View Full Version : xe inlet cam in the let

14-11-05, 07:49 PM
Right heard of a few people doing this, putting the xe inlet camshaft into the let. What king of benefit is this as ive never had any experience of doing it.

14-11-05, 09:12 PM
I thought it was the Exhaust cam that people changed for an XE one. I assume its for opening the exhaust valves for longer, so it will spool up the ole hair dryer a bit quicker.

i Cooouulld bee wrrooonngg yyyooouu kknnoooowwww!

14-11-05, 09:19 PM
it's definitely the inlet cam, not sure exactly on the benefit's probably similar to running courtenay hi torque camshafts.

Lee H
15-11-05, 10:09 AM
You really need verniers as well to get the timing right as I put one in my LET on the standard timing marks and it felt slower and not as responsive.

15-11-05, 11:05 AM
well i mean its not going to cost anything to do so i might try it an see what happens

15-11-05, 11:39 AM
fit the inlet xe cam and retartd it 8 degrees, or ONE tooth on std pulleys.
supposedly pushes the power up a bit.... rick will probably correct us
might find info on www.max-boost.co.uk

15-11-05, 10:43 PM
told you i could be wrong :lol:

Bloody fairy turbo's lmao

16-11-05, 12:40 PM
^^ well ive had my fun of n/a so im having a go at one of these. Right this might sound a stupid question but when you retard teh timing is it only the inlet you retard or do you do both cams?

16-11-05, 01:10 PM
just the inlet

17-11-05, 12:39 PM
im sure its closer to 5-7degrees

one tooth is too far on standard pulley which is why a vernier is required

it will help hold the power longer, most folk find it makes it a bit more willing to rev right to the limiter whereas the stadnard setup begins to tail off a lot earlier

ask on mig (or search on mig) as its been discussed there plenty of times

19-11-05, 03:53 PM
yes i think in std pulley terms you need to retard it 1/2 a tooth which is not possible :lol: also putting it in on std timing marks is also pointless and defeats the whole object of doing it :lol:
so to do it you need a vernier realy mate! you can also use the xe exhaust cam if you run verniers, makes the car drive more like an xe, from what ive heard, its meant to rev alot better than on the let cam.
just get some pulleys there only ?140 from sbd, just say your a mig member :lol: