View Full Version : To the back teeth.

28-10-05, 05:39 PM
I,m fed up . This lark called modern life - its a load of soapy T*t w*nk. After working for a pittance ( and having a new boss - Mein Herr ) and then spending it all on such things as insurance , mortage , tv liscence ( I could go on ) I,m now begining to realise that this material life does not make for a happy rabbit . I,ve tried all the normal outlets like telly , sports, booze , pornography , even meditation , to try to find "where its at " and "the meaning of life ". And still its evaded me .
After hours of torrid thought and dribbling , Ive come to the conclusion ,that maybe its time to sell the Nova , grow my hair back , get myself a van , and live life on the road - as a new age traveller , I believe they are called . Alas , there is one thing that holds me back from this life changing dilema . It happens this weekend and is managed by some people called Mean time - they live in Grenwich , or some other german sounding part of the world . We have to put the clocks back , say goodbye to summer ( she was here in multitude on Thursday ) and head back into the dark cold days of winter....so I,ll not be living the road life as of Saturday...maybe I,ll feel diferent come March when the clocks return to normal - or I,ll still be fed up to the back teeth.
Bye summer .....

I must get a lead light for any tinkling with the Nova......

28-10-05, 05:50 PM
to try to find "where its at "
Have you tried Belize? Personally I've never been there

28-10-05, 06:00 PM
No old chap I havent , I have a terrible fear of the Welsh you see........

28-10-05, 06:03 PM
come northern scotland rabbit... peaceful, fresh air, bagpipes and nice sceanary(sp)?

Ill take u the tour of northern scotland lol

28-10-05, 06:08 PM
Could be the answear I,m looking for .....up north ...gotta be better than the race us Southerens are competing in - and its run by a rat......I think an evening in the company of Mr Special Brew is needed .........gotta go "check my dealer " a Mr Singh - at the corner shop emporium for a draw of this fine beverage...

28-10-05, 06:12 PM
its nice up here jim i think you would like a visit up here alot... Since ive lived up here so long like im a 12 minute walk from the beach... And it is very very nice and relaxing also see the F1 fighter jets going over the sea to Lossiemouth where they do practice bombing range..

Nice area.
Look up Dornoch on google :lol:

28-10-05, 06:33 PM
will do ...

as for the subject of putting the clocks back , which I earlier touched on ...I,ve found the reason this happens - Firework night. Bluddy things cant be seen during daylight hours , in fact thats why so many people seem to let em off all october in practice, to get the timing right - its like WW3 round ere at the mo !!

28-10-05, 06:41 PM
In bristol they have street battles with fireworks lol

28-10-05, 08:49 PM
This I fear may be a question of age creeping upon me , but - were the fireworks we had as kids as loud as todays ??

We thought airbombs to be the loudest thing going , but todays sound sub atomic......

28-10-05, 08:59 PM
In bristol they have street battles with fireworks lol
When i left Halfrauds this evening there were kids setting off fireworks in the KFC drive through!!! :lol:

Halfruads in Belize BTW. That's where i live now. I dont know where i am though, so cant find my way back to brizzle :cry:

Sickrabbit, don't go up North because all the men up there prefer it down South, if you know what i mean, *hint hint* *wink wink* :lol:

28-10-05, 09:00 PM
They are well loud nowadays. I get a rocket thats are basically a bomb on a stick and then bury it at the bottom of the garden pointing downwards. Then set it off. Now thats LOUD!
The windows on the house rattle and you can physically feel the blast.

One year I managed to excavate a 3 foot hole using this method and then put a wooden door over the top. The blast was such that the door went about 7 foot straight up :twisted:

The only problem was that my dad was going to try and surf the bloody thing, we had to basically kick his ass off of it, fruit cake!

28-10-05, 09:06 PM
Clearly you have far too much time on your hands :lol:

28-10-05, 10:54 PM
...the KFC drive through...

they.... exist!!!!!

my life is complete!!!!

how good is that we don't have fkc drive throughs round ere at all!!

29-10-05, 09:07 AM
Some little snot set an almighty bangin firework off at 5.10 ( mean time ) am this morning...there always has to be one " I,ll be the first " sort of thing , just as some silly berk will let one off in the middle of February , for showing offs sake . If I caught the little gimp who done it this morning I,d give em a lesson in violence and kick em in the family allowance.....

After reading this , it struck me what a moaning old git I,ve become . In light of this relevation , and the fact that this is a probably a site viewed mainly by the more intelligent sex ( blokes girls - just in case like ) I reckon it,d be a good venture to have a rant of the week threadas I,m sue theres a few Meldrew like chaps on here ....
Whats everyones opinion on this matter ??
Time to vent spleen...?


29-10-05, 11:33 AM
They are well loud nowadays. I get a rocket thats are basically a bomb on a stick and then bury it at the bottom of the garden pointing downwards. Then set it off. Now thats LOUD!
The windows on the house rattle and you can physically feel the blast.

One year I managed to excavate a 3 foot hole using this method and then put a wooden door over the top. The blast was such that the door went about 7 foot straight up :twisted:

The only problem was that my dad was going to try and surf the bloody thing, we had to basically kick his ass off of it, fruit cake!

What ridiculous and stupidly mass irrasponcable behaviour!!

Cant wait to gets some and try it :lol:


29-10-05, 11:34 AM
ur moaning old **** aint u :lol:

29-10-05, 10:14 PM
Oh here we go - lets get the age one in ......cant be called a young c**t can we ..? After all many a good tune can be played on an old fiddle.
The youth of today - now in my day it was far more different ...fireworks were a luxory to be used in celebration of the late Mr Forkes ( and not for blowing the feck out of your most hated nieghbour ...but we did it all the same . Didnt you .
Looking back on my youth , I did get envolved in some spiteful pranks that must have etched themselves onto the poor folks memories who they were aimed at .

A firm favourite was to place at least 3 weetabix in a jug , cover with milk , orange squash and ginger . Whisk . Finish off with vinegar and salad cream to curdle - presto instant vomit , stinking in bile !!

If some fecker had,ve poured this lot thru my letter box ( like my brother and I did on several old next doors ) , I,d still be wonderin what sort of oaf vomits thru letter boxes ,and what I,d done to deserve it when the street is cleansed by hungry dogs and infant children.

I rest my case .

30-10-05, 10:15 AM
in my day
You know you're old when you use that phrase :lol:

30-10-05, 12:36 PM
Right , me laddo !! I,ll be round your hoose with a gallon of the stuff - lol !!

In truth tho mate , I,ll bet I,m the oldest member on Novaloaf.
38 yrs young .

30-10-05, 07:21 PM
Age is as old as you feel......

grab a granny...!!

07-11-05, 06:51 PM
No more working for mein herr....i threw me keys in and now am jobless.......it made perfect sense at the time to tell em to shove it , but now the panik is setting in....Mortgages ......scarey things.

07-11-05, 07:49 PM
Ouch, a bad monday I guess :cry:
One bright little thought though, your not the oldest member of NL CP is. I dunno how old but older than you :P
Now go butt the wall for quitting without another job to go to!!!

Seriously though - I hope you get a job soon. You don't want to miss morgage payments.

10-11-05, 03:20 PM
all i gotta say is wheres the werther originals?? if anyone gets what im saying :? ) :lol: :lol: :lol:

10-11-05, 05:02 PM
Havent a clue what youre on about , old boy ...arent those sweeties prefered by fiddie kiddlers ??