View Full Version : annoying things

12-09-05, 08:57 PM
this is very random but...
how annoying is it when bread gets stuck on the roof of your mouth?? lol
please post random annoyances below

yes im bored :lol:

12-09-05, 09:00 PM
when you try to ease a sneaky fart out and it really stinks

12-09-05, 09:14 PM
when you maturbate onto your mrs back when she sleeps and you tell her she's peeling in the morning.

12-09-05, 09:16 PM
this is very random but...
how annoying is it when bread gets stuck on the roof of your mouth?? lol
please post random annoyances below

yes im bored :lol:

That only happens with white bread.. :wink:

And as for sneaking farts i just let them ripp unless im round a girlfirends house,best one was i smelly one in the pub the guy next to me was almost sick :lol:


12-09-05, 09:17 PM
or fart and pull the sheets over her head. cant say your selfish then/

12-09-05, 09:23 PM
when you maturbate onto your mrs back when she sleeps and you tell her she's peeling in the morning.

Or the good old one,pretend to come and pullout and spit on her back,then when she turns round shoot in the face! :lol:

but as for anoying things i would say 16yr old girls :wink: :lol:

12-09-05, 09:25 PM
neil can you get off scotts account please.

12-09-05, 09:28 PM
lmao good one guys
are u speaking from experiance abt 16 yr old girls scott lol

12-09-05, 09:38 PM
old people who fucking tell you what to do while mot'ing there facking car....

Wish i could of picked up his walking stick and smacked him 15+ times acrosss the face... tosser

12-09-05, 09:42 PM

12-09-05, 09:42 PM
old people who f**k tell you what to do while mot'ing there facking car....

Wish i could of picked up his walking stick and smacked him 15+ times acrosss the face... tosser

i sense some repressed anger there lmao :lol:

STE Novavanman
12-09-05, 09:44 PM
old people who f**k tell you what to do while mot'ing there facking car....

Wish i could of picked up his walking stick and smacked him 15+ times acrosss the face... tosser

agressive peeps lol :lol: :lol: :lol:

12-09-05, 09:49 PM
We mot'ed his civic... hes like "dont slam the door too hard u might break it" and "Dont slam the bonnet too hard it might make a dent"

Im like looking at him with the blankest look on my face ever like -> : |

I wanted to say "Look you old fart... Mot your own car and dont tell me what to do"

He's staggering around with his walking stick like he's about to KO and die....

But do i care? No i dont...

12-09-05, 10:00 PM
I find everything annoying, but I'm old lol

12-09-05, 10:36 PM
lmao good one guys
are u speaking from experiance abt 16 yr old girls scott lol

lol well a few of mates who are around 23-24 for some reason think its cool or something to go out and find them self dum anoying 16 girlfriends,then they bring them to the pub with them and you have to sit there and here them go on about things as if they are so god dam wise and know everything in the wordl,just anoying and quite funny,as you just say in five years you will look back and think my god i knew nothing! :lol:

I found they are good for one thing only,and thats if there in a pub they must be 18 (one would asume) so if you pull them tell them your 21 like i did,then get a blowjob shoot in there gob and then say oh by the way you little slut im 25,see how fast they spit or choke,made me and my mate laugh.. :lol:


12-09-05, 10:46 PM
get a bolwjob

um what is one of those???

best you get editing mr parker lol

12-09-05, 10:54 PM
I have no idea what you mean :roll: :lol:

13-09-05, 08:34 AM
I also now find muppets bunging up petrol stations and panic buying fuel rather annoying... considering there's been talk of action for weeks, and people have left it til the last minute [i]again[/] to buy fuel and caused shortages.... :roll:

13-09-05, 09:11 AM
Things that dunova finds annoying;

-Nissan Micra's
-The people that drive Nissan Micra's
-95% of the general public
-Pop music-in particular 'James blunt ryan blunt's schmunt' or whatever the fuck his name is
-Electrical devices that dont work properly
-Mechanical devices that dont work properly
-Buses and bus drivers
-Telephone queing systems
-The positive media representation of chav culture
-The government
-Joss Stone
-Joss Stone's music
-Women buying shoe's all the fecking time

The list just goes on, but that covers the main one's.

13-09-05, 09:25 AM
-Joss Stone
-Women buying shoe's all the fecking time
Joss Stone is fit and you know it :lol:

and women buying shoes isn't all bad.... I used to love going shopping with my ex's from Bath and Cheltenham as when they were too busy looking at clothes and shoes I could keep an eye out for local talent lmfao :lol:

13-09-05, 10:01 AM
Joss Stone has the face and body of an Ox. I HATE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good point about the shoe shopping thing-i usually just go to sleep on the shoe-tryer-on-bench :lol:

13-09-05, 10:08 AM
"You don't have to look at the mantel piece whilst you're stoking the fire" :lol:

Put a cap down when you kip and see if you get any spare change lol

13-09-05, 10:36 AM
"You don't have to look at the mantel piece whilst you're stoking the fire" :lol:

Put a cap down when you kip and see if you get any spare change lol
Yes but i bet her 'fire' is as hot a the south pole :!:

I think a tape recording of 'yeah they look great' along with my trusty money cap would be the ideal solution :lol:

13-09-05, 10:50 AM
"Well which colour do you prefer?"

"No of course it doesn't make you look fat"

"Yes, that is cheap isn't it"

"No I'm not bored"


I made the mistake of saying "That looks like something my mum would wear" once... whoops!

13-09-05, 11:15 AM
:lol: I'm great at those one's! I just dig myself deeper and deeper, until I have to pay for whatever she buys to make up to her :lol:

"yeah that looks great"

"I am being enthusiastic"

"No i wasn't looking at the girl at the till"

Ahhh women, cant live with'em, can't make fun of them without'em lol

13-09-05, 12:11 PM
As you get older things DO get on your nerves more , screaming kids and people who winge and pester are top of my list ...
These days to find a little kharma , I,m giving up booze , gonna take more walks and read up on Buddhism- that must work cos the monks seem chilled and easy going ( unless you pick a fight with one ) so , Ill post you the results in about a month or so , and if anyone pesters me for an early outcome , I,ll kill you and burn your family...lol

13-09-05, 12:49 PM
As you get older things DO get on your nerves more , screaming kids

Fcuk me i must be sodding old then!

things that get on my tit's (no cup size yet.... they dont do a man's bra!) Kids......Little Chavettes that thing they are so dam good when they aint and thier little boyracer fuck buddies...... i'l punch um right on the nose.....HARD! :evil:

13-09-05, 01:10 PM
Actually today whats really winding me up is people that keep hogging the room with the secret comms terminals in, every time I go in there and move people out because I need to use the terminals, someone else goes in and ties the room up! :evil: :evil: :evil:

AND a laptop which I'm about to throw through the window

13-09-05, 01:13 PM
Oi - razor - over ere on me head ole son !!

13-09-05, 02:23 PM
screaming little kids piss me right off too, but their parents piss me off even more. a kid is like a computer, it'll only do what its told that is if its programmed correctly. theres loads of parents that watch there kids get up to stuff and dont say a thing like riding into your car on there bike. i also get cheesed by people in the supermarkets taking up as much room in the isle as possible, and not looking where there going and they always look supprised when you tell them to get the fuck out of the way. and those people that leave there trollies in the middle of a isle and fuck off, i always try and put something rather shit in there to teach them a lesson!

i get fucked off with very very thick people, people with no common sense at all, chavs - the whole concept off tucking your trackys into your socks, baseball hats offset pointing to the sky and scuffers.

iv got a lot of anger caused by things i hate so im going to shut up now and go get some fucking counciling!

