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View Full Version : Full Re-Trim

31-01-01, 11:50 AM
does any one know how much a full interior re-trim will cost ie. rear seats, door cards, carpet, roof carpet, dash, ect.. thanks

31-01-01, 12:38 PM
I think if you go to Carisma or sum one, they will slowly pull down your pants and start to spank your arse with a big orange 'Tango' hand...

It will cost u a fair bit!


31-01-01, 02:40 PM
my mate got his nova done and it cost him around ?325 to get it done in vinyl!!!

31-01-01, 03:27 PM
In vinyl, are you sure ? I wouldn't like sitting on that in the hot weather !!

31-01-01, 04:36 PM
has any one got the website for carisma?

31-01-01, 05:40 PM
Not sure if they have one

31-01-01, 06:15 PM
they do have one , just go 2 a search engine and u will get the site....be warned they are fuckin dear

01-02-01, 12:29 PM
Brian there was a white polo with full white leather interior in redline a few months back. Apparently it was all done for ?850. I'll try and find out who did it and their number but you'll have to wait until tomorrow.

01-02-01, 02:08 PM
I was looking at getting a full leather re-trim, I've been quoted around ?800 for the whole of the interior, headrests, the lot. It depends on what material you want.

17-02-03, 06:57 PM
hope that helps mate :lol:

17-02-03, 07:44 PM
i know a good place in stockport, who did my roof. a guy called Rick & its his own private company - Auto Retrim. PM me if you want his number.

I'm sure he could do the seats & door cards too. Have a look at my pix to see how good it looks.

Ben (lurk75)
17-02-03, 11:00 PM
I can get the leather hides suitable for retrims for ?150 for a 7ft square peice.

PM if intrested.

18-02-03, 12:25 AM
I can get the leather hides suitable for retrims for ?150 for a 7ft square peice.

PM if intrested.

LMFAO he has a heard of cows ready for the slaughter!!! :lol:

18-02-03, 01:30 PM
I've been quoted ?800 - ?2000 in the past for a full re-trim. You won't get a price unless you start phoning round the companies themselves. A lot of the time they will need to see your car to be able to give you an acurate quote.


18-02-03, 02:28 PM

best interiors bar none- www.Mjinteriors.co.uk

Anyway- i did this myself...


Roll of alcantara
Lots of leather
Lots of skin lost from stitching.
The seats i retrimmed were free (cheers breeny mate)

Not really very expensive for me then.

But soo satisfying doing it myself. :lol: :D

18-02-03, 03:01 PM
Freak mate - how much did the materials cost you - roughly... i wouldnt mind a bash at doing my sr seats myself... might as well have a play while they not being used.

18-02-03, 05:25 PM
My option is cheapest I rekon! I didnt even do a retrim in full! Just get some glue called copydex for fabric! Stinks of fish!
Some hard wearing fabric and roll up edges and stick! Still on well now and looks mint!

Will try and get pics tomoz!


Ben (lurk75)
18-02-03, 05:27 PM
My option is cheapest I rekon! I didnt even do a retrim in full! Just get some glue called copydex for fabric! Stinks of fish!
Some hard wearing fabric and roll up edges and stick! Still on well now and looks mint!

Will try and get pics tomoz!



that is sodding hilarious, quality mate. proper blue peter stylee.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

18-02-03, 06:07 PM
Copydex haha. We used to use that at school. dont even stick 2 sheets of paper together lol.
u got any pictures whitey???

19-02-03, 11:30 AM
Ha im gonna be laughing in all your faces when u see my interior! I got pics from when it was first done in my white 1.2, still with mk1 headrests, but now it had mk2 headrests front and back!

My scanner is broken so I will goto a mates later and get them scanned coz i gotta prove a point here!

They arnt peeling off at all and still look mint! Copydex in large amounts works a dream even if it is fishy!

Promise it looks as good if not better than a retrim!

