View Full Version : 1.6 conversion

29-09-05, 04:43 PM
How easy is it to fit a Nova GSI 1.6 into another nova?

Do I need to do alot of wiring loom work?
would a corsa GSI engine be a better choice, both as its a 16v and it may possibly require less loom work?


29-09-05, 05:15 PM
A late gsi engine (c16se) is a right pain in the arse to wire up, as you have to strip out the engine loom from the main car loom.

A gte/early gsi engine (e16se) is simpler, as the loom is self contained.

I would go for a e16se, or swap the entire car look if fitting a c16se.

29-09-05, 05:47 PM
Thanks (AGAIN!) Long Live, is there any difference in performance or tuning capabilities on the two engines?

29-09-05, 05:51 PM
Thanks (AGAIN!) Long Live, is there any difference in performance or tuning capabilities on the two engines?
They are both 100bhp, but the c16se has a Cat, e16se dont.

Most people say the c16se is a better engine.
But its harder to wire up, and harder to find.

Where e16se are easier to find and wire/fit.