View Full Version : FAO All Nurburgringers!! (1 WEEK TO GO)

08-09-05, 06:30 PM
Hey everyone, its only a week till we leave, however i leave NI on tuesday so the huge trip begins shortly for me!

Just wondering how everyone is? How's your car's? Have you overcome all problems?

For me, i've replaced the sump gasket twice, as the nuts kept coming loose not matter how tight i put them, must be due to the high reving. I'm on my 3rd waterpump too, the first one's bearing almost jammed. The second i got really cheap, and it started leaking, the 3rd is mint and 100%.

So this time i'm +35bhp, have no leaks, brakes are better, altho i still havent bias'd the rear discs :oops: Cant seem to find the bits needed anywhere, and two willwood adjusters cost a fortune.

All in all i'm pretty much ready for another all out Fuck yeah trip.



08-09-05, 06:34 PM
do the CP rear bias mod ;) a bubble of air in the rear lines.......

08-09-05, 06:56 PM
Hey up chap.

I'm nearly ready too, cars going on the rolling road on Saturday to try and cure the misfire around 4000rpm, but apart from that, new clutch is in, new fuel pump is on, new tyres being fitted sunday and getting my Euro's on Tuesday!!

Just wanna be there now.

See you Thursday morning.

Ben 8)

Adam Moran
08-09-05, 07:34 PM

Think JB and i are nearly ready, but im sure we have stuff to do before we go.

Leaving Plymouth tuesday nite and cant bloody wait!!!


:lol: :lol: :lol:

08-09-05, 07:40 PM
I too am almost sorted but my list looks longer lol

-Do cambelt and water pump
-Sort travel insurance
-Sort Charlotte out with an E111
-Fit new front pads
-Replace all brake fluid to willwood stuff
-Fit braided lines to an EVO
-Fasten in airbox properly lol
-Get euros
-Oh and find some money :(

I will be throwing a checklist out in the near future on the smartgroups thing guys just for a double check for everyone.

Karl, have you looked at the route yet? I think I am going to stop at Zolder anyway for lunch if you lot decide not to then I will catch you up, but it is great food and a great place

See you in about 157hours


08-09-05, 08:02 PM

08-09-05, 08:12 PM
Need some tyres and give the car a once over, will probably blow up on the way home lol.

Should be good, like a fool i changed up all my euro's today and forgot to keep some back, damn idiot :!:

Ahh well, Im up for stopping @ Zolde chris as spoke about on Sunday.

08-09-05, 08:44 PM
Chris you have forgot one other thing:

F**k Yeah t-shirts, you better get your a** into gear and pick them up!

charlotte x x

Adam Moran
08-09-05, 09:46 PM
Ben didnt know you were coming bud :o :o

This is great news :lol:

09-09-05, 07:58 AM
Whats an E111 form?

We can't wait either! Prepping this weekend, got Monday and Tuesday in work, then Wednesday off the day before we leave!

Got my spares ready...

My list of spares so far are...

1 new outer CV joint & boot kit
1 new rear brake cylinder
A bag of jubilee clips
A bag of hoses/ pipes
1 set of front brake pads
1 set of half worn brake pads
1 spare wheel
Can of tyre-weld
Mini fire extinguisher
2 new alternator belts
1 clutch cable
1 set of spare HT leads
1 set of spark plugs

Things done in prep already:

2 new bottom ball joints
New front bushes
Had new pads last month

09-09-05, 08:02 AM
its esentially health insurance....
it ports the NHS cover that you have here to europe.
GET ONE, they are easy enough to get from a post office

09-09-05, 08:58 AM
yes, it is just something similar to your National Insurance Card over here, the E111 allows you access to public hospitals / doctors, but when I was in Magaluf a few years ago wo got a private ambulance and they werent interested in the E111 they only wanted teh travel insurance certificate


09-09-05, 02:18 PM
Is anyone actually taking helmets?

It's just, all the videos I've seen - no one seems to wear them?

Thanks, Olz.

09-09-05, 05:38 PM
helmets are not required, also back to the E111's, you cannot get them from the post office anymore, you have to apply online or ring an 0845 number


10-09-05, 01:19 AM
U can get them forms from the post office, i got a few the other week. Good luck guys, have fun and i want to see plenty of pictures.

10-09-05, 11:42 AM
As I stated you cannot get these forms from the post office anymore, the deadline was 1st September, although if you ring up to order one, which is free they give you reference numbers to take with you so you are still covered


10-09-05, 12:27 PM
So is anyone taking helmets?

10-09-05, 12:47 PM
I might just take mine, but i haven't in the past and its not been a problem!

Ben 8)

10-09-05, 12:53 PM
ahhh nice one :)

still can't find any info on the web about e111

most places say you've got to apply at least 1 month before leaving the country!

11-09-05, 11:41 AM
I must get an E111 form sorted too, damn its getting close to me leaving now, 2 days!!

I'm calling down today to collect my spares, local motorfactors i used to work in are letting me borrow the parts and throw them back if i dont use them :)


11-09-05, 07:16 PM

Adam Moran
11-09-05, 10:52 PM
Got me a german phrase book lads 8)

Voll, bitte - Fill her up please :lol:

oh and for the laaaadies....

Sind sie heute abend frie?

and a bit later on....

Darf ich sie nach hause bringen

:lol: :lol:

12-09-05, 07:26 PM
LOL. Nice one chap.

Ben 8)

karl Rowntree
12-09-05, 09:24 PM
Evening all, yes i am still alive!

Sorry ive not been on in awhile, what with work and trying to fix dying cars ive had no time to myself :cry:

I think the nova is now ready after having to fit a clutch release bearing yesturday in the dark! And i had only gone and got the wrong one, but made it fit with a grinder :lol: All should be ok i hope.

Hope everyone is all sorted and mainly problem free. All that is left for me to do is get some euros i think and to plan the route as best as i can.

Just remember everyone, go with an open mind, if the car brakes you get to fly home! :lol:

If anyone needs any help at all between now and sunday just give me a call. If you want to meet up on the way let me know, we will be going M6/ M1/ M25 then down to Dover. Leaving Birmingham VERY early just incase the truckers decide to do a go slow convoy, will have to put the blue lights if they do :lol:

See you all Thursday sporting a hangover hey Keith :wink:


12-09-05, 09:38 PM
well when you get up at silly o'clock on thursday morning, I will be laying in a nice bed awaiting my cooked breakfast, before rolling down to the port :lol:

12-09-05, 09:58 PM
just something to think about guys

Optional extras available at additional cost include armco repairs, safety car attendance, vehicle recovery, track closure, hospital stays and helicopter rides. I recommend avoiding these. If you can't, then the following price-list may help:

* Removing damaged armco: ?10/metre (x2 or x3 or x4 for multiple-height sections)
* Replacement armco: ?31/metre (x2 or x3 for double/triple height)
* Removing damaged armco posts: ?5.10 each
* Replacing armco post: ?39 each
* Safety car attendance: ?82 per 30 mins (car + 2 people)
* Circuit closure: ?1,350 per hour
* Recovery truck: ?175 (inc VAT)
* Hospital stay & air ambulance: Let's just say, do NOT go there without travel insurance! (Though an E111 may cover the hospital bit.)

Everything except the recovery truck is then subject to 16% VAT.

The record armco bill I'm aware of is ?15,000. That was a car that managed to flatten a very impressive length of armco between the Quiddlebacher Hohe bridge and the crest on the approach to Flugplatz. But even a minor bump can turn into a surprisingly expensive day out.

Just have a think lads


Adam Moran
12-09-05, 10:09 PM
Thanks for the pics Chris ;)

Here they are lads :lol:


12-09-05, 10:15 PM
See you all Thursday sporting a hangover hey Keith :wink:


Hooray!! :lol:


karl Rowntree
12-09-05, 10:30 PM
All in all Chris it works out fairly cheap to crash there :lol: Also since when did you grow a pair of boobs mate :lol:

P.S I wouldnt want a cooked breakfast and a lie in, we are doing it the hard core fuck yeah way. No sleep, no food, no petrol, and a 600 mile journey all to go and get drunk on the first night then av it round the worlds largest track for 5 days :o When i put it like that damn i wish i staying in the hotel with you guys.

12-09-05, 10:54 PM
Decided not to take helmets.

Still need to sort out some RAC cover.

Still need to sort out E111 form.

Shirts look absolutely awesome 8)

karl Rowntree
12-09-05, 11:06 PM
Last time i was there in the evo Oli i didnt wear a crash helmut, i was wearing a straw hat! to be honest it offered a fair amount of protection.

Good luck with a E111 form mate, i.e you wont get one now...

RAC cover wont be a problem, on takes 5 minutes on the phone :wink: They will give you a reference number if they cant post the documents in time.

See you Thursday.


12-09-05, 11:07 PM
just wondering,what car are you using over there olly?


12-09-05, 11:09 PM
Nova all the way baby 8)

Really looking forward to it.

Just need to get some final bits sorted - and get packed!

Mark Beeson
13-09-05, 04:55 PM
Can I just give a F.U.C,K YEAH in sprit as im not going.

Going to watch some cars flying though the welsh hills. And also to examine some sheep.

(WRC GB)sleeping in the back of a Zafira GSI for 3 nights!

13-09-05, 07:27 PM
Went post office today, asked for a e111 form - obviously didn't have any - but supplied me with a EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) form to fill out.

I explained I was going on Thursday, she just gave me a number to ring to let them know that I've applied - so we're all fully covered 8)

Just thought I'd post it up for those that hadn't got it sorted yet.


Now just breakdown cover to get sorted!

13-09-05, 10:38 PM
Just to keep everyone updated, and just incase not everyone got the email:

September 2005

Temporary fuel surcharge on the Dover-Boulogne route

Dear Customer,

Normally when addressing our customers, SpeedFerries is delivering good news about innovations in bookings, convenience of travel and last but by no means least, significant reductions in cross-channel fares.

On this occasion however the message is less positive. The recent escalation in fuel prices has forced us to introduce a temporary fuel surcharge of ?4 / 6? per vehicle payable at the time of travel - starting from the 14th September 2005. The cost of Marine Diesel - the fuel we use for SpeedOne - has shown substantial increases for several months, however during the most recent weeks, following a number of international events, the rise has been extreme. To give you an indication of the effect, the development is illustrated below:

From index 100 in 1999 prices increased to level 300, when SpeedFerries started operating in May 2004. As the chart clearly shows, the fuel costs have since then doubled from level 300 to level 600.

Obviously, the consequences on a low cost ferry operation are immense.

As you are probably aware, average cross-channel ticket prices have been cut by more than 50% and in some cases up to 75%, since the opening of the SpeedFerries service out of Dover. We believe that it will be of greater benefit to all, to temporarily apply this fuel surcharge fee rather than make a dramatic reduction in our number of sailings. Knowing our pricing still to be competitive, we truly believe this to be the best solution for the customers of SpeedFerries.

The fuel surcharge is variable in relation to fuel prices, but will never exceed ?5 per vehicle each way and will be reduced or completely removed as and when fuel prices drop to a more realistic level in the future. To keep the arrangement as fair and flexible as possible, the supplement is levied in relation to the date of travel rather than the date of booking. The supplement will be charged at the time of check-in for your travel and can be paid in cash or by credit card.

I sincerely hope for your understanding.

Please allow me to use this opportunity to thank you for using SpeedFerries.

SpeedFerries Limited

Curt Stavis

Chief Executive Officer

Mark Beeson
14-09-05, 06:14 PM
buggers always read the small print!

karl Rowntree
14-09-05, 08:21 PM
Well here begins our journey!

Just waiting for the guys to arrive at mine then we hit the town :lol: Then up at 3.30 :o and off we go to dover to meet up with Chris and get on our merry way.

Ive done as much to the car as i can now, even though things still dont seem quite right. Will be going with a very open mind! As long as the car gets me to the ring i dont really mind what happens after that lol. I think the only spares we arent taking are a nova shell and a complete engine! apart from that we should be able to fix most things.

Good luck everyone on the trip and lets all stay safe :wink:

Will try and get on the tinternet while we are out there to let you all know how its going.

Here's to the next 1500 miles!


14-09-05, 08:49 PM
Good luck guys and gals,enjoy and take it easy(but not on track) :lol:

Cant wait to see the vids/pic's when your all back,just hope every car comes back the same as it whent.


14-09-05, 09:18 PM
Me and Ad are all ready now, I've done 800 miles on the new engine so the journey will finish running it in although I would of been much more comfortable if it had done a few 1000 before we left !

I have enough tools and spares to help everyone out,

Chris popped in on his way through today and we will meet up with him in the morning, Olly is meeting us at mine tomorrow morning for bacon sarni's and a cuppa before we leave at 6.30

really cant wait now, its going to be ace, will take plenty of pics but I think I may as well just leave the picture taking to Olly !

speak to you all next week !

14-09-05, 09:44 PM
Well guys, i'm so prepared i haven't even started packing yet!! Better start now i suppose.

Been sorting the car out all day and i think its all sorted................fingers crossed! But as Karl said, as long as it gets me to the Ring, then that'll do! But at least my misfire has gone, just got a lot of popping and banging now but i think she is running a tad rich! :?

Anyway, enough of me natterin on, time to get packed.

See you all in the morning!!

Ben 8)

PS. Check out my rear windscreen when you see me tomorrow!! :lol:

15-09-05, 03:30 AM
Morning all, I'm all bright eye'd and bushy tailed :lol: yeah, fooken right I am.

So fecking excited, couldn't sleep so got up half hour early - sorry for texting y'all.

Just got a text back from Chris to say "just been for a dump, see you soon olly"... so thanks for that Chris.

Yep, all batteries charged for camera, and camcorder, got over 1gb's worth of SD cards for picture taking :).

Speak to y'all sooon!

Olly & Michelle, outtie!

PS: Jonboy - we're now leaving at 4:30am, instead of 5am... :lol: so we'll be at yours for the 6am mark, just to let you know :lol:

20-09-05, 01:07 AM

this may be interesting, a bmw guide on how to do the ring, corner by corner.

20-09-05, 08:01 PM
Bloody hell Ian, that's mint, i'll have to get revising for when i get my car over there next year!!

20-09-05, 11:02 PM
Just got back in, what a excellent couple of days !

was great to meet all of you and have such a laugh,

still laughing about the bird with her tit out in the museum !!

20-09-05, 11:07 PM
absolutely fantastic week!

nice to meet so many new people!

derka derka

20-09-05, 11:15 PM

21-09-05, 07:49 AM
All pictures will be sorted through and put on the website soon.. trying to collect everyones together to make a massive collection!! Awesome Trip!!! Again nice to meet Nurburgring newbie's!

Matt EvoVI
21-09-05, 04:13 PM
Great to meet you all even though i was with the evo lot most of the time, here are a couple of pic of your cars round track :D




21-09-05, 04:16 PM
looks like a good un. whens the next one?

21-09-05, 04:22 PM

YES!! Fuckin loads of em!! About 3000 between us, 1300 from Olly alone!!

Excellent week lads, enjoyed every minute of it. Bring on May 06!!

FUCK YEAH - Derka Derka!! :lol:

Ben 8)

Mark Beeson
21-09-05, 05:05 PM
Nova ben - I see you have been talking to Karl - Durka Durka!!!!!

21-09-05, 05:06 PM
can i shit.... on your face?

Mark Beeson
21-09-05, 05:35 PM
Im sorry ?

21-09-05, 05:52 PM
can i s**t.... on your face?

Beasty, It's the quote of the trip from Keith!!

Mark Beeson
21-09-05, 06:08 PM
Ill shit down his throat the little twot :lol:

Bish seeing jay tonight ill tell him about the armco.Email the pics

21-09-05, 06:14 PM
what's your address now muppet and i'll get them through to you!

Can any of the lot who were there add me to msn andybnova@hotmail.com so we can sort out getting all the pics and videos together and get the site sorted... Also anyone fancy writing any reports/articles??

21-09-05, 06:47 PM
Derka Derka,

Mohammed Gihad from Derkastan

Well myself and Charlotte got home this afternoon at about 1430, after a great nights sleep which was well needed. Awsome trip, cant wait until may next year when hopefully the car will be a bit faster and I cant knock a bit more time off the lap. And also the steak was the best meal I have ever had, truely awsome

I will get my pics uploaded later, and I cant wait for the video's to come live, especially the fcukyeah lap with Karl LMAO


21-09-05, 07:27 PM



21-09-05, 07:31 PM
Glad you all had so much fun!! Looks absolutely fantastic! Did everyone get there and back okay then?

21-09-05, 07:49 PM
Great pics there from Matt

quality remark from Keith all holiday lol

oh and that Steak was just bloody excellent,

21-09-05, 11:25 PM
And also the TWO steaks was the best MEALS I have ever had, truely awsome
:lol: :lol: :lol:

23-09-05, 03:05 PM
Whats this about Jays armco? is it still dented...lol


23-09-05, 06:12 PM
nah that sections been replaced now, thats what i got pictures of...

Mark Beeson
28-09-05, 07:41 PM
Nice he has seen them now