View Full Version : pink nova

Kinky Monza
03-10-05, 11:14 AM
what is every ones veiw on pink novas :?:
i am trying to find the ultimate pink nova :lol:

03-10-05, 11:43 AM
just plz dont say the mingdom developments one if your ultimate pink nova!! lol.

im not a girl so i would say no to a pink nova lol

03-10-05, 11:46 AM
just look at most peoples red novas they look pink now :roll: :lol:

03-10-05, 11:47 AM

And you need to turn on the smilies in your posts... lol

03-10-05, 11:50 AM
here come all the red nova owners to have a go at me, cant beat a whitey!

03-10-05, 12:12 PM
I would like to remind users that the stunningly pretty and lush colour Mexico Red does not fade as badly as the crappy flame red... :lol:

03-10-05, 12:22 PM
still dont look better than white lol

03-10-05, 12:30 PM
I think you'll find star silver is the best nova colour ever created. Mexico red was purely created as a tactic to bring more Mexicans over to England so we could point and laugh at their silly hats.

03-10-05, 12:37 PM
I think you'll find star silver is the best nova colour ever created. Mexico red was purely created as a tactic to bring more Mexicans over to England so we could point and laugh at their silly hats.
I knew someone who was half mexican once, they weren't very red tho

03-10-05, 12:45 PM
But they obviously had a large influence on you-your head is bright red. And on fire. And you bought a silly coloured nova.

03-10-05, 12:57 PM
Correction I bought two fantastic coloured novas :lol:

My head has been on fire since 1997. Keeps the spiders at bay during the summer months.

03-10-05, 11:00 PM
here come all the red nova owners to have a go at me, cant beat a whitey!

atleast my partial red/ faded pink think has moved in the last 12 months.

get your finger out denny

stu and rick draper are almost finished there's.
you have no excuses.

03-10-05, 11:08 PM
what is it with girls wanting pink cars FFS its not like you have to live upto the stereotyping forced upon you lol

03-10-05, 11:18 PM
I recon girls likeing pink is a good thing,just think how bad your sex life would be if your nob was green,or blue? :lol:


03-10-05, 11:45 PM
didnt Tilly have a pink Nova?

04-10-05, 12:12 AM
Brefly as it was roten,theres a girl on turbonuters.com with a 2lt 8v as well.

04-10-05, 08:12 AM
There was a 5dr pink one for sale in Weymouth last summer

Kinky Monza
04-10-05, 07:20 PM
so guys hate em gals love em :!:
i dont care about colour any more i did want a pink one
but now have land rover
which is black :wink:

04-10-05, 07:58 PM
I prefer white cars cuz I think they look really smart when they've been cleaned and polished.

Kinky Monza
04-10-05, 10:16 PM
very true but i'd be forever washing it
as it would be covered in horse pooh :wink:

05-10-05, 06:00 PM
wot and a pink one wouldnt be?


Get a brown Nova if you cannae be anussed washing it!


A,B,C,D,E reg ones - loads of em (rotten to feck mind) - used to be the "in colour" back in the 80's - brown is the new black n that


Kinky Monza
05-10-05, 06:39 PM
i do wash my motor as i have posh clients
that turn up in their mercs and bm's
they dont like mucky cars :oops:

08-10-05, 07:29 PM
The one ya really want is mustard yellow :lol: 8)