View Full Version : !!WARNING!! TAS Motorsport

16-09-05, 11:13 PM
Hi All, hope your keeping well.

It might be old news to some of you, or the more watchful of this site may already know. But I have had it confirmed today that whilst it appears TAS are still trading on internet and via catalogues and such like, they are actualy recently ceased trading.

Be very careful if you have ordered anything and try and get any money back before the recievers do.

Like I said, it came up in a meeting today and I havent been on the site for a while so I don't know if its old news, just passing on a message - dont shoot the messenger if it is!

All the best


16-09-05, 11:14 PM

16-09-05, 11:19 PM
Christ they went under a while ago, bit naughty to keep the website up and running, bet there is a lot of unhappy people out there.

16-09-05, 11:36 PM
Christ they went under a while ago, bit naughty to keep the website up and running, bet there is a lot of unhappy people out there.

Still accepting orders too :lol:

17-09-05, 12:56 AM
they went under then restarted afaik

17-09-05, 10:49 AM
i know they went under a while ago, but didnt know they had restarted or carried on like that.

Rick Draper
17-09-05, 11:17 AM
They went under the other year and have iirc just gone bust again.

17-09-05, 05:02 PM
Mike any gen on that bulk head cover thing i paid ?40 at trax 3 years ago?

17-09-05, 05:07 PM
lmao, dont let this get into a slagging match.... again.....

17-09-05, 07:05 PM
lol im not im just curious, id forgot all about it till this post :D

18-09-05, 09:14 PM
Mike any gen on that bulk head cover thing i paid ?40 at trax 3 years ago?


19-09-05, 10:22 AM
Mike any gen on that bulk head cover thing i paid ?40 at trax 3 years ago?


Don't stir things Will, how long has your car been sat at CP's?


19-09-05, 12:14 PM
O h dear. lol!

If there is a problem get it sorted via pm please.
Other wise post gets locked!

19-09-05, 03:30 PM
why? its only a simple question? besides twag tried the whole pm thing last year! :D

19-09-05, 04:20 PM
i think mike needs to sort this, so dont be locking it.

19-09-05, 04:48 PM
taa Ian. im not irate about the matter just would like to know whats going on! a friend called james burrows paid a deposit of ?20 for Twags and i paid in full at trax 02 or 03?. twag have pm'd Mike a few times i think over the matter! :D

19-09-05, 04:54 PM
Yep. i tried pming a number of time last year, but still no money or covers have been seen, exept the one on his car!!!!!!!

Usually if some one has stitched this many people up, they get banned from the site.

Not saying i want this to happen, but this should of been sorted 2 years ago.

19-09-05, 05:35 PM
i also think it needs sorting.
But your ona bout locking the other thread ian. yet your with this one for staying?? hMmm

Can we get a flame forum sorted??

19-09-05, 06:01 PM
the other one has descended into arguing and name calling in already, this one has someone asking where the money someone has ripped off them is, there is a slight difference. :roll:

19-09-05, 06:04 PM
mike, i will change your title when this is sorted ;)

19-09-05, 06:10 PM
like hes really going to care....

19-09-05, 06:14 PM
im feeling he wont reply again and will disappear tbh too.

19-09-05, 06:16 PM
not suggesting anything, but surely some of you have an address for him....

CCJ him if need be but have proof of it

19-09-05, 06:24 PM
small claims court online lol


19-09-05, 09:52 PM
lol kool

Right Mike if you do read this! all you need to do is pm either me or Twag and this can be sorted realy easy!
