View Full Version : save steve

31-10-05, 10:16 PM
everything is explained on the site but basically this lad steve has been locked up for five years and banned for 3 because he was speeding. yet the only reason they found out he was speeding was because he stopped to help people people who had crashed :? so everyone sign the petition http://www.save-steve.co.uk/

31-10-05, 10:37 PM
facts are.

he was doing in excess of 90mph.
under any circumstance's it is absolute stupidity driving that fast in horrible weather.

the fez person, who must have thought he was driving a saxo against a nove xe thought he was so proud.

the chances are, he did boot it and showed him up at first and then decided, i have the mrs in the car and she is going to kill me if i dont slow down.

to be fair thou, he did stop and save the other persons life.
but if he had not been doing 90mph then he would have not been taken into account of this person death.

31-10-05, 11:09 PM
you are implying he was racing the fez. he has admitted he was doin 90 but he was a fair bit behind the fez who was already doing that speed. plus he has said he wouldnt even bother racing it as he knows he could of walked all over him. at the end of the day it was wet and the fiesta had a puncture which is what made it crash and steve doing what any one else would of done pulled over and helped and he got done

31-10-05, 11:14 PM
I signed it... I dont find it right that he got banged up for something he didnt do

01-11-05, 01:24 PM
He should get the adequate punishment for speeding, but he should't get put in prison for causing the death of the two people in the fiesta.

At the end of the day, the guy in the fiesta chose to drove 90mph, he had an underinflated tyre and he lost control - hardly the fault of a person travelling some distance behind him ?

01-11-05, 02:26 PM
But the point the prosecution was making was that the reason the Fiesta was speeding was because he was racing the SX. Its difficult to comment on this really without knowing the full story and seeing the video evidence etc.

If I was him I would have probably pleaded guilty to speeding, but not guilty to "racing". As said thought, depends on the evidence against him.

The way its written here:

For this brave act of helping the injured passenger Stephen now in Shrewsbury prison with a 5 year sentence sitting on his shoulders and 3 year driving ban awaits him when he finally get's out. Surely this passes on the wrong message to follow motorists. I know for a fact I would now think twice about stopping at a crash scene to help. I like my freedom like anyone else. If Stephen hadn't shown maturity and compassion he would surely be a free man right now.
...makes it sound like the reason he got nicked was because he stopped - i.e. if he buggered off he would have got off and never been prosecuted.

I hate to say it, but the argument of "they weren't racing because the car with less power was in front" is complete tosh to be honest. Just because he didn't decide to overtake doesn't mean he wasn't racing. The SX is a renowned car for being a b*tch to handle in the wet, I know I wouldn't want to push one over 90 in "absolutely appalllingly wet conditions".

I would assume the video evidence shows them "racing" as I can't see any other reason why he could get prosecuted for that.

01-11-05, 03:43 PM
when you crash its your fault no one elses unless the hit each other. Who gives a shit if they were racing its the problem of the guy that crashed an no one elses.

Everyday i get more an more pissed off by this incredibly shit country

01-11-05, 04:28 PM
he did pleed guilty to speeding. but there was no video evidence. he was travaling some distance back from the fiesta aswell.

01-11-05, 05:43 PM
Says they had video evidence of him "racing". If they didn't, then sorry this sounds harsh but he was a numbnuts to plead guilty! Also he must have been charged with "Death by Dangerous Driving" (i.e. being the cause of the crash) as a speeding charge won't land you with a prison sentence, where as death by dangerous driving will put you away for up to 10 years and an obligatory minimum ban of two years.

Incidentally, "Dangerous Driving" only carries a two year max prison sentence, so clearly they considered his driving to be the cause of the Fiesta crash and resulting deaths.

Question is, would the fiesta have crashed if the SX wasn't there? Unfortunately the courts see it that if the SX wasn't present, the Fiesta wouldn't have had anyone to race so would have driven along at a safe 60-70mph. Obviously :roll: No consideration of the duff tyre blowing being the cause of the crash, not the "racing". But then you can't send a dead driver to prison and make a public example of him.

Would have been interesting to see details of the prosecution to see what he was charged for and what evidence they did have.

01-11-05, 05:58 PM
If he was far enough behind to witness it and not get caught up, then he did not interfere with the car. They may have been racing but that was the choice of the fiesta as well, so getting done for racing and speeding maybe but not what he got.

01-11-05, 06:10 PM
Doesn't state how far behind - just says "far enough to witness". I could witness a crash from 2 metres behind the car ahead... (so long as it didn't crash into me :lol:)

He could also have backed off for the "well known" dip? Its not a case of whether he interfered with the car; enticing him to race is cause enough in the eyes of the law.

If the Fiesta driver had survived then he would have been charged with racing and etc as well. However, if he had crashed and killed his passenger, then no doubt he would be charged with Death by Dangerous Driving, but would the SX driver also be charged on the same offence?

01-11-05, 07:14 PM
you have hit the nail on the head there jack.

when you consider the information that we have been supplied with could be the bear minimum information.

and it is obviously aimed at other people being sympathetic to his ordeal. so its going to be a wee bit biased.

his sentence is not nice by any means, but.

either way you look at it.

90mph in awfull driving conditions is dangerous driving.