View Full Version : Gay side strips

01-12-05, 07:09 PM
Hey, i was woundering wot is the best way to take the gay side strips off my nova. If you dont no what i mean their the strip things that run from one wheel arch to the other throught the centre of the door and body, and made of plastic (dont no the technical name).

Please can some1 help?

01-12-05, 07:19 PM
what i did was pull the actull side strip off 1st mate then that leaves you with the glue stuff that holds the strips on i found the best way 2 get this stuff off was 2 use a hairdryer 2 heat up the glue then it pulles straight off i did this a bit at a time hope this helps

01-12-05, 08:48 PM
yeah i used a hair drier when taking mine off but when i did take it off it revealed rust on my door and there was filler hiding underneath it. all fixed now though brand spanking new door, only after some theiving arse whole broke into it and bent the thing open!!!!!!!!!!

01-12-05, 09:57 PM
yeah there some called a toffie wheel i think, which is a rubber disk which will pull the rubber off but becarfe not to strip paint. doing this is a long long job

01-12-05, 11:11 PM
Cheers guys ill try that tomoz, and see how it comes along.