View Full Version : ooops one less cav (pics added)

22-10-05, 10:54 AM
yup early this morning just trundling along as you do and hit a patch of something slippy, result i here you say? well, not a panel left untouched after rolling it through a field 6-7 times, the battery now lives halfway along from were i started rolling accompanied by the air filter so at least it aint lonely lol. Twas just one of them things just a pain in the backside.

Me personally i have a couple of small stitches in 2 knuckles, minor cuts and bruises, a black eye and an ear the size of america :lol: :lol:

I'll get some pics up after i have picked it up tomorrow :wink:

22-10-05, 11:09 AM
your bothering to pick it up? :o

22-10-05, 11:14 AM
Our very own crash test dummy.

We are expecting a full saftey write up for our folk on migweb mate.

La laaaa la laaaa!!! (remember the song) ?? lol

anyhow main thing your in 1 peice matey!!! :twisted:

22-10-05, 11:19 AM
glad ur ok

22-10-05, 11:33 AM
good job you were already an ugly **** :lol:

22-10-05, 11:49 AM
As said on pvg mate,lucky your ok and all,sound like a dam big adrenaline rush!


22-10-05, 11:57 AM

Its no. 6 on the "to do" list for all rally drivers. Barrell roll thru hedge into field - extra points awarded for artistic impression and the number of rolls!

Bit disappointed you didn't get the coppers to turn it back over so you could carry on :lol:

Russ will be proud of you - you can now go drinking with the rally boys free of the fear of being called a soft pussy. Plus without a roll cage as well - hard core :lol:

22-10-05, 12:09 PM
Plus without a roll cage as well - hard core

Thats a good point,must see the car now mate,come on pics please..


22-10-05, 12:21 PM
being dragged out 2moz as farmer is at races so will hopefully get em up by 2moz night

shy witness
22-10-05, 03:22 PM
sounds nasty...........at least no one woz seriously hurt ...........

thats the main thing..............

22-10-05, 07:08 PM



22-10-05, 07:15 PM
mr farmer will be ahppy having to re seed that bit lol

maybe a new trend of soil filled alloys :D

22-10-05, 07:21 PM
Fuc-kin hell, that looks nasty!! Glad you got out of it ok!!

22-10-05, 07:23 PM
top job that dan.

i'll give you 5/10

if you did a roll nose to tail then you get more points.

but as all have said, glad you are ok. thats the main thing

22-10-05, 07:23 PM

22-10-05, 07:23 PM
perfect oppertunity to underseal the bottom of it. Much easier when its upside down! :lol:

22-10-05, 07:31 PM
you'll do anything to get a day off you.

why dont you just take holidays like every one else.

no need to go to the extreme dan.

22-10-05, 07:32 PM
I'm still waiting for that ohhh so old joke...

22-10-05, 07:35 PM
rotflmfao, homo's hahaha

22-10-05, 07:45 PM

Been giving the problem of what to replace it with some thought.

]Hmm lets see - you need it for towing, going to rally's, carrying the kids about, something a little slower than the cav (seeing as you cant be trusted with speed) ... oh yeah and summink that goes well across fields as you obviously are into taking short cuts lololol

Got it! Mk1 Landy! ROTFLMAO!!!!

22-10-05, 07:48 PM
i was thinking you were going to say a tractor.

i can see dan driving one of those in his old faithfull pj's (ass out too, ohh he already does that)

22-10-05, 07:58 PM
a MK2 challenger tank would be more his thing.

22-10-05, 08:05 PM
Like I said earlier Dan, glad you're ok.


22-10-05, 08:11 PM
Something he cant break! ffs!

Possibly a armour plated hummer or summat.
I think he may need pass plus lessons now looking at that !
Anyhow the wheels look ok mate. how much you looking for??? lmao


22-10-05, 08:13 PM
Something he cant break! ffs!

Possibly a armour plated hummer or summat.
I think he may need pass plus lessons now looking at that !
Anyhow the wheels look ok mate. how much you looking for??? lmao

already asked about the wheels chris lmao

22-10-05, 11:02 PM
10/10 for effort 6/10 for making a mess of the farmers field.looks bad tho least u got away with minor injurys

22-10-05, 11:15 PM
:o Blimey mate doesnt look good at all. And you got away with cuts and bruises!

23-10-05, 02:42 AM
:lol: shit me your one luck mother fooker,you did get off very easy on that one!

Least your ok though mate,must have been such a rush though! :P

23-10-05, 10:00 AM
Fuck me Dan you don't do things by half do you!
Glad your ok. A passenger would have got a headache though.
I think a rollcage would be in order for the replacement car ;)

23-10-05, 10:44 AM
bloody hell dan, glad your ok mate

23-10-05, 10:46 AM
fuck that bad glad ur ok

23-10-05, 11:33 AM
now we know why you have a mower engined nova, couldnt be trusted with a fast one :lol:

23-10-05, 02:14 PM
now we know why you have a mower engined nova, couldnt be trusted with a fast one :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

As i said on MSN you own 2 cars 1 with ROLL cage and one without, so what one do you roll? :roll:

23-10-05, 02:33 PM
Well thats not the best way to plough a field...

glad you got out ok Dan, looks pretty nasty :?

