View Full Version : whack it and run

13-09-05, 01:33 PM
Am I the only person who couldnt give a toss about the cricket ??
This preppy sport bores me rigid.

13-09-05, 01:36 PM
cricket is shit.... its boring they hit a ball and run around field thinking they are solid...

Shit sport to be honest

13-09-05, 01:37 PM
And there was me thinking this was going to be a thread about something else.... :o

13-09-05, 01:46 PM
Aye, cricket is shit, and i couldn't give a feck if they lost!!

This bloke said to me yesterday-"Oh, he should have declared by now!"

1. I dont like cricket
2. I haven't got a feck what 'declared' means-declared crickets shit??
3. I couldn't give a fuck
4. Why did he presume i did??

13-09-05, 01:53 PM
Is it because you look like this?


13-09-05, 01:55 PM
Only on the weekends..................

On a weekday i look more like this :micky:

13-09-05, 02:05 PM
i hate cricket, its shit! possibly the most boring sport, closely followed by golf and green bowling. its a right old mans game.

Now, if it was played using a burning ball and fielders had to get the ball before some mad rabid wild animal grabbed it then it would be far more interesting!

any sport where death cant possibly happen is boring to me.

13-09-05, 02:11 PM
I think they shouldn't be allowed any padding, you can bet they'd hit 6's every time for fear of the balls going south lol

13-09-05, 03:01 PM
The only way to pep up the game : swap the ball for handgrenades. Let the umpire hand the bowler one , pin pulled , and he,d have to bung it as quick as possible. Fielders would not be allowed to move thus making for a vastly improved game. The gathered crowd would perspire in anticipation , should the batsman whack a six , and just to add to the festivities , the cricket pitch should be mined . All participants can wear as much padding as possible EXCEPT a box .

end of sermonn.

13-09-05, 09:26 PM
You lot wanna watch Hurling. This is mental. 20 odd head cases run aroungd after a ball the size of a tenis Ball with massive bats, or Hurley sticks and batter each other silly with them, Like Hockey but the ball is usually always air bound. Ultra Violent and great to watch!!!

13-09-05, 10:07 PM
pah, you irish and your fake hurlong! lol Try cornish hurling. a bunch of blokes (any size teams are allowed) in the high street of St Columb Major lobbing a silver coated wooden ball up and down for an hour then the real game beings of getting the ball to the "goal" a mile outside of the village. Now thats a sport lol

imo cricket is better than footie as the supporters arent narrow minded thugs with no better excuse for a fight than how 22 sweaty poofs mince about on a field lol

James B
13-09-05, 10:17 PM
any sport where death cant possibly happen is boring to me.

Try getting smacked between the eyes by a speeding cricket ball and tell me it wouldn't hurt, even kill you

13-09-05, 11:04 PM
Hurling - fab sport usually practised after 10 pints and kebab from Ali Flatcatandscoopedmutt kebabs in Dedford.

Cricket - Pimms o,clock everyone !

13-09-05, 11:16 PM
does anyone else find that guy, cant remember his name, pic above really funny in those adverts for C4 cricket???? for some reason i do.....am i wierd...probably....lol

"if england dont win, categorically speaking il eat my beard!!"

13-09-05, 11:17 PM
"if england dont win, categorically speaking il eat my beard!!"
LMFAO yep, I wanted England to loose just so I could see that :lol:

14-09-05, 01:40 PM
If eating hair makes you larf , check out Dirty Sanchez series 1 , where an english bloke has to eat his 3 other mates pubic hair collection ( gathered from other folks ) as a topping on a pizza ! NOW THATS JUST NOT CRICKET .

14-09-05, 01:51 PM
If eating hair makes you larf , check out Dirty Sanchez series 1 , where an english bloke has to eat his 3 other mates pubic hair collection ( gathered from other folks ) as a topping on a pizza ! NOW THATS JUST NOT CRICKET .
LOL I remember that! First time I'd seen it... I was at my ex's house (gf at the time... yeah, another one lol... there's been a few :lol:) in Bristol, I was like wtf is this on the telly.... OK DIDN'T WANT TO SEE THAT! Its when he honks on the pizza and continues eating it that gets me!! :?

14-09-05, 03:09 PM
4real - if you think that was bad look up season 2 - jobs for the boyos ....
the same berk drinks Pritchards beer enema !! One of em the proceeds to dump on a spade , its cooked over an open fire the and the smoke is inhailed , thus smokin some real good s**t ........ ITS SO WRONG AND JUST ISNT CRICKET !! :o

14-09-05, 03:49 PM
Hurling - fab sport usually practised after 10 pints and kebab from Ali Flatcatandscoopedmutt kebabs in Dedford.

Cricket - Pimms o,clock everyone !

Best time to play Hurling, Alchol numbs the blinding pain of various Injurys!!

15-09-05, 10:14 AM
Whack it and run - thats what a certain wayne rooney should have done to the ref last night..... :lol:

15-09-05, 10:29 AM
You bunch of ball lickers,this is the only one true sport that we win and you all hate it,its a very good game to play and i like it,loved it as a kid but not been and played cricket in ages...

imo cricket is better than footie as the supporters arent narrow minded thugs with no better excuse for a fight than how 22 sweaty poofs mince about on a field lol

Thank god im not alone on that one...the only football i watch is england(but latley there not worth bothering with either..)


James B
17-09-05, 01:32 AM
damn right scott. Football - we are utter wank - just look at the N. Ireland score for confirmation. Rugby - my best and favourite sport (used to play for Midlands before being banned :? ) - again we're sposed to be world champions but seem to have lost every game ever played since. we're crap at table tennis, chess, biliards, house of cards, fishing, motorsport, international donut eating, tiddly-fuck'n-winks, at the end of the day, English sport is abismal, because we are so bloody CRAP at everything.

So we win the Ashes - an achievement previously accomplished some 16 or so years ago. I don't understand why everyone is slating our country's achievements? We done good for once. So shut the fuck up and get behind the boys that actually done summit good for England for a change.



17-09-05, 07:34 PM
everything except rowing......

another preppy sport.

17-09-05, 08:49 PM
So we win the Ashes - an achievement previously accomplished some 16 or so years ago. I don't understand why everyone is slating our country's achievements? We done good for once. So shut the f**k up and get behind the boys that actually done summit good for England for a change.


Clap clap well done, but as far as i'm concerned cricket's boring and shit. Fair play and well done to the lads that won and are actually the best in the world, thats excellent and if it were me i'd be ecstatic. But as it is, i'm not slating their acheivment-i just really dont care. Sorry.