View Full Version : Newbie

12-12-05, 03:47 PM
Hello there been browsing the site for a while

Im lozzy im 19 and drive a cavalier SRI its been stripped out and has a larger than normal install in it weighing in over 1/2tonne :o

im looking at getting a nova van for my next project ( well a new house for my 18s ) as the cavalier is getting a bit tired :lol:

hopefully i pick it up this week il post picks as soon as collect it you might reconise it

any way here are some pics :

the car
the install :D


12-12-05, 03:50 PM
Mmmm... bass, did you know its bad for you?

12-12-05, 03:54 PM
its bad and good lol i love it but i have mild tinitus

12-12-05, 05:34 PM
That cav is mad! Good lluck with finding a nova, try and get a decent shell, so those subs don't rock all the panels off it!

LMAO @ tinitus!

12-12-05, 05:59 PM
Welcome to NL. Can't say I like the cav but each to their own!

12-12-05, 06:01 PM
1/2 tonne??? thats almost like towing a Nova round with you :lol:

Id love to see how low u get a nova with all that ICE in 8)

12-12-05, 06:31 PM
i love cavs, but not that one.

too impractical for me (wheres me golf clubs gonna go?? lol)

welcome to the site matey, new here meself but seems fine enough.

good luck finding a good nova van, tho.

12-12-05, 07:43 PM
cheers for the welcome guys

the cav is a bit impratical not very comfy on long journeys but i put up with it :D

found aonthe classic pic look at her face lol on the roof


what are novas like for panel flex? !