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View Full Version : Low groaning from front end

26-10-05, 11:59 AM
I recently had the bearings and cv gaiters done on my car cus it sounded awful. Its been brilliant for the last few weeks but all of a sudden yesterday it has started making another low groaning noise from the front of the car whenever i go above ?30

Its a different sound to the one when my bearings and joints had gone, any ideas what the problem might be, before I take it into a garage???

26-10-05, 03:24 PM
sure your rims arent catching your front legs or something? other than that, take of one of the wheels an av a butchers at the whole situ

26-10-05, 10:12 PM
Possibly your gearbox starting to go dry? Try changing gear when the moaning starts and see if it goes away. You might have something caught in your brakes. Could also be that the garage didnt set your camber correctly when they put the suspension back together and its eaten the new bearings already, but i doubt it.

Alternatively, you might have a woman caught under one of the arches.

27-10-05, 12:33 PM
Well turns out its at least another 2 wheel bearings plus possibly my gear box.

Bit of a twat really, gonna cost over ?400 if its is both.

27-10-05, 01:08 PM
tranny whine will USUALLY stop if its not under any load

dip the clutch and disengage gear and if the noise remains its most likely the wheel bearings

if it goes away it could be the clutch release bearing, gearbox bearings or diff.

27-10-05, 01:58 PM
Well getting the wheel bearings done as we speak so will find out after they are done whether its the gearbox or not, cant get it done for another week or so due to needing the car for work, so will figure out what to do in that time.

27-10-05, 05:16 PM
Well he did both wheel bearings but the noise is still there so reckon its the bearings in the gearbox.

Anyone else had this problem before?? how much should I be looking at to get it repaired??

28-10-05, 12:01 AM
try putting your foot under the clutch pedal and lifting it up, see if the noise goes away

28-10-05, 11:07 AM
No noise doesnt go away, and after replacing two wheel bearings the noise is still there.

Getting new gearbox fitted on monday and as long as the noise goes away then I wont really be that bothered. I dont think I am getting taken for a ride by the garage as I know quite a few people that say he is very honest.

28-10-05, 08:38 PM
are you fitting as new clutch and thrust bearing at the same time? Worthwhile when the box is out.