13-09-05, 09:32 PM
"yeah that looks great"

"I am being enthusiastic"

"No i wasn't looking at the girl at the till"

I usually go for:

"yeah, its nice"

"i said it was nice"

"Jesus what do you want me to do, i said its nice"

"oh Fuck it, its ugly. Lets go home"

Doesn't get a positive reations but it gets me home in time for the Rallying Review... :lol:

General Baxter
13-09-05, 09:45 PM
i hate people who dont know how to use the quoting system right :wink:

nar its got to be screaming kids, and my welder keeps fucking up, and people who go over speedbumps at half a mile an hour then floor it to the nexted on and slap on there brakes to go over it at half an mile an hour again and so on :evil:

13-09-05, 09:50 PM
Dont know what you mean. :oops: :lol:

13-09-05, 10:06 PM
people who go over speedbumps at half a mile an hour then floor it to the nexted on and slap on there brakes to go over it at half an mile an hour again and so on :evil:

lol guilty as charged on that one!! :oops:

people who leave pubic hairs on the edge of the toilet sink at the office where i clean...WTF is all that about??

also people who dont pick up their doggy dumps! Its bad enough when you step in your own dogs poo if you have missed a little chuggy when doing the poop scooping in the garden, but to stand in some lazy barstewards dogs turd on the pavement is just sooooooooooooo wrong!

also being behind a very urine fragranced old person in a supermarket checkout, thats just gross!

um.....god, i could go on for ever here lol

13-09-05, 10:15 PM
also people who dont pick up their doggy dumps! Its bad enough when you step in your own dogs poo if you have missed a little chuggy when doing the poop scooping in the garden, but to stand in some lazy barstewards dogs turd on the pavement is just sooooooooooooo wrong!
Mmmmm, really needed that one right now lol

13-09-05, 10:48 PM
screaming kids...oh my god they f**k me off rightly!!!!!! dont minf kids but if they screaming or shouting....agrhhhhhhhhhh

what about grief from the misses about absolutely nothing.....jesus!!!!!
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

13-09-05, 10:56 PM
what about grief from the misses about absolutely nothing.....jesus!!!!!
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
Try your missus (now ex missus thankfully lol) cheating on you with a bloke she works with, who she's previously denied liking at all because he "looked like a hobbit" when questioned about it, then dumping you and denying it outright... then coming clean, and getting engaged to the guy after knowing him only 3 weeks, and all this whilst he's married with a kid!

I think women in general annoy me lol

13-09-05, 10:59 PM
Funny how kids keep poppin up ....
so funny in fact that after 5 yrs as a caretaker to an all boys school of 6 - 13yr olds , I,ve totally had enuff , and hopefully hooked another job ( fingers crossed please people ) - it must have cost me a bomb in batteries over the past years for my discman , as it was my only escape. 500 boys runnin riot screaming their heads off........ :evil:
The only plus side is that it could have been worse - I visited a girls school on interview , and the noise was so shrill it,d make you eat dogs eggs just to make you forget....... :o

13-09-05, 11:09 PM
Try your missus (now ex missus thankfully lol) cheating on you with a bloke she works with, who she's previously denied liking at all because he "looked like a hobbit" when questioned about it, then dumping you and denying it outright... then coming clean, and getting engaged to the guy after knowing him only 3 weeks, and all this whilst he's married with a kid!

I think women in general annoy me lol[/quote]

ouch fair enough thats "slightly" worse than mine....imo you better off out.....

13-09-05, 11:13 PM
Hmm, yeah a few people have said that!

Oh, and...

i hate people who dont know how to use the quoting system right :wink:

13-09-05, 11:13 PM
Blimey mate.......

keep your chin up pal .

13-09-05, 11:16 PM
Oh, and I forgot to mention he's 11 years her senior (at 33) and loves himself... and has lots of money...

ok, [/rant] lol I don't want to end up like the legend that was Raza lmfao :lol:

13-09-05, 11:20 PM
:lol: :lol: lol yeah thought that was coming, worked it once, il get it again soon lol... :roll: :roll: :roll:

13-09-05, 11:26 PM
people with prams

your walking down the pavement, and suddenly people expect you to move out the way because THEY decided to have a child. excuse me but that's not my problem . Ok so your probably thinking im being harsh but if they had a nice attitude towards other pavement users it'd be ok, but no they insist on ramming their 2 yr old into your legs

13-09-05, 11:28 PM
HOUND CABLE. I do wish people would clear up after their mutts unload on the path. :evil:

13-09-05, 11:28 PM
i could also name something else really really annoying...

but i better not lol

13-09-05, 11:30 PM

13-09-05, 11:43 PM
i could also name something else really really annoying...

but i better not lol
Andyracer? lmfao

Actually I'm surprised how this has got to 4 pages and nobody's mentioend him yet :lol:

