View Full Version : Removing GSI front bumper?

25-11-05, 09:43 AM
i know how to remove a front bumper and i only have the blue haynes cause i have previously owned mk1's.

The gsi front bumper has a weird box thing on the drivers side (thats the only way i can describe it) perhaps a second horn or filter box of some sort.

This is in the way of the bolts connected to the bumper iron. Is this easily removed and how?

25-11-05, 12:10 PM
i find it easy to remove the bumper off the iron,
2 bolts under the grille,
2in each wing,behind the bumper,
i never take the iron off aswell,

25-11-05, 01:32 PM
indeed i see what your saying but i am stripping the car so want to take the iron off also

25-11-05, 02:06 PM
Its a carbon canister.
It vents fuel vapour back into the inlet manifold IIRC.
You have to remove that to get to the bumper rail bolts

2xbolts in each wing
2 bolts(15mm i think) in each inner wing, they bolt to the chassis and secure the bar rails.
Beware, the 15mm ones have a habit of shearing off, get some wd40 on them first.

Is this the white GSI bumper Will?
I might still be interested in buying it if its still for sale.

25-11-05, 02:31 PM
The carbon canister is usually on the passenger side though? I think it's more likely to be the secondary horn (GSi's are multitoned, at least mine was!). It should be held on by a bracket that has one of the bumper bolts through.

If you can see two wires going to it, it's definetly the horn.

25-11-05, 03:36 PM
Its a carbon canister.
It vents fuel vapour back into the inlet manifold IIRC.
You have to remove that to get to the bumper rail bolts

2xbolts in each wing
2 bolts(15mm i think) in each inner wing, they bolt to the chassis and secure the bar rails.
Beware, the 15mm ones have a habit of shearing off, get some wd40 on them first.

Is this the white GSI bumper Will?
I might still be interested in buying it if its still for sale.lol ya drone did you actually read his post?? he said he knows how to remove the front bumper but doesnt know how to remove the "carbon canister" and he needs to cos its in the way. however the carbon canister is on the passenger side so it might actually be a head light washer reservour

25-11-05, 03:51 PM
a big hammer an chisel, ive just taken mine off my corsa, utter shit lol. Just keeps the eco warriors happy because it doesnt vent it straight back into the atmosphere

25-11-05, 05:18 PM
Its a carbon canister.
It vents fuel vapour back into the inlet manifold IIRC.
You have to remove that to get to the bumper rail bolts

2xbolts in each wing
2 bolts(15mm i think) in each inner wing, they bolt to the chassis and secure the bar rails.
Beware, the 15mm ones have a habit of shearing off, get some wd40 on them first.

Is this the white GSI bumper Will?
I might still be interested in buying it if its still for sale.lol ya drone did you actually read his post?? he said he knows how to remove the front bumper but doesnt know how to remove the "carbon canister" and he needs to cos its in the way. however the carbon canister is on the passenger side so it might actually be a head light washer reservour
Lol, i had a quick read through it yes.
I just saw it as, "I have always owned Mk1s, so don't know how to remove a mk2 gsi front, and i have also found a canister thing on the drivers side wing, how do you remove this?"

26-11-05, 12:07 PM
it was the carbon canister, the horn is below and not in the way

the cansiter is held in by a crude bracket which was undone with an 8mm socket. Because of the location it was very rusty but eventually came off, cansiter dropped down and access to the bolts was made :)

Cheers for input fellow novaloaders.

26-11-05, 04:06 PM
it was the carbon canister, the horn is below and not in the way

the cansiter is held in by a crude bracket which was undone with an 8mm socket. Because of the location it was very rusty but eventually came off, cansiter dropped down and access to the bolts was made :)

Cheers for input fellow novaloaders.
Did you get the bolts out the bumper rails without snapping them off?
I take it this is the white big mouth gsi bumper your removing?

26-11-05, 04:12 PM
Burgo the headlight washer reservoir is just a mirror image of the header tank aint it?........... Oh yeah this is a Gsi we're talking about :oops:

27-11-05, 07:14 PM
it was the carbon canister, the horn is below and not in the way

the cansiter is held in by a crude bracket which was undone with an 8mm socket. Because of the location it was very rusty but eventually came off, cansiter dropped down and access to the bolts was made :)

Cheers for input fellow novaloaders.
Did you get the bolts out the bumper rails without snapping them off?
I take it this is the white big mouth gsi bumper your removing?

removed loads of bumpers from novas and never had one snap before.......... thats the one. sold it on saturday