View Full Version : leds or brighter bulbs 4 nova dials

30-10-05, 08:18 PM
does any 1 know if other vaux bulbs r a straight swap an if any r brighter than others

or if u can buy led replacements went 2 maplins but they said they dont do em

30-10-05, 08:28 PM
motorworld do them but they are rather pricey!!

very bright though!

30-10-05, 09:11 PM
how much do motor world sell them for r they leds or halgeon bulbs

30-10-05, 09:13 PM
i do beleive they are leds mate!

i myself havent bought any but i no my mate has (gingersnaps)

i think they were between ?5-?7 but that was only for a pair!!!! :o :o

30-10-05, 09:46 PM
you can get super bright leds from EBAY that walk all over the maplins crap

might be worth havin a search make sure no matter what colour u get theyt are at least 10,000 MCD they'll be plenty bright enough

of course they won't be a straight swap...

30-10-05, 10:06 PM
Forget the motorworld/ebay crap items, been there done that.

These are the ones you want for dash leds:

This is the blue version on my dash
That hasn't been edited, they really are that bright - mainly because they're properly diffused, normal "super bright" leds only shine forward so are pretty patchy in a dash.

They're capless 501 style so a direct swap. Bear in mind they aren't that good with heat - I've already has a couple melt and short out on me (can now remove the Celica dash facia, replace the bulbs and refit in about 15 mins in the dark lmao) so might be worth getting a couple spares just in case.

01-11-05, 09:00 PM
the cellica dash looks good because its back lit

but nova dials arent does any 1 have pics of any different bulbs in novas do they make alot of difference due 2 dash not being back light