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08-03-01, 08:32 PM
I know this has been asked before but i need to know now. What primer do u use to paint a nova 1.3sr spoiler cos its rubber.

09-03-01, 03:13 AM
I had one once that rubber.....weird it was.
I'm not sure what the newer ones are made of - like my current one, but I think they're all rubber, but the newer ones seem to have some different coating.
Mine is textured in a paler shade of grey, and it also feels more rigid than the old one I had.

As for painting, I don't know really what to suggest. Perhaps, just get one that's already painted (any colour will do, as long as it's already prepared for paint), or go far a MKII one.

09-03-01, 02:59 PM
i sprayed my novas spoiler with halfords plastic primer and then normal paint. It looks great but its started to get tiny hairline cracks in it but the paints still hanging on.

09-03-01, 11:44 PM
I rubbed my RUBBER spoiler down and then sprayed it black without using Primer... and it came up brilliant... really shiny black... used a spray paint called enamel gloss from humbrol... recommend it cos it doesnt crack easily... it flexed and stayed on when i refitted the spoiler anyhow and no cracks have appeared 2 months on! also used that paint on the front and back bumpers without using primer and has stayed on fine! secret is to use a hairdryer to quicky dry paint before it starts to run..!

10-03-01, 01:32 AM
Humbrol make paint for plastic models, so you can use it on plastic, without a primer.....but it's usually expensive isn't it?

12-03-01, 01:42 AM
if u spray properly u shouldn't have runs anyway!!

RobDmr@aol.com Xr2????? I'd rather walk!!!!

01-04-01, 11:05 AM
2pac with loads of plasticiser in is good