View Full Version : f20 in a nova

19-10-05, 06:30 PM
i've just fitted the xe aith an f20 box.

what linkgage should i use the f20 or the f13 of the nova 'box.

do i need to unbolt the linkgage from the top of the f13 box and swap with the f20 box.??

any one got any ideas

20-10-05, 08:25 AM
You use the F20 linkage mate.
The white plastic knuckle on linkage cumin out of the box, take out the pin, turn it 180degrees and put pin back in.

That should do it.

Hope this helps a little.

Rick Draper
20-10-05, 01:08 PM
Use the Nova linkage turn the plastic joint around and then put the pin through it to join it to the F20 linkage coming out of the box.

20-10-05, 01:56 PM
both replies say different things!!!

20-10-05, 02:02 PM
You use the Nova linkage. The white plastic bit in the fork on the gearbox needs to be turned around 180 degrees. You will need to cut off the small bit of plastic that prevents it tunring first.

20-10-05, 02:08 PM
I'am prop wrong.
Was long time ago sice i did it.
Sorry if i misled you.