14-09-05, 12:15 AM
i could also name something else really really annoying...

but i better not lol
Andyracer? lmfao

Actually I'm surprised how this has got to 4 pages and nobody's mentioend him yet :lol:

That was just assumed by all :wink:

14-09-05, 12:31 AM

havent seen that thing on in a while now lol

14-09-05, 07:38 AM
OMG i havent seen that before, and just had a choking fit on my toast!!

i think she needs to tuck her pubic whiskers into her pants a bit there..Thas is just minging lol

14-09-05, 07:42 AM
thats not a her thats andyracer

14-09-05, 08:13 AM
thats not a her thats andyracer
So its not a 'him' either then? :lol:

14-09-05, 08:24 AM
Jus to add to my list;

-Christmas shopping
-Christmas music
-Christmas TV
-Overly exspensive beer
-Tax on petrol (how has no-one mentioned this yet?!?!)
-People in the right hand lane that turn left (without any indication or prior notice)
-People that wait for the lights to go green before taking their handbrake off, putting it in gear, adjusting their mirror, having a wank, etc etc
-Drivers that insist on doing 35mph in a 50mph limit-*adjust accordingly for different speed limits*
-Having to wait 30 minutes at a checkout. Why should i have to wait 30 minutes to fucking pay?!
-Family 'occasions'
-People that dont take notice of the car park barrier code when leaving (that changes every fucking week) and cause an all-mighty que

That's about it for now. Thanks for listening.

14-09-05, 08:43 AM
-People that wait for the lights to go green before taking their handbrake off, putting it in gear, adjusting their mirror, having a w**k, etc etc
Don't forget people who sit at traffic lights etc with their foot on the brake - especially annoying from those who have either 4x4s or a third brake light that shines right in your face

Oh and people who drive with their foglights on (so most saxo owners then lol)

14-09-05, 08:54 AM
I was almost ran off the road with some dick wank with his fog lights on last night :evil: I hope he felt the full brunt of my full beam in his arse-faced face lol

Oh, and some chav twat riding his lawnmower engine scooter with no fucking lights on :roll:

MORONS!!!!! :evil:

14-09-05, 09:16 AM
Calm yourself Wise Man lol

14-09-05, 09:27 AM

Wiseman is now finding his karma..............................WEAoooeooeoeeaa wwwwooaaoeee

14-09-05, 09:31 AM
Wise Man also appears to be wearing a dress :lol:

Hmm, I seem to have the music to "Rainbow" in my head but with the words "Andyracer" instead of Rainbow... and visions of Geordie Racer, that pigeon thing on telly for kids from yeeeaaaaarrrs ago...

14-09-05, 09:54 AM
Wiseman is wearing his 'gala du hadja', which roughly translated into mortal form means 'cloth of doom'. This 'cloth of doom' allows wiseman to become at one with the gods and destroy any mortal that annoy's him, aka drivers with their fog lights on................................WEAoooeooeoeeaaw wwwooaaoeee

Wiseman is also unfamiliar with the song of 'the rainbow'. Is it some mortal kind of drugged up hippy kids show??

14-09-05, 10:08 AM
Wiseman is also unfamiliar with the song of 'the rainbow'. Is it some mortal kind of drugged up hippy kids show??
I believe it was some ancient method of communication to young members of the working class to abandon the shackles of society and overthrow the reigns of opression... in a colourful and educational fasion of course.

And you can't explain a Razorjack, its just not the done thing :p

14-09-05, 10:45 AM
Do you ever get the feeling we're serial post hi-jackers?? :lol:

14-09-05, 10:47 AM
Yep :lol:

Maybe we should go hijack the old freshersguide forums as well seen as they've pretty much died a death, and whilst i've still got admin rights on them heheh

14-09-05, 10:59 AM
Oh, forgot about that forum!! Ghost forum is it then?? Shame, would have brightened my day up if some fit fresher's got chatting on there :D

I'm so bored, i found this;


14-09-05, 11:22 AM
^ an excellent likeness to me right now lol

Hmm, just a thought - how can you hijack your own thread? lmfao

14-09-05, 11:25 AM
I think you'll find the originator of this thread is Hendrix, dumb ass :P

14-09-05, 11:43 AM
Asshats, now i look like a right plum :lol:

well more so than usual lol...

