View Full Version : gone but not forgotten

09-11-05, 08:32 AM
Went thru my cd ,s last night and found a killer album , that I havent played for about 2 yrs ....slapped it on and blew my ears off - Orbital - commonly known as" the brown " album. the track impact / earth is burning , needs to be listened by all. I remember watchin em live( on the box ) at Glastonbury in 94 ( when the dance scene was just creeping into the festival scene - ) and blowing the place to kingdom come - I was so taken aback I went straight out to buy all their cd,s.

Even today , music journos still reckon this to be the finest ever Glastonbury moment .

If you havent heard it - obtain a copy.....tis a great shame orbial have now split....thank god I saw em a few times in the flesh and was able to shake my thang and strut my stuff .


09-11-05, 09:33 PM
Too old for yous lot is it...? Checkin dads collection are we ..or even at the most - jumpin around whilst listenin to it round a mates...this albulm wil kill next doors lawn - BUY IT !!!!

09-11-05, 09:36 PM
i cant find that song any wer m8y, i've heard afew of der songs on gatecrasher cds and stuff but stil i cart find that 1

09-11-05, 11:07 PM
Orbital are 8)

10-11-05, 02:29 AM
I went to see Orbital at the Apollo in Manchester in about 95. they were awesome. they played 1 tune where the bass was so loud it fellt like it was suffocating you.

My favouritie is the one that goes something like.....

There is a theory of the mobius, a point in the fabric of space where time becomes a loop, whatever happend will happen again.

The concert turned into a crazy club, we were off our faces on pills and speed(not recommended people!) but it was a crazy night!

I have chilled out since then though!!! you can't be mental every weekend of your life!!

10-11-05, 02:31 AM

There is the theory of the moebius. A twist in the fabric of space where time becomes a loop. When we reach that point, whatever happened will happen again

used to love that bit when I was out and about. now it just reminds me of times gone by......


i guess if it's true, I'll go through it all again!! lol


10-11-05, 05:47 PM
christ i aint listerned to orbital for ages :+:

10-11-05, 06:33 PM
The album Insides - is a killer n all ....the track outhere somewhere , is almost hypnotic.
The last I saw of this brilliant duo , was their final Glastonbury show , when they ended the set with the tune One perfect sunrise...they had the sun coming up behind them on the screens they use with the haunting vocals of the female singer they use on the track looping . It was brilliant and very emotional. Shame its all over now , and the brothers Hartnol have now gone thier seperate ways ...R.I.P Orbital.........

10-11-05, 11:38 PM
now I like Underworld...King of snake - classic

11-11-05, 08:19 AM
indeed mr Ade - tis wild ...if you havent heard this - go for it ..Underworld live everything everything ......foot heavy drivin tunes !!