19-02-03, 12:20 PM
LMFAO copydex

ent heard that brand name for AGES

used to use it by the galon

19-02-03, 02:52 PM
Couldnt get to mates yet, will be going after work so the pics should be up this evening! You will be amazed at what you can do for like ?20 (glue and material)


19-02-03, 04:02 PM
If it looks any good i might ave a go at doin the middles of my sr seats lol. i dont like em.

19-02-03, 05:45 PM
For ?20 do a couple of lines of COCAINE (edited due to smart ass and i was tired when typing original) or a few pills and it might look good-otherwise its gonna look wank.

Stick on stuff :lol: pmsl

19-02-03, 06:55 PM
HA Freak im going over my mates to get these pics scanned now, you will be surprised! Obviously it aint leather or alcantra but it looks MINT! and is ?20

Ben (lurk75)
19-02-03, 07:24 PM
For ?20 do a couple of lines of crack or a few pills and it might look good-otherwise its gonna look w**k.

Lines of crack eh??
crack is small rocks hence the name rocks and cocaine is normally snorted in lines!

19-02-03, 10:26 PM
Heres the pic of my interior with the mk1 headrests in my old car! Cant say it doesnt look mint for good old fab and copydex and a ?20 note!


Whites :twisted:

19-02-03, 10:33 PM
Looks like a train seat.

19-02-03, 10:38 PM
You know what freak fcuk you! Just coz you spent a fcukin fortune getting your seats retrimmed!
Im only trying to help people who cant chuck away money and have the shockin normal nova interiors!

We will just see what everyone else has to say! And as you know, seeing it in person always looks better!

19-02-03, 10:46 PM
listen mate theres no need to get abusive towards people, just take it easy.
i was gonna comment on how good it looked for ?20 but i dont think i'll bother!!!!

19-02-03, 10:52 PM
Nah i aint gettin "abusive" just knew all along that freak would say that no matter how it looked and even he knows that! Bein playin it down sionce I mentioned how i did it! Sorry all, just dont appreciate it sometimes specially when im trying to help and save people money!

19-02-03, 10:58 PM
Fair enough mate. Well now we've got that out the way i think that looks quite good for ?20. depending on the quality of finish u get from it.
Where did u get the fabric from??

19-02-03, 11:05 PM
Just local fabric store, you know one of those that been there for like 100 years and you neva pay any attention to it!

Just went in there and asked the old woman for her hardest wearing fabric with a quality finish, she sorted me out with a few metres for like ?5, the glue cost the most since i used loads to be safe!

The finish is top, all you need to do is cut the fabric to 1 cm bigger on every side to the area you wanna stick and then iron a fold of just under 1cm.

Glue this area all around and in diaganols across the fabric and seat and in the little lines in the seat. Then just stick and rub the glue around.

Be sure not to get any or too much glue on the fabric otherwise its turps to get it off!

Hardest part is corners as you need to get the creasing right and stick it to the old fabric and not the vinyl crap coz the glue dont like that.

If you do it right, the fabric is right down inside the previous fabric where it joins and looks like a retrim.

It hasnt worn at all and its nearly 1 year since I did it. Little dirty since I havnt cleaned it but it is washable with carpet crap, or I could simply do it again.

Need any more information anyone then let me know! Takes practice, but not a biggy if you cock it up, just chuck that 50p bit of fabric away and start again!


(ade style answer) LOL

19-02-03, 11:10 PM
Sweet nice one mate, i dunno of any cheap old fabric shops round here tho that i can think of. hmmm never mind i'll find somewhere.
Where did u buy copydex from do they sell it in staples or summit???

19-02-03, 11:15 PM
Any hardware store, B&Q probably do, as do homebase! Get a Big tub with brush! More the better!

There is bound to be a fabric shop near you, if not then look on the net!

Just take your time if you do do it and plan ahead, like not to get glue on the ncie side coz BIATCH to get off, took me like 2 hours with turps on the first seat but looks fine now. Didnt do that to any of the others!

Dont use seats which you need incase you fcuk it completely! I wont be held responsible coz there is plenty of room for error if you are a complete muppet with no idea!

