto ebay and check out all the toys for sale - memories come flooding back - even more so of some of the boxes!
For me Star wars figures were the dogs ... I had all the originals Star wars and empire strikes back ( including a 20 strong stormtrooper squad ) and 2 very rare boba fett figures.I collected anything to do with the film and soon had stacks of stuff...autographs ect ect......the stupid and sad part of it all was that i sold the entire lot for ?30 for christmas gifts - I even brought a bluddy Dire straights album with the dosh for some one ....only recently I discovered the Boba fett figure is worth ?500 - ?600 each, both mine were boxed and in the ?650+ region.

14-12-05, 10:11 PM
only recently I discovered the Boba fett figure is worth ?500 - ?600 each, both mine were boxed and in the ?650+ region.

Thats gotta put a crimp on your day :lol:

14-12-05, 10:16 PM
lol- you aint kidding mate........

toys..........thank god I,ve grown out of em ( well nearly )and now I,ve an adult pastime of playing , sorry working on an Nova....


14-12-05, 10:25 PM
Lets face it, you never grow out of toys, they just get bigger and more expensive.

Of course the other type of toy just gets rubberyer.

14-12-05, 10:38 PM
Yeah - and the price of Duracells dont help either....... :oops:

I,ll get me coat.

16-12-05, 07:17 PM
old school toys rule transformers we still have them and me nephrew has started to play with them when he is around and brigs back so many memories for me and thunder cats as well was a classic in my eyes :D

16-12-05, 10:17 PM
He-man and Skellitor (SP) and also the Ghost Busters were class. And whos to forget, Lego?

Kinky Monza
16-12-05, 10:29 PM
blah blah blah toys i'm sick of buying them blah blah blah

16-12-05, 10:34 PM
He-man and Skellitor (SP) and also the Ghost Busters were class. And whos to forget, Lego?

Lego will never die. Rekon my grandkids will be playing with lego just before the giant meteor strikes and turns us into people pate

16-12-05, 11:41 PM
Mate I reckon youre right on the Lego side of things ...the stuff is amazing.

17-12-05, 06:24 PM
I bought a tub of lego the other day to use a mold walls for making silicone rubber molds.

Thing is - I boughht another tub and started making little houses


Kinky Monza
17-12-05, 06:26 PM
you big kid ade
lego's cool tho

17-12-05, 09:52 PM
I bought a tub of lego the other day to use a mold walls for making silicone rubber molds.

Thing is - I boughht another tub and started making little houses


PMSL, you are the man, thats exactly the kind of thing i'd do.

17-12-05, 11:27 PM
i seem to remember years ago making an amateur porno film using two lego men and a web cam. Thing is, i started out just experimenting making them move around and stuff and they just ended up having copious amounts of bum love and oral involving the biggest animated load youve ever seen (think i used scrunched up paper)

It was a great result, but upon watching it back i started having serious doubts about my sanity and/or sexuality, and deleted it. Im gutted now cos it was quite funny.

18-12-05, 08:36 PM
i seem to remember years ago making an amateur porno film using two lego men and a web cam. Thing is, i started out just experimenting making them move around and stuff and they just ended up having copious amounts of bum love and oral involving the biggest animated load youve ever seen (think i used scrunched up paper)

It was a great result, but upon watching it back i started having serious doubts about my sanity and/or sexuality, and deleted it. Im gutted now cos it was quite funny.

Somwhow, Shagged a Tranny doesn't seem all that strange for you mate....

18-12-05, 09:12 PM
I bought a tub of lego the other day to use a mold walls for making silicone rubber molds.

Thing is - I boughht another tub and started making little houses

lol! I always wanted the big ships when I was a kid, now I can actually afford them I've bought them... got all the "classic" ships, all with boxes and instructions, and worth a fair penny on bricklink 8)

Used to have a few castles too, was a sad day when my mum made me sell them when I was like 11 lol :(