View Full Version : Advice!!!

01-03-02, 10:19 AM
right, this is nothing to do with cars or anything but I need some advice!!!

Basically in one month time I will be made redundant, I have known that this is happening for the last 18months, but the company I work for have paid me a rather substanstial retention bonus to stay till the end so that all the Computer systems can be removed by people that know the systems inside out!!! Thing is, I really want to move away from Stockport, I am the first to admit that it is a dive!!!! I just dont know what to do next!!!!
I have a couple of options....

1) move to Milton Keynes - bonuses are, nearer to London(more money and jobs), cheaper houses than Stockport!! 140miles away from my bitch stepmother!!!

2) Go travelling for a couple of months - bonuses are, seeing new places, meeting loads of new people and finding out if I want to live in another country, but if I was away for too long I may struggle to get another job when I get back!

3) get another job in Manchester and buy a house in another area and commute in everyday. I wouldn't mind doing this as I do like manchester, but I also want a change!!!

4) Start my own business. This is something I am seriously considering, but it is coming up with the idea of what to do that is the problem!!! all my ideas either involve computers or cars!!! I need more scope!!

basically I have spoken to loads of people about what I should do, but noone seems to be able to give me any proper advice, I really want a house, so that would make travelling difficult, but if I dont go travelling now it may be a long time before I get a chance like this again!!! aaaaaaaagggghhhhhhh!!!!! it is one of the first times in my life where I have an opportunity to make some real changing decisions and I dont want to make the wrong one as I feel like it would be letting my family down as they all have high expectations of what I should do!!!!

Any ideas?!?!?!? :-/

2.0 16v Nova wanted! ASAP :)

01-03-02, 12:28 PM
First thing is to forget what your family want you to do, like you said its the first time you have the opportunity to make some real big changes, so the decisions you make should be yours and not influenced by you family or anyone else.

i am in a kind of simmilar position and going into partnership in opening a small designer clothes shop, if all goes rite i will be able to afford to travel and whatever when the big cash starts come'n in :D

01-03-02, 02:15 PM
computer components shop.
if you know what you're talking about and can find a good supplier you'll have no problem. i wanted to do it but need the money to get started.

TunaFish is the way forward... you mark my words. :D

01-03-02, 04:51 PM

01-03-02, 05:37 PM
Dont go anywhere near london- is much more of a dive than stockport.

Just do what you feel comfortabledoing and what appeals to you the most.

If you have the idea to start your own business and you think it could work then follow that up.
Dont dismisss anything and keep your options open.

01-03-02, 08:39 PM
make your way NORTH my brother

Hi officer.
She said she was 16!

02-03-02, 09:54 AM
You say you like computers and cars, why not link the two, and do bodykit designs, car designs, car parts online, car accesories online or something... only an idea, sorry if it sounds dumb.

02-03-02, 05:05 PM
you need to look for a gap in the market, this is something i have been looking into for a while.
you need to be in a situation where there are lots of people, wot do they want, wot would make their life better, how could i make money out of this.
i have a few ideas, none i have let ne knoe yet so they are probably gay!
1) this would be a garage that operated 24hrs. this would mean doing companies vans / lorries / cars. the lot, services, placing graphics on them, we could do it over night so they can have their vehicle back in the morning ready to let the business operate as normal.

i think if you are going to aid companies that rely on things for the day to day running then it would have to be done over night like networks etc.
to be honest mate i would not travel, thats for when you old!


02-03-02, 06:04 PM
lmao!! can I drink the beers micky?!?!?

I dont know what to do, but first things first, I am getting a car!!!!!

2.0 16v Nova wanted! ASAP :)

02-03-02, 06:05 PM
Move down here , to Milton Keynes, its a new and fresh city, easy for you to start up a small businesS!!

Novaload Admin
03-03-02, 04:57 AM
don't go down south it costs more, london is a dumo and southerners are all miserable cants!
milton keynes, fuck me that is one boring place, drove thru and it all looks the same.
stay up north if u dont go travelling and find somewhere outside manc/stockport.
u say ur getting a car, well that makes it hard to travel abroad.

oh and finally stop being on the pull 24/7 :p

03-03-02, 02:22 PM
become a gigalo! on the pull and being paid for it :)

Im a Corporate tart :D

04-03-02, 08:30 AM
lmao!!!! who is Novaload?!??!! and no that isn't some kind of philosophical question!!!!!
Why does getting a car make it difficult to travel??? I can leave it in my dads garage until I get back if I do decide to go somewhere.

2.0 16v Nova wanted! ASAP :)

Rick Draper
04-03-02, 07:44 PM
lol what ever you do just make sure you dont open a business offering 16V engine transplants into novas! lol. Rick

off for paint on the 25th!

25-03-02, 03:08 PM
nothing wrong with milton kynes

i am on the save for loads of mods