14-09-05, 12:10 PM
This that piss me off,

1. pikeys
2. The americans
3 The french
4. Bmw tosser drivers
5. People that cant drive yet give out advice about handling of certain cars

14-09-05, 12:22 PM
Asshats, now i look like a right plum :lol:

well more so than usual lol...
Yep, you now look like this little fella


Ot possibly this 'thing'


14-09-05, 12:29 PM
Razorjack :lol:

Sorry about the lame piccy but - borde borde borde borde borde!

14-09-05, 12:34 PM
Asshats, now i look like a right plum :lol:

well more so than usual lol...
Yep, you now look like this little fella


How did you find my holiday pics :lol:

14-09-05, 12:43 PM
I found them at "www.mentallyretarded-dumbass'.com" :lol:

Dar, you obviously found the real meaning behind Jack's 'mysterious' name lol

14-09-05, 12:49 PM
lol hmmm I may need to create a new sig image from that :lol:

14-09-05, 12:52 PM
I prefer this one :wink:


14-09-05, 12:56 PM
I prefer this one :wink:


*watchs Dar run off to find a JamJar to sit his razor on!*

14-09-05, 01:00 PM
lol lets not start the Jam thing again!

14-09-05, 01:13 PM
Why not?? i missed it last time round! :lol:

14-09-05, 03:14 PM
No jam in the house :(
I can do RazorMarmite :P

14-09-05, 03:17 PM
depends on how bored you are fella......RazorMarMite...its got a Ring to it! :lol:

14-09-05, 03:27 PM
Not that bored anymore.. I've actually started to do some work :o Its only taken me up to 3pm to start :oops: Lazy bastid I am! :oops:

14-09-05, 03:30 PM
Not that bored anymore.. I've actually started to do some work :o Its only taken me up to 3pm to start :oops: Lazy bastid I am! :oops:

dont worry, its taken me all week to start! :lol: and made a nice fuck up today..... now thats annoying! :evil:

14-09-05, 03:35 PM
'The Razor' does not DO marmite :!:


14-09-05, 03:36 PM
'The Razor' does not DO marmite :!:


Bovril then?

14-09-05, 03:46 PM
Right RJ, i read back that you're bored, and rightly so after whats just happened to you. Lowsey Bitch. What you wanna do it really small annoying things to your ex and this other guy, like, loosen the nuts in his wiper arms slightly so they spin a bit and stop. If he's as up himself as you say, he'll not be able to fix them, post lettersto him with nothing in them and phone him now and again and when he answers say "wrong number, sorry..." After a while and some of this he'll be near a nervous Break down and he'll be no good to anyone.

What can i say, i'm Irish!! :twisted:

14-09-05, 03:51 PM
All i can say Dod is i wouldnt want to piss you off! :lol:

14-09-05, 04:48 PM
lmfao Dod I think you've done this before :lol:

Ah well, she's not my concern... if thats how she is I'd be happy to continue my life without her... rise above it as they say 8)

STE Novavanman
14-09-05, 06:53 PM
jackie chan your the man send your ex bird shit through the post always works i think i have a couple ready here to send off

14-09-05, 07:22 PM
lmfao i had someone threaten to send a poo thru the post in a sock once... as a token of affection, hmm thanks /block lol... yes kids the internet is full of weirdos lol

14-09-05, 07:44 PM
What you wanna do it really small annoying things to your ex and this other guy, like, loosen the nuts in his wiper arms slightly so they spin a bit and stop. If he's as up himself as you say, he'll not be able to fix them
lmao, that made me laugh. Also some told m this oe an i thought it would b so funny to actually do. It was a metal gate thing they were on about and they suggested getig the mig welded out an welding the hinges up an then sit back an watch them try an open them lol.