You should be fine though! :lol:

19-02-03, 11:20 PM
Stuff it im gonna do my seats while they are in my car lol. Im probably not gonna do it for a few months cos im SKINT. then again by the time i get some money i'll prolly just buy some Gsi seats anyways.
Cheers Mate

Ben (lurk75)
19-02-03, 11:22 PM
fair play to you, not something i would do, but you probably wouldnt do what i would, still think its funny as fcuk!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

im still laughing from the first post about it, when im bored at work just think of you slapping the glue on and stretching it over!

for the material go down a market.

19-02-03, 11:27 PM
It was funny as fcuk! Had old dear helping too! They are all fabric legends!
Took like 2 nights of a couple of hours, had to be done, sounds like cowboy job but aint, everyone always mentions it or nova drivers drive past when im not in car and then reverse and stare at it for a while! HA

It was either fag burns and tears on the ?5 gte interior or cover it nicely or leave the standard brown one in!!!

But i think it was a result, deffo good idea if you plan to get buckets or a leather retrim in time after you have more important things out the way!

20-02-03, 01:33 AM
Freak didn't spend a fortune, he did it himself.

Whitey - yea it looks alright.

But you can't beat a 'proper' leather re-trim. Look at it as an MR2 with a Ferarri kit, and an actual Ferarri. Which one would you have? No question (if money ain't a thing).

20-02-03, 11:39 AM
I asked earleir and got no reply - Freak how much did the fabric/leather cost you mate?

20-02-03, 04:32 PM
You know what freak fcuk you! Just coz you spent a fcukin fortune getting your seats retrimmed!
Im only trying to help people who cant chuck away money and have the shockin normal nova interiors!

Read my post again dipshit.

I did it myself. Did not cost me a fortune.
I could have had it pro trimmed- i have the money to do it ten times over, but i wanted to take pride in it and do it myself.


Commenting it looks like a train seat doesnt mean i think its bad- its merely an observation as it fuckin DOES look like a train seat.

Yes it looks 'different' but then so does covering your car interior in
leopard skin effect fabric or something.

Sticking it on is a bit naff really in my opinion- and as mentioned in numerous posts on here b4- a negative opinion is JUST AS VALID as a positive one.

Ram it :roll:

Mr Wood- replied to your PM re: materials.

Freak- old skool novaload and proud of it.

20-02-03, 04:41 PM
Read my post again dipshit.

I did it myself. Did not cost me a fortune.
I could have had it pro trimmed- i have the money to do it ten times over, but i wanted to take pride in it and do it myself.


Commenting it looks like a train seat doesnt mean i think its bad- its merely an observation as it fcuk DOES look like a train seat.

Yes it looks 'different' but then so does covering your car interior in
leopard skin effect fabric or something.

Sticking it on is a bit naff really in my opinion- and as mentioned in numerous posts on here b4- a negative opinion is JUST AS VALID as a positive one.

A few points...

1. Freak - enhance your calm :lol: You'll bust a blood vessel mate.
2. Before anyone asks, yes he really can afford it 10 times over... he really does have the money for it.
3. They do look a bit like GNER or Virgin train seats no getting away from it.

Just a little suggestion - once its glued in and everything like that why not then stitch down the edges to add some extra strength to it and stop the edges coming away over time? I know you've had yuors in 12 months now but eventually it will happen.

Oh and one more thing... cheers for teh PM Freak... much appreciated.

20-02-03, 04:48 PM
Pukka Mush

22-02-03, 12:00 AM
IF, if you can afford the cash there's only one way to do it. That's new front seats and rear re-trimmed to match.

http://vaux-md.net/novax/p2newtoys.jpgand before any smarta*se says anything..... it's not the Red seats :wink:

22-02-03, 12:13 AM
Ok here goes

Im sorry gonna have a moan
think its bang outta order to take the piss outta other peoples stuff.
whitey if u like ur seats then good i think they look good.Not everyone has fukin money to BRAG about. I surely havent. and if i did wouldnt rave on.
Money doesnt buy happiness and its not everything.
Novax ur stuff is sweet cost loads i know.
Sum peeps just have to have the next best thing.

