View Full Version : lost

08-12-05, 12:27 AM
nothin to do wit cars

but how good is lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


08-12-05, 12:38 AM
i love it loads but it does frustrate me a bit like too many adverts and it is a bit confusing.....but i still love it loads!!!!!

08-12-05, 02:06 AM
if its nothing to do with cars why is it in the general car forum??

08-12-05, 08:13 AM
moved :D

i cant really stand it. the espisodes are far too long (30 mins would do) the flash backs seem generally un nessecary..

i just read the epsiode guides as im intrested in the story about the island but dont care for much else lol.

08-12-05, 10:33 AM
its alright, better than the usual crap thas normally on, i.e 100 top dresses to be seen in. Although im more interested in the program before, space cadets. Saying that i dont think they are going ot have trouble convincing them they are in space as half of them are media students, i.e truely stupid. Ah well will be funny to see the looks on their faces when they find out they've been in england fr the last four weeks lmao

08-12-05, 10:44 AM
Lost is great - but there are too many questions and not enough episodes left for them to be answered. I cant be arsed waiting for a second series!

08-12-05, 10:46 AM
Lost is great - but there are too many questions and not enough episodes left for them to be answered. I cant be a*** waiting for a second series!

dont wait then, I'm upto Episode 9 of series 2. Just download them. I love it, makes for great viewing during a nightshift.

08-12-05, 10:50 AM
but if i did that i'd end up divorced as the Mrs would kill me... she loves it but can't even bring herself to watch E4 episodes as it would mean she was ahead of herself and she prefers to watch it every week :lol:

Unless she knows she's got a busy week the following week, then she'll watch E4 so she can have an early night the week after pmsl.

lmao @ our house politics.

08-12-05, 12:24 PM
lol - my missus wont even watch it!

Its getting interesting though. The 2nd series should be good.

Did Boon die last night? I missed that bit (was in the bathroom brushing my teeth!)

Just say Lock crouching over the airlock when the light came on...

Government conspiracy anyone?

08-12-05, 12:38 PM
Bless the internet - I'm on Season 2 Episode 10 wohoo :-)

it gets very very very wierd and well worth watching. seems to go through exciting couple of episodes, then potters around for the next few which is rubbish

08-12-05, 12:57 PM
Did Boon die last night? I missed that bit (was in the bathroom brushing my teeth!)

On Channel 4 or E4 ??
I cant remember which was which now... but i'm pretty sure all you channel 4 viewers wont want to know that Boon may or may not die as a result of his injuries in next weeks show if he didnt this week lol.

08-12-05, 01:24 PM
Bless the internet - I'm on Season 2 Episode 10 wohoo :-)

when it comes out on the 11th of Jan 06. :(

08-12-05, 03:10 PM
i was gonna download it but i dont wanna spoil it lol, it gives me something to watch on tv apart from the usual pap on freeview as im too poor for sky :cry:

08-12-05, 03:17 PM
I've seen the entire first episode before Christmas and the second series is starting in Jan. Ha!!!!

08-12-05, 03:44 PM
that made neither sense, nor a good enough point to warrant a "ha".

08-12-05, 03:46 PM
Lost is great - but there are too many questions and not enough episodes left for them to be answered. I cant be a*** waiting for a second series!

Is a second series on the cards?? It isnt too bad a show but there are far too many ad breaks. :|

08-12-05, 03:48 PM
did you not read the previous page? it's already being / been filmed and loads of people have seen up to episode 9 of series 2.

08-12-05, 03:53 PM
Nah mate ...I seriously thought there was only gonna be one series - I mean just how long can a telly show live on cliffhanger story lines - mind you Eastenders has done it for years......

08-12-05, 03:58 PM
The cliffhanger endings of each show aren't key to its success... the key to its success is "wtf is going on with this magic dinosour, drug dealer, science experiment, polar bear, freak of an island"

08-12-05, 04:00 PM
The best thing to do is watch the episode on ch4 and then watch the e4 episode Then u watch the e4 episode next week incase u miss any little bits and the next 1 is one e4

am i sad!!!


08-12-05, 04:05 PM
I wouldnt be surprised if the whole series ends doing a Bobby Ewing , like in Dallas ( age showing now ) who wakes after a very long dream .

08-12-05, 04:07 PM
I dont think it will, but i hope to god they end it properly and do find a crap cop out way to end it like the matrix ending...

I avoided finding out how that trilogy ended for 18 months before i finally got round to watching the third movie. The ending SUCKED!!!!!

08-12-05, 04:54 PM
Lost is great, although recently its been stalling a bit... had a bunch of episodes where nothing much really happened. Although the last C4 one seemed pretty good. I've read ahead on IMDB so know what happens, so was waiting for something to happen to Boone 8)

Only thing that annoys me is the commericla breaks seem to be in the wrong place (as opposed to the obvious points where its designed for an ad break)... and sometimes they have one even before the starting Lost logo comes on!

08-12-05, 07:09 PM
Appoligies. I ment the entire first Series. They've been painting my work place with some mental paint thats had me as high as a kite. Second series is half way through in the States. Its a good show, extremely addictive.

08-12-05, 11:17 PM
that made neither sense, nor a good enough point to warrant a "ha".


09-12-05, 09:16 AM
I cant wait till Jack dies, after being humped to death by the fat one.

09-12-05, 03:35 PM
Yeah, painfully though. Imagine your whole Pelvis being smashed by some mad fat bird!!! Yuck!!

09-12-05, 03:36 PM
what fat bird? have i missed something, or is this the exciting twist at the end

09-12-05, 03:39 PM
Ooops, did we let something slip?

09-12-05, 04:55 PM
what fat bird? have i missed something, or is this the exciting twist at the end
Yes. After being bored of having no real point to his character, Hurley attempts to spice things up by undergoing a sex change operation (due to the lack of surgical instruments in the jungle this is performed by Locke and his many klingon weapons of war) and then proceeds to woo Jack, who is blissfully unaware of anything around him after overdosing on the remaining aspirin in a vain attempt to make his hair actually abide by the laws of physics and biology, and actually grow.

09-12-05, 05:14 PM
yes, i did actually mean Hurley - HE is the only fat one on the island.

However, it was a gay shag fest after an accident with some of Locke's magical head cream.

09-12-05, 06:04 PM
lmfao quote of the series was on the last C4 one when Boone asked Locke if he'd been using the magical head cream again after his vision of the plane crash :lol:

09-12-05, 11:17 PM
Me and my girlfriend spent an entire weekend watching the box set of season 1. It was so nice not having to endure those annoying 118 adverts.

It is a good show, but to annoying that they are dragging out the mystery of it all. So many conspiracys going around as to what it's all about. I'm with Andy, I hope they don't have a poor ending to it all. I'll be so upset if it turns out to be someones dream.

I've heard a rumour that there are going to be 7 series in total. I don't know how true/exagerated this is though.


10-12-05, 01:55 PM
Bless the internet - I'm on Season 2 Episode 10 wohoo :-)

when it comes out on the 11th of Jan 06. :(

i just realised that after i posted !

really stupid for the yanks to take a christmas break and re-run the last 4 episodes !

For anyone who doesn't want to know this look away..




yes shannon gets slaughtered

11-12-05, 07:29 PM
Also, for anyone that wants to know, the season Finalie ends with the Hot Air Baloon being Caught by something in the forest Roaring and pulling it back down.