View Full Version : wet flootwell at driversside

17-09-05, 05:24 PM
cant find any rust or grommets missing in bulk head scuttle panel is filled wash jets r sealed with silicone theres a hole in the bulk head near batterey 4 drainage were does this cum out it miust b this or can water go through the heater in to the matrix cover ? the water is only at driver side

17-09-05, 07:49 PM
You've probably got a hole in the battery tray then, in the metalwork under the battery like.


17-09-05, 11:29 PM
cant find any rust or grommets missing in bulk head scuttle panel is filled wash jets r sealed with silicone theres a hole in the bulk head near batterey 4 drainage were does this cum out it miust b this or can water go through the heater in to the matrix cover ? the water is only at driver side

i think the drainage holes come out of the inner wing mate, it definately sounds like the battery tray mate, best bet is taking the battery out and the plastic tray, the battery sit on, and give the metal base a good inspection :wink:

my nova had the same problem

womble sri
17-09-05, 11:48 PM
have you checked the heating system cos my rad went in the heating matrix and it was dripping water in both footwells

18-09-05, 12:38 AM
most likely battery tray.

get the whole area cutt out and welded properly, then invest in some form of protective tray to go in the battery area.

Do it properly and it'l stay away

18-09-05, 01:43 PM
remove ed battery an the tray beat the fuck out of it with screw driver it didnt make 1 hole so cant b that think it could b matrix bbut surly booth foot wells would b wet

womble sri
18-09-05, 05:26 PM
take her for a spin open up the vents, put the heat up and see if you start to get stemy windows try puttin the fans on and off check for smoke/steam comun through the vents and fron the back of the engine where the rad connects up to the water system its a bit of a fucker to change

18-09-05, 06:39 PM
i had this problem and it was under the bit that you bolt the battery
bracket to, if you look at it there's a little bit of box section that goes from
the bulk head to the threaded bit that you bolt the bracket to,
maybe get your head and a torch down to it and have a look or poke it
with a screwdriver and see how it feels
i only found this a couple of days ago on mine so dont know if ive sealed
the ends properly to see if it is that

hope this helps mate

18-09-05, 09:34 PM
Its either the battrey tray or a small bit of rust at the bottom of the Windscreen where the rubber meets the metal work. Either way, get it sorted soon as possible.

21-09-05, 12:54 AM
check the indicator grommets!

My passengver side footwell used to get dsoaked coz water used to run in from the holes where the side indicator light cables ran into the cabin. These are located way up the sides of the dash.

Alternatively, check all gomets leading from cabin to the engine bay.

Also - remove carpet, check for runs to locate source - could be heater matrix maybe?

21-09-05, 12:50 PM
Dude, do you have a tilt and slide sun roof?

on my GSi i have and i have found what i think to be drain pipes to all for corners of the roof which run down and exit the car at floor level.... if one of those isnt seated properly that might cause the prob. or as said before battery tray....or is the bonnet hinges rusting where they join the car under the scuttle panel... could be that your screen seal may have gone.... long shot thou.