View Full Version : Nova SRI Tuning??

13-11-05, 09:46 PM
Im planing on geting a SRI soon but i dont just want the basic power from the little beast im hoping for abit more, what engine mods are there that will increase speed,acceleration etc but wont really break the bank?? any ideas chaps cheers Nobby :D

13-11-05, 09:51 PM
Drill the bottom of your airbiox, performance panel filter. Cam 270 or 285, then just give it a good service, make sure its all running as it should.

Ste L
14-11-05, 12:10 AM
cheap engine mod's wont make it go quicker....

want it quick, wack a lairy cam in it, set of twin 40's, and get the head a good working over, get a nice few ponies from that

14-11-05, 10:40 AM
hmmmm so wat price am i looking for t40s?? how much differance will they make? and how much woudl i be looking for some1 (a mechanic) to fit them 2 a Sri engine?? cheers

14-11-05, 11:23 AM
approx ?250ish for a "kit" to do it, you will need to change your "fake" dizzy to a real one form a 1.4carb engine and possibly the ign module would need changing (needs checking).

a mechnic could do it, but in all fairness tis not ahrd so you should do it yourself and learn a bit about playing with engines...

where are you based so people could offer some sort of support..