I'm still waiting for that ohhh so old joke...
"Its alreet, it'll T-Cut out" :lol:

23-10-05, 08:16 PM
fooking hell you were very lucky indeed

23-10-05, 08:22 PM
:o glad you were relativly unhurt mate

23-10-05, 11:14 PM
WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT, talk about pain in the backside, felt a twang in me little finger today so thought oh dear the stitch has pulled out me knuckle.

Goes down the hospital this evening (been working all day) and they tell me i snapped a tendon or summin so have to have an op tomorrow ffs. So i feel ok, nowt hurts, just a slight droop on little finger and they gonna cut me up grrrrr.

Talk about annoyed lol, never mind will be back at work tues now instead

23-10-05, 11:16 PM
Doubt it if you have an op on your tendons you will be in physio for a while.

23-10-05, 11:26 PM
trust me mate, popped into local hosp to get stitch checked (as i thought) and got referred straight to glos. Been up to see doc there and the bed is booked but they let me home cos wont be until after 8am lol, taking some tablets now just to make sure no infection kicks in, then have to be dropped off at 8am. bugger of a doc drawn on me arm already lmfao

(if not a tendon then whatever allows you to move fingers up and down)

24-10-05, 12:27 AM
Bloody Hell dan. must be people i know called Dan..... one of my mates just wrote off his Focus...and he's called dan....... *que strange but true music!*

glad nothing too major came of it.... if you can call a snapped tendon major.

24-10-05, 01:47 PM
Bloody hell. A luckey escape there by the looks of things!

Lady luck was deffo on your side!

24-10-05, 06:50 PM
Dan when i lost my index finger i obviously cut through all ligaments and tendons, bones etc...

The hardest bit to get to work again is the tendons hence why my finger is curled over, i had phsyio everyday for 6 months and then 3 times a week for the next 3 months,

Not saying your going to go through that but it took me 3 months before i could lift a glass of water and 9 months to lift a kettle.

Tendons arent nice.

24-10-05, 10:46 PM
well all done now, talk about wait, was in at 8am like asked, went in for surgery at 7.45 pm ffs, starving hungry and dying of thirst. The drug guy came to see me first and didnt share the same humour, when told it would be a general and not a local jab i agreed incase i stabbed him back lolol, he just smirked nervously and agreed general would be best.

anywho, tis sorted now and have a gay plaster thing on my wrist for a few weeks, twas alot of messing as i still had 90% function apart from lifting it that last bit but worth doing end of the day. gotta go back in 2 weeks just for a check up etc.

24-10-05, 11:06 PM
jesus dan! :o

your one lucky fella!!! 8)

top points for the wreckage tho :twisted:

25-10-05, 12:08 AM
so thats 2 weeks off.

lazy sod

25-10-05, 08:36 PM
Blimey, that cav bit you back then.

Youll be pointing again in no time no doubt LOL

Give it some rev
27-10-05, 10:18 PM
erm. . . . . . how fast were u going again??????

27-10-05, 10:57 PM
erm. . . . . . how fast were u going again??????

Before he left the road,or while fliping in the air?? :lol:

Give it some rev
27-10-05, 11:03 PM
lol sorry, well just before he left the road.

at least he got free airmiles when he took off lol.


Rick Draper
28-10-05, 12:06 AM

28-10-05, 02:39 PM
Dan has a massive accident and hurts a pinky... sounds about right!!

Unlucky dude.. at least you got rid of one more Chavalier from the world.. lolol

03-11-05, 01:32 PM
lmfao at replies, soz for delayed one from me, was off rallying at weekend so a report to come from that. also sacked me job in and walked onto pastures new so had a few things to sort.

The last look at the speedo was 65mph, but obv when it started to slide i just did the normal to recover it so god knows what speed i actually rolled at. When asked by the police what happened i told them how it was, they just replied best option and nowt more could be done. Only odd thing was they didnt even do a breath test on me or owt which i thought was compulsary in the event of an accident be it involving others or not

03-11-05, 01:37 PM
lmfao at replies, soz for delayed one from me, was off rallying at weekend so a report to come from that. also sacked me job in and walked onto pastures new so had a few things to sort.

The last look at the speedo was 65mph, but obv when it started to slide i just did the normal to recover it so god knows what speed i actually rolled at. When asked by the police what happened i told them how it was, they just replied best option and nowt more could be done. Only odd thing was they didnt even do a breath test on me or owt which i thought was compulsary in the event of an accident be it involving others or not

yup there suppose breath test u!!! cause they breath tested me when i crashed other month