View Full Version : Snow & ice

29-11-05, 06:47 PM
Just seen on the local news about motorists in Gloucester getting stuck in the snow and ice last night. And still, the morning after, they're haring about like its a warm summers day. I mean WTF - these people drive about like complete muppets then wonder why they crash.

One farmer summed it up nicely: "Its not the conditions that are the problem, its that people don't know how to drive in them."

I was out in the GT4 last night in the snow, and yeah it was only about an inch but I still saw people sliding all over the place because they just had no idea how to handle their car in snow/ice :roll:

...ok so was I, but the difference was I was doing it intentionally lmfao

29-11-05, 06:50 PM
driving in snows great! :lol:

i had my 2nd drivin lesson in about 2-3 inches of it!!

29-11-05, 06:56 PM
its quite sad that the country is full of complete knobbers, i mean the other night i was going down a country round at night in vry thick fog an i get some twat in white van up my arse, then over takes me round a corner. I was hoping he crashed very badly into a tree. Stupid people should be killed at birth

29-11-05, 07:08 PM
You aint kiddin about peoples driving awareness and the weather. Have you every noticed how some berks tend to speed up in wet weather ? I reackon anyone who,s caught driving in this manner should pay a heavy penalty and be forced to cycle everywhere for a year.........

Phil , I,ve notice something about driving a Nova , everyone tends to drive right up the old bunghole. At first , I just thought it was me( new driver 2 years back ) but it still happens today - my cousins took my motor out a few times , and addmitted the same. I felt a prat asking him if he experienced this lunacey........It seems that bludy van drivers are the worst.

Anyone else found this to be the case ?? Have Nova - get tailgaited ??

29-11-05, 07:20 PM
Anyone else found this to be the case ?? Have Nova - get tailgaited ??
yep all the time :evil: w*nkers

29-11-05, 07:22 PM
get your self a xe or let in it then watch as that gay van vanishes in your mirror an hits a fence because he cant understand why his 50bhp transit cant keep up with a 20 year old nova.

29-11-05, 08:15 PM
Just do as i do, lift off just as you hit the Fog lamp, makes for interesting Mirror Viewing. actually i got in a fight for doing that once.....

30-11-05, 09:09 AM
Theres berks on the road today who must be on drugs.....or at least should be ( legal of course ).
Just after I passed my test I was cut up by a woman in a grey Astra - it was summer so everyone had windows open . We stopped at the high street lights , the woman just in front of me in the next lane so I shouted at her like a mentalist , I told her to go wash her greasy hair and not be such a dirty lazy moo , and take some fookin lessons at the first instance - or see an optician. To my horror she turned round . It was my cousins wife ( him n me are like brothers - shes got a right temper and a vicious mouth a great white would be proud of) she looked and then squinted ..did she see me ? Well the next time we met I didnt get a cuppa.........


30-11-05, 09:25 AM
i get angry when i see bullshit about people bein stranded cos of snow. i mean ffs its really not hard now is it

30-11-05, 01:12 PM
all down to crappy drivers, since i been driving i learnt its not how much of a good driver you are! its how aware you are of other drivers. since i go down the motorway alot i realised how AWFULL old men in there big diesels are cutting you up its pathetic and its young drivers who get a bad name and high insurance quotes.

wasnt one of the queue's last fri in the snow like 9 mile long, but police were going up and down through the middle lanes. so surely if the police could do it, why wouldnt they let the other cars, surely in theory thenthere was no reason to be sat still, maybe 1 car broke down in a 2 lane road ???? push the t*** of the road,

i go no patience when it comes to bad driving, if i get stuck in a crap traffic jam for no reason i will be driving up curbs to get out of it

30-11-05, 04:44 PM
all down to crappy drivers, since i been driving i learnt its not how much of a good driver you are! its how aware you are of other drivers.
True to a degree; as my driving instructor used to tell me "drive as if everyone else on the road is an idiot".

To be fair, half the time you don't have to pretend :lol:

30-11-05, 06:54 PM
id say it was more than 3/4 of the people on the road

30-11-05, 07:08 PM
thats true about snow...on monday or tuesday when it snowed i forget, i was on my way to the shop and at the t-junction near my work a Z3 came round the corner at no more than 5mph and spun 270 degrees, what a twat. then on the way back on the same junction there was a seat Leon cupra R in the side of a transit van..well you gotta laugh aint you :lol: people just panic to much and slam the brakes on

30-11-05, 08:22 PM
going back to where they sit up you ass when driving a nova, they do even when my GF drive the nova they do i ahd a guy at work over take her in a 30 and she was doing 30 i had i right barny with him the next day,Nova driver arn't as bad as people think
long live the nova !!!!

30-11-05, 10:15 PM
i just had that tonite going down the motorway 2 lane. speed camera so i slowed down i wasi n outside to about 65 to match the car next to me i was in 5 gear so no power started to move to about 75 no rush all the sudden the car in the inside lane dropped it a car coz i seen the car dip went to drive INTO ME probably to think hes good and flew off (shitty escort) i flew passed him doing 100 then he cut me up doing 100 with no room at all so i just backed off with my gf thought nah i aint risking my life for a tit like this

30-11-05, 11:08 PM
i flew passed him doing 100 then he cut me up doing 100 with no room at all so i just backed off with my gf thought nah i aint risking my life for a tit like this

says the guy doing 100 down the motorway anyway... :lol:

espically in a nova!! :o :o

01-12-05, 08:30 PM
i have me monents, it aint legal yea, but i think its "(better safer) to do 100 down the motorway win control than it is to be doing 100 down a country road bouncin passed cars or flyin about streets nearly crashn into people :P

01-12-05, 09:35 PM
What happens if an old biddy in a micra pulls out into your lane at 65?

01-12-05, 09:48 PM
there wouldnt be an old biddy.

01-12-05, 09:50 PM
Yeah, right.....

01-12-05, 09:55 PM
One lesson I have learnt in my years behind the wheel is "Never underestimate the stupidity of other drivers - especially old biddys in micras" lmao

02-12-05, 06:58 AM
What a thread! lol

its 6.57am and im ive been at work since 6.00am, but becuase all the computay systems have crashed, NL took hold! very funny thread indeed :lol:

02-12-05, 10:15 AM
On the point of driving abilities and awareness......Theres no way this is a racial comment , but I,ve noticed so many times of late after being cut up , or by drivers not to have signalled on roundabouts to have been asian women - on the mobile phone. Its also true of some elderly folks - signal right at the last minute -It has brought to mind questions of they,re eyesight...therefore if I,m behind anyone who looks like theyre either got a hand to the side of the head ( mobile ) or wearing any type of hat ( flat cap? ) or sitting way low in the seat but gripping the wheel at 10 & 1 oclock and driving like its Sunday - I BACK WAY OFF. Its a fact that there are people on the road who certainly make the experience difficult , or even hazardous to others . Sometimes this cant be helped , not everyones abilities are the same . There are others tho , who are just plain ignorant.
The one thing that really gets my goat is idiots who tailgate. Its happened a couple of time lately ( I,m at the legal limit ) on normal roads only to have some twat right up the old starfish. The last time it was a car load of girls( they were so close I could easily make out the rear passenger ) ..I did no more than just slow right down to about 20mph ( there was hardly anyone about ) the car - it was Punto flew past me with the driver giving me the finger.....I was very impressed , so i just smiled and waved.

I think its very true that with age comes wisdom

02-12-05, 03:47 PM
i do that on friday - saturday nights, taxi drivers are twats after 9pm do about 50 down 30s as soon as ones up my ass i slow down to 20 just tp piss em off