View Full Version : My e150,000+ Build.

05-12-05, 10:20 PM
Here it is, the Rival Built of my Nova. http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y92/Dods1/Pic481.jpg
Its at this stage now and then the timber frame Guys take over on Wednesday and they'll finish 3 days later. The block work and Windows take a week and the roof, around another week, but all can be done at the same time. So, it'll be closed up by Christmas.

And the best part, My missus gets a study and i get a 40'x20' (well, actually slightly bigger, thanks to a Car fanatic of a Digger man) Garage to be built over Cbhristmas and Jan, http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y92/Dods1/Pic482.jpg
to feature a Hooje Compressor and 2 post car lift and spray booth.

05-12-05, 10:23 PM
Are you seriously building that?? Where'd you get all the moolah for that?! :o

I am very very envious............

05-12-05, 10:29 PM
Drugs, Stolen goods and Sex trafficing. Na, just applied for a Mortgage. the 150k is for the house and furnature, and my garage and tools. The site itself was worth 80k plus but since its her fathers, it cost nothing. Seriously, at the moment in Irelkand Property is where the moneys at and its worth more than money in the bank, At the end of the day everyone needs a house and this way when i'm 53, i'll have my mortgage paid off and can have an extremely happy Mid life Crisis!!!

05-12-05, 10:36 PM
I'm not planning on buying any property over her, would rather put my money towards a house over in Florida or something. The way i see it, is why spend 150K on a not-so-great house over here, when that kind of money would get you a lush house, with a pool, next to the beach over in Florida or somewhere??

A happy mid life crisis is essential-you'll need to buy a kit car (something like an AC Cobra look-a-like) to pull it off properly though :wink: :lol:

05-12-05, 10:41 PM
Or a Mint Opel Manta GTE with 7x13 AlleyCats like my Dad did when he left me ma for a 27yr old!!
Buying Property in America is ok, til you get a Sunami or a terrorist attack. Spain or Portugal are your best bets mate, property is relatively cheap and not a million miles away either.

06-12-05, 02:05 PM
spains a deffo no no,

should never buy a property over there, it was worth it 2+ years ago but it's really not anymore,

anyway dunova whatever you spend over here on a house u'd more than likely get it back at a later date anyway, although at the mo 75% of the built up areas aren't gaining any money.... :evil:

2008 is where its at, house price slump, i'll be cashing in me shares and avin it!! lol!!

Kinky Monza
06-12-05, 02:35 PM
i'd rather buy property in belgium or germany
they may not be the most desireable places but in my line of work it'd be amazing for the stallion prospects out there 8)
the quality of horses is second to none and those countries haven't had terror attacks or major disasters and the price of property isn't that bad compared to the uk

06-12-05, 03:19 PM
im with america on this one, you can get a house right near disney land with a pool masssive house for like 150, over here 150 gets you jack shit, as for spain and portugal they are worse now with the spanish bombings, and as spain is 9 mile from moroco they have a huge problem with terrorists from moroco so know where is safe any more, USA = FIT CHEERLEADERS YUMMMM

06-12-05, 06:39 PM
Dod that looks like the foundations for a very small castle :lol:

A happy mid life crisis is essential-you'll need to buy a kit car (something like an AC Cobra look-a-like) to pull it off properly though :wink: :lol:
Pah, replica... :lol:

I might have to move up to bristol soon :?

06-12-05, 07:02 PM
Id love to move to America, but im scared of having a nasty man come up to me and threaten to bust a cap in my bottom for my car.

Would rather put up with middle aged women in range rovers swearing at me for stealing their parking space.

06-12-05, 08:02 PM
you mean overweight cheer leaders



06-12-05, 08:04 PM
hmmmmmmmmm very sexy.....

06-12-05, 08:29 PM
Steady on, Major Zero is getting randy...



06-12-05, 09:24 PM
Well, its gotta be big enough to shut the missus in so she cant be heard shouting at me for holding the Nova out to the Limiter at all hours of the morning. Timber frame starting on Thursday, Pics to follow.