Thumpers mum says "if u cant say something nice dont say nothing at all"

22-02-03, 02:56 AM
I can. Bling. Bling. Money ain't a thing.

22-02-03, 03:00 AM
Before anyone criticises me, i have this to say:

It takes a GREAT man to make another man feel small. But it takes a really great man to make another man feel good about themselves.

22-02-03, 01:29 PM
:mrgreen: :agrue:

22-02-03, 05:52 PM
couldnt agree more marty
nothing worse than a big head

22-02-03, 06:21 PM
Im sure having a big ass would be worse than having a big head-

worse than both would be big ears.

22-02-03, 06:30 PM
or a big nose

22-02-03, 06:33 PM
Well i have never seen either of you so dont know if these insults are directed at each other - but Freak if you are starting to be insulting on a personal level dont do it in the middle of a styling post mate, its taking things a bit too far.

Wanna insult each other, do it in a PM or show it all off in muppet corner.

22-02-03, 08:53 PM
Thank You Tilly - big kiss too ya!

Rite, everyone is valid to their own opinion, just their is a way of giving your opinion in the right way if it is negatuve!

Also, apology to freak, I read your post incorrectly, it looks nice and was cheap then! TOP Job! I was tempted to go afor a re-trim but it was too expensive even if I did it, expecially since I will be getting new seats once I save cash! - If i can!

As for the edges coming up, the answer is no! I tried this by pulling up one edge on purpose after doin the first seat and it ripped the old fabric on the way up, after pulling as hard as I could with both hands!
It does look nice when you see it in person and red isnt everyones colour! Mite look beeter to some in blue or yellow etc!

More comments positive or negative are welcome!


22-02-03, 08:58 PM
whaaaaayy! bitch fight! (jokely) nice reply to the insault Tilly! but it has to be said that kicking off about car seats is abit prickish. however game on. just go elsewhere

22-02-03, 08:59 PM

love all these words of wisdom,

Chris LR
23-02-03, 12:42 AM
I'm new to this post, I was expecting to see something to do with re-trimming????

23-02-03, 01:01 AM
yeah it was once uponatime then ......

23-02-03, 02:20 PM
ha post has slowly become MUPPETIZED!

23-02-03, 02:23 PM
Wisewood- Me and Tilly arent bitching at all- i have no idea if she has a big ass or big ears?

I do however have a big nose.......so now its personal.... :wink: :roll:

(the above is a JOKE)

No bitching here at all.

23-02-03, 10:19 PM
I actually didnt direct that at u but it was the 2nd big thing that entered my mind.


Ben (lurk75)
24-02-03, 12:23 AM
dipshit prickish just noticed these words slipped the filter and thought would give em a go :o

Chris LR
24-02-03, 12:25 AM
What a prat

Ben (lurk75)
24-02-03, 03:13 PM
What a prat

You cheecky little dipshit :!:

24-02-03, 05:26 PM

24-02-03, 05:30 PM
im planning on gettin me nanna to do my re trim in blue n blck leather. she works fittin leather to the suites so she can get materials cheep 8)

24-02-03, 05:49 PM
can she make me some leather hot-pants?

24-02-03, 05:54 PM
i'll make ye some :lol:

24-02-03, 06:32 PM
wooo! make him some with the front bit missin, easy access and all that!

im planning on gettin me nanna to do my re trim in blue n blck leather. she works fittin leather to the suites so she can get materials cheep 8)

have you got the SR seats?

24-02-03, 07:07 PM
i drive a civic so the ansa 2 ur q is no

24-02-03, 08:19 PM
Have them done in PVC! Wipe clean!

Ben (lurk75)
24-02-03, 10:45 PM
grrr bloody shadow again.

24-02-03, 11:19 PM
reckon if i asked ur gran very nicely she would do me a crotchless leather thong??? :lol: