View Full Version : happy halloween!! lol

31-10-05, 08:38 PM
happy halloween people! im goin in ma m8s nova to cause sum destruction with eggs and maccy ds sauce lol gona be well funny!!

31-10-05, 08:46 PM
i hate halloween sponging pikeys bangin on your door wanting sweets

little sods i givem FU.CK ALL

31-10-05, 08:48 PM
i dont want sweets these days, cos da cant buy da fagz wit dat

31-10-05, 09:16 PM
happy halloween people! im goin in ma m8s nova to cause sum destruction with eggs and maccy ds sauce lol gona be well funny!!
yuo iz wikkid bruv, big up nuff respekt m8

And they wonder why nova drivers are stereotyped as chavs :roll:

31-10-05, 09:18 PM
happy halloween people! im goin in ma m8s nova to cause sum destruction with eggs and maccy ds sauce lol gona be well funny!!

You son are a class A chav...

Noone cares k? Suicide might be something you wont fail at. So please do fuck off and save us the hassle of telling you in the future.

Anyway, happy halloween guys... I gave some kid a rotten banana and started spazz dancing for 2 more kids who came. Gave them 2 a apple and a handful of frosties :D

31-10-05, 09:20 PM
Gave them 2 a apple and a handful of frosties :D

pmsl :lol: :lol:

31-10-05, 09:22 PM
You son are a class A chav...

Razorjack // Kazeras on their way... says:
sorry but that guy is a class A chav

Stealing my phrases, huh? :lol:

31-10-05, 09:23 PM
you loved it epo...

They looked at me as if i was some deformed mutant dropped on earth. Im like ''Happy halloween kids bye''. And they just stood their thinking ''what the fuck has he given us?'' :lol:

31-10-05, 09:26 PM
You son are a class A chav...

Razorjack // Kazeras on their way... says:
sorry but that guy is a class A chav

Stealing my phrases, huh? :lol:

so? sue me

31-10-05, 09:28 PM
its the funniest thing ive heard in ages cant wait till next holloween it'll be a cerial fest

31-10-05, 09:32 PM
lmfao I now have a mental image of kids crunching on raw weetabix :lol:

31-10-05, 09:42 PM
its the funniest thing ive heard in ages cant wait till next holloween it'll be a cerial fest

Glad it amused you epo :P

Should be funny.. Im usually nice to the kids since they are far and few between since i live in the middle of no where. But the toffee apples looked nice so i kept them and gave them some frosties instead.

Next year it will be some coco pops and maybe a handful of sugar :lol:

31-10-05, 09:46 PM
lol thats an idea a bag of suger each the kids would wizz their t.its off :lol:

31-10-05, 10:42 PM
happy halloween people! im goin in ma m8s nova to cause sum destruction with eggs and maccy ds sauce lol gona be well funny!!

as the phrase goes.

your a TOOL

01-11-05, 12:15 AM
Yes a Fu'cking inbred SPANNER

best thing you can do is get a Rover Metrot or Rover 25 and MG kit it,thats what chav's do best!!

01-11-05, 02:20 AM
Yes a Fu'cking inbred SPANNER

best thing you can do is get a Rover Metrot or Rover 25 and MG kit it,thats what chav's do best!!

Scott owned him, Like to the stage of him sitting by his pc gashing his wrists open and crying over that comment.

Scott gets the award of ''I owned a chav via the net''

Here you go scott Big respect


01-11-05, 10:18 PM
i dont care what u all say im no chav...its rudeboy!! and dont dis ma nova cuz im not puttin anything so fuckin stupid on it leavin it as it is so u can all go crash or sum shit

01-11-05, 10:50 PM
i dont care what u all say im no chav...its rudeboy!! and dont dis ma nova cuz im not puttin anything so f**k stupid on it leavin it as it is so u can all go crash or sum s**t

no one is disagreeing with you about your car.

its the whole "i'm a rudeboy" approach to it.
i am going to throw some eggs and maccy d's sauces at people.

if you did that around here, expect to be caught/run down and beaten to a pulp.

and i think what everyone who has posted on this post is trying to say.


01-11-05, 10:52 PM
^ took the words right out of my mouth, thats pretty much word for word exactly what I was about to say :lol:

Damn... now I'm starting to feel like Jim :o

01-11-05, 10:56 PM
ay coz dat wud be fuking wikkid if we all did dat innit!

Fuking daft coont i'm a rudeboy BO! and 69r pmsl!!!! only cos every bird u ever meet prefers ur knob to ya face!!

what sticking anything on your nova got to do with it, you'd still be a chav if you owned a solid gold one!!!

go stick a bottle up your arse you lil jumped up tw@t


01-11-05, 11:02 PM
ay coz dat wud be fuking wikkid if we all did dat innit!

Fuking daft coont i'm a rudeboy BO! and 69r pmsl!!!! only cos every bird u ever meet prefers ur knob to ya face!!

what sticking anything on your nova got to do with it, you'd still be a chav if you owned a solid gold one!!!

go stick a bottle up your a*** you lil jumped up tw@t


i think thats a little too harsh that fella. you are now having a personal dig at the lad and you dont know him.

a bit unfair.

i can say he's being sad as his actions are sad.

01-11-05, 11:04 PM
ay coz dat wud be fuking wikkid if we all did dat innit!

Fuking daft coont i'm a rudeboy BO! and 69r pmsl!!!! only cos every bird u ever meet prefers ur knob to ya face!!

what sticking anything on your nova got to do with it, you'd still be a chav if you owned a solid gold one!!!

go stick a bottle up your a*** you lil jumped up tw@t


i think thats a little too harsh that fella. you are now having a personal dig at the lad and you dont know him.

a bit unfair.

i can say he's being sad as his actions are sad.

cos you've never had a dig lol!!

I thought it was funny!

02-11-05, 12:59 PM
i dont care what u all say im no chav...its rudeboy!! and dont dis ma nova cuz im not puttin anything so f**k stupid on it leavin it as it is so u can all go crash or sum s**t
by definition writing like your a spacca and mentally retarded, in order to make yourself look "propa sick" and get "maximum respecta" makes you a chav. Please feel free to correct me though and if you do dont write like twat otherwise i will just laugh at you some more.

02-11-05, 06:59 PM
Halloween is shit, its a yank thing

02-11-05, 07:16 PM
Fuking daft coont i'm a rudeboy BO! and 69r pmsl!!!! only cos every bird u ever meet prefers ur knob to ya face!!

Im sorry but thats the funnyest thing ive read in ages... :lol:

And yeah agree with mike it's all USA GAY

02-11-05, 07:28 PM
Fuking daft coont i'm a rudeboy BO! and 69r pmsl!!!! only cos every bird u ever meet prefers ur knob to ya face!!

Im sorry but thats the funnyest thing ive read in ages... :lol:

lol! y thank you