View Full Version : steering lock.

01-09-05, 11:32 AM
After removing the old locking barrel to fit new indicator stalks , I found the old barrels retainer spring to be broke , so obtained a new one . The new lock fitted fine , but I,ve lost the steering lock - is this the norm ??
Cheers .

01-09-05, 02:33 PM
why take the lock barrel out? The stalks just pop out after taking the column shroud out....

01-09-05, 03:40 PM
its easier to remove the shroud with the barrel removed

02-09-05, 12:10 AM
it was easier to remove the shroud I,ll admit , but it certainly wasnt worth all the trouble it caused for such a simple upgrade . The lock barrel is easy to relocate in some ( so I ,ve been told ) and a right beggar in others . Oh well ,you live and learn...... :evil: