View Full Version : Random debate about what to spend ?12k on

18-11-05, 12:15 PM
at work at the minute, and for no reason whatsoever, ive just had a random debate about what i'd spend ?12k on.

so i went in search of some random links via google and came to a onclusion of the following site.

clicky click >>http://www.sock-monkey.com/


18-11-05, 12:24 PM
Thats a scary site. As for the 12k a locost kit car with a turbo bike engine and lots of fancy bits would do me as a nice treat or deposit for a house.

18-11-05, 12:25 PM
my conclusion is

a) the desinger of the original 'sock monkey' must have been on drugs
b) shares in sock monkey plc are worth bugger all!

but the site does make for some great reading!

18-11-05, 01:12 PM
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Chevrolet-Nova-Nova-SS-1969-Nova-SS-with-750-H-P_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6172QQitemZ4588516718 QQrdZ1
should have enough to ship it over as well. Where else will you get 750bhp for that price

18-11-05, 04:57 PM
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1967-rs-ss-camaro_W0QQitemZ4590350967QQcategoryZ6161QQrdZ1QQc mdZViewItem

...then use the change to convert it to manual :wink:

19-11-05, 01:08 AM
i'm boring - Id pay it on me mortgage.


maybe skimma couple grand to finish rebuilding me Nova though 1st!


19-11-05, 02:30 PM
would me a super charged ctr and with anything spare on more engine mods! lol or like other people said deposit on a house would be nice aswel! :D

19-11-05, 06:55 PM
emmigrate :o

19-11-05, 08:52 PM
I dunno about the Mortgage or the Cars, but i'd have the weekend to end all weekends with 12k!!

20-11-05, 06:05 PM
would me a super charged ctr and with anything spare on more engine mods! lol or like other people said deposit on a house would be nice aswel! :D

super charging is pants when compared to a decent turbo setup :wink:

Kinky Monza
20-11-05, 06:58 PM
no cars no horses just 1 major night out
maybe in amsterdam

20-11-05, 07:06 PM
Thats a lot of these for that money lol

Kinky Monza
20-11-05, 07:09 PM
sorry i dont do girl on girl now :wink:
i'd go over for other reasons
if you know what i'm getting at

20-11-05, 07:10 PM
Thats a lot of these for that money lol
What, umbrellas?

20-11-05, 07:11 PM
no the umbrella comes free

20-11-05, 07:18 PM
you get the umbrella down the japseye after getting something iffy off her lmao

20-11-05, 07:49 PM
?12K would be 1200 lapdances at perfect 10s in Preston.


21-11-05, 03:18 PM
Thats a lot of these for that money lol
What, umbrellas?

No, hot pants and dodgy Puffy Jackets.

...other reasons...

Like what?

21-11-05, 04:32 PM
only other thing i can think of is some of these lol


21-11-05, 06:05 PM

I,d chuck a lump at the mortgage too...then probably go to Thailand to see the world famous ladyboys over there . My cousins been over - the pics of these strange creatures ( sittting on his lap - he thought he,d pulled , plyed em with alcohol , before the barman pointed out it was really a fella ) were very pretty and I,ve gotta be honest they do look very much the real deal. My reasons for going would be to really annoy the life out of em by calling em "mate " " geeza " or even "cobber " until they,d loose their tempers and tell me to "you fluk off sirry engrish irriott !"
Well thats my excuse anyway.
Oh and before anyone starts - I,m a strict vegetarian.

21-11-05, 09:49 PM
i would probably buy a skyline and insure it if any left over a few engine mods!

21-11-05, 10:36 PM
You get Skylines over dead cheap. Was gonna get an R33 4dr for about e5000, thats a 2.5 TT one as well, my Uncles Bro in law buys them in from Japan for next to nothing.
The only problem with them is that they run High Octane Petrol. Spend the money on a Jap Import wife and plastic surgery to make her look like Angelins Jolie: http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y92/Dods1/angelina84.jpg
I love you Angelina....

21-11-05, 11:02 PM
not a problem now tesco have started doint 99 ron fuel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!

21-11-05, 11:20 PM
Jap fuel is normally about 101ron lol

You won't get much change from ?12k if you want a GTR33... in fact you won't get any lol. R33 GTST you can get for about ?5k though, or a GTR32 for about ?7-8k. Personally I'd much rather have a 3000GT than a Skyline GTR...

22-11-05, 11:05 AM

22-11-05, 03:55 PM
kool kool well i cant afford one atm anyway so..iv always like r33s so that might be a future car!

22-11-05, 05:56 PM
I was right then :lol:


Nice, but would look better in black :lol: