View Full Version : fiberglass & pics of my bumper

04-09-05, 03:07 PM
hi just wondering is fiberglass easy 2 work with and shape? cheers

05-09-05, 02:04 AM
any one as ive never worked with it befor

06-09-05, 05:33 PM
hi m8, my brother and dad are fibreglass laminators and its like any thing really, just practice and you should get the hang of it. it dont take that long to learn, like filling and spraying, depends how good you are with your hands.

06-09-05, 07:26 PM
ok mate cheers for your advice

06-09-05, 10:27 PM
Right mate, if you're building up sides for a vent on your Bumoer, use an ols Number plate and cut it to size and use it as the sides, Fibre Glass the Insides to keep it all together and use a bit of fillers to cover the joints, Should get you away.

07-09-05, 09:18 AM
i need 2 make an inwards lip for ware i have made it a widemouth i dont have a spare numberplate either :o any other ideas of what i can use?

07-09-05, 09:28 AM
dod mate if you give me your email address i will send you some pics 2 show you how much ive ballsed the bumper up well i fink it is lol it could problerby be saved but dont look like it will be from me :o

07-09-05, 02:56 PM

Get a spare plastic number plate from the scrappie, he'll give it to you free and if not, tell him to fuck off. They're really handy to use and shape as well.

07-09-05, 03:34 PM
rite ill have 2 get a few numberplates then lololol or my dad suggested using aluminum as we have sone spare in the shead then fberglass over that

07-09-05, 10:26 PM
Na, it wont stick properly to it, if you get number plates, track them with a knife, ie run the knife over them to give the fibre glass something to stick to.

08-09-05, 01:06 AM
ok dod cheers for your advice mate will have 2 take a trip 2 the scrappies when i have time

08-09-05, 06:04 AM
email sent dod

08-09-05, 12:23 PM

well finaly lernt how 2 use photo bucket and hers a few pics of my mk 2 bumper still loads of work 2 be done tho[/img]

08-09-05, 12:26 PM

and another one

08-09-05, 12:27 PM

last one for now

09-09-05, 11:42 AM
well dod i got 4 number plates from my mates work (volksapart) but the only thing i wasent aloud them in one piece as his boss thought i wanted then for dodgy use lol so all 4 of tham had 2 be snaped in half :?

09-09-05, 04:17 PM
i cant see the pics :cry:

09-09-05, 07:49 PM
i dont no why novaco as thay are thair mate

09-09-05, 08:50 PM
Right, use them up the sides and at the bottom, reinforce them some way and fitt away. Thats it. Spray the bumper and you''re sorted mate!!

09-09-05, 08:56 PM
what can i use for reinforcement dod?

09-09-05, 09:03 PM
Another no plate or go to your local Builders suppliers and ask for a 900 Wall Plate Strap. They're used for nailing to a Wall and the Piece of timber that the roof of a house sits on. Only cost you a quid or two...

09-09-05, 09:05 PM
ok mate will do cheers

09-09-05, 09:20 PM
can you email me the pics novamadcars plz???

i reeli want to see them but cant all i can see is a little box with a red cross!


09-09-05, 09:22 PM
email sent novaco mate let me no what you think

09-09-05, 09:28 PM
looks superb that mate!!!!! you have smoothed it off good! what did you use in the end?

and like i think has already been mentioned use something like an old nuber plate to put a lip back on the bit you have cut out just to build the stregnth back up!

p.s you didnt do a baxter did you and do it in your room? :lol:

09-09-05, 09:32 PM
well everythink apart from the sanding was done in my room :D its not bad for my 1st attempt a
used normal filler and the ipson bumper filler

10-09-05, 05:45 PM
pics aint there. an alternative to number plates is plexiglass (the stuff you use for shower cubicles or gleenhouses) - its tough and can be easily cut. You can buy big sheets of it in B&Q for ?15

the thing with fibreglass it to take your time, cut the glass to shape beforehand and make sure you "stipple" the resin into it - this means get a sturdy brush and dab the resin over it until its soaked. Then lay another layer.

Watch sharp corners - fibreglass isnt so great on these as ait pockets form.

You can also buy special rollers to remove the air pockets. 3 layers should be sufficient - depending on the job of course.


11-09-05, 12:38 PM
wow thats 2 people that cant see the pics now i dont no why :?

11-09-05, 06:38 PM
i can see the pics, on this post and the other post you've made :lol: :wink:

11-09-05, 08:04 PM
i only made the other post mike for thoses who couldent see the pics on this post but glad you can see them what do you fink so far? any comment welcome :D

11-09-05, 08:41 PM
looks good mate a big mouthed standard bumper

well done for being different :wink:

11-09-05, 08:50 PM
:wink: cheers mike will be adding a splitter aswell well thats when ive finished the bumper lo,l

11-09-05, 08:54 PM
i think a seat splitter would really suit that bumper :wink:

11-09-05, 08:55 PM
mike what you think would look better on the bottom corners rounder off or just a str8 cut?

11-09-05, 09:15 PM
IMO a straight cut :wink:

11-09-05, 09:18 PM
well str8 cut it is as i dident realy want 2 round them off thanks for you advice mate

General Baxter
12-09-05, 12:30 AM
p.s you didnt do a baxter did you and do it in your room? :lol:

i was cold and wet outside :lol:

13-09-05, 10:18 PM
so was i baxter :wink: :wink:

14-09-05, 12:18 AM
well im stuck for now so thairs been no change in the bumper since the pics was posted as i realy dont no weather 2 round off the bottom corners or str8 cut if some one could put up a poll for me as i dont no how 2 lol

14-09-05, 11:30 AM
do it straight mate ..

lookin really good so far .. nice work

14-09-05, 05:52 PM
so leave the top corners as thay are (rounded) and the bottom ones at at straight cut ? cheers coxie mate :D

14-09-05, 06:29 PM
just wondering on this seat splitter would it need modding 2 fit on 2 my standard mk 2 bumper if so how much and what works involved cheers