14-09-05, 07:50 PM
Dog toffee pushed into the air vents on his motor will work . As a boy when we moved house a mate done this for a larf on my dads car as a send off like - it stank for weeks. :twisted:

14-09-05, 08:13 PM
Hmm, maybe we should start a new thread for this, some good ideas here :lol:

14-09-05, 10:58 PM
Always good to put shit undr the door handles of the car too,

will hopefully get right in the fingernails :lol: :o

14-09-05, 10:59 PM
i could also name something else really really annoying...

but i better not lol
Andyracer? lmfao

Actually I'm surprised how this has got to 4 pages and nobody's mentioend him yet :lol:

Thas cos i hadn't been on here when this first started.... til now!


15-09-05, 12:40 AM
Im surprised we got 4 pages in before my name was mentioned, ure all slacking :roll:
What about when ur walkng down the pavement and 2 people are walking side by side towards u and they dont move out the way, that really pisses me off like i should have to walk in the road.
And when a five minute job takes hours to do or u just give up. Ive had one of them days today trying to fit my backbox to find the old backbox is seized on, my mid pipe has a hole in it and the exhaust clap snaps :evil:

15-09-05, 12:54 AM
people with prams

your walking down the pavement, and suddenly people expect you to move out the way because THEY decided to have a child. excuse me but that's not my problem . Ok so your probably thinking im being harsh but if they had a nice attitude towards other pavement users it'd be ok, but no they insist on ramming their 2 yr old into your legs

non disabled people using the disabled parking spaces

My g/fs ex had an amputation and was registered disabled. One evening they came to teh shops to see a car dive in the last disabled space without a badge. Whilst offloading half a dozen prams and three screaming shit machines my missus asked

"Excuse me, are you registered disabled?"

"No!" She replied in a haughty voice "but i have a pram"

at which her ex replied

"You might have a pram love, but i dont have a leg"

"Oh. I had better move then" she said


oh.. and I hate kids too.

Noisy little wankers



15-09-05, 03:51 PM
i hate job agencies, bunch of useless w**kers who fob you off cuz they dont give a s**t. :roll:
having no car is a pain up the a**e too
screaming kids :evil:
theives (especially ones who nick my novas)
chavs who think they are all THAT, u know the cider drinking, trakkies in socks brigade
when ur dealer runs out of weed
i have lots of anger at the moment lol

15-09-05, 03:52 PM
^^ youve just reminded me of another thing i seriously hate, screaming kids. There is no need to be scream at full volume cos you dropped your fucking ice cream. Or spoilt kids that get anything they want and thus dont respect/value other peoples things. Bring back punching kids "cough" hitting kids.

15-09-05, 04:02 PM
Im surprised we got 4 pages in before my name was mentioned, ure all slacking :roll:
What about when ur walkng down the pavement and 2 people are walking side by side towards u and they dont move out the way, that really p**s me off like i should have to walk in the road.
And when a five minute job takes hours to do or u just give up. Ive had one of them days today trying to fit my backbox to find the old backbox is seized on, my mid pipe has a hole in it and the exhaust clap snaps :evil:

Usually if im coming out of the garage for lunch break or going to the shops for someone at the garage... Usually get wank's who try be solid and dont move so i either keep walking towards them or barge through the middle. They usually give you the evil eye and i just keep walking :lol:

16-09-05, 12:22 AM
blimey whot a big post.


I read the 1st three posts - got minged out by seans "cum peeling" and jumped to page 7.

Things that annoy me include (but are not limted to)

people who wee on toilet seats and dont mop it up
people who sh1te on bog seats and dont mop it up
people with bad breath who insist on talking to you from 2 inches away

and women who always say " but why? " after questioning you over something trivial like - "but why are you spending so much money on that sh1tty nova thing when you could be taking me out to nice restaurants!"


16-09-05, 01:51 PM
Reality check:

I do seriously believe in this one thing that really gets my back up :
People who lie . To be a really good teller of porkies you must have one good thing - a really good memory , and theyre arent many who can commit to that.

Most other things as age becomes you just niggle you , but lies are an insult to a persons integrity and intelegence.

End of sermonn.

16-09-05, 04:18 PM
Trying to hold a conversation on a telephone helpline speaking to a foriegner who you just cant understand. I should imagine that all 3 mobile customers will vouch for this annoying problem

16-09-05, 05:54 PM
Try getting a MAC code from Wanadoo.... :evil: