View Full Version : Wireless Network Help...

25-08-05, 12:19 AM
I think my router is screwed :(

Its a USR 9106, and the wifi aspect has been giving me nothing but hassle recently. Its been working fine for about 10 months, but in the past month or so the wifi just slows down until it dies, then fails to reconnect. Tried a new wifi NIC and all was good again for about three weeks - until its done it again, the wifi just sloooowwwws right down then disconnects. Router says no wireless NICs are detected, but apparently is broadcasting - and the wireless NIC says its ok but can't find a network to connect to.

I've checked the ip addresses, firewall settings (even turned them off), router wifi settings, deleted and reinstalled drivers and hardware, and updated the firmware on the router, even sat the pc right next to the router so i know its not an issue of interferance... but nothing seems to be working.

Anybody got any ideas? All the other functions of the router are fine, and ethernet is ok - its just the wifi that keeps going.

25-08-05, 09:04 AM
I think your problem is that you wifi is not interfixed properly to you NIC flanger-ma-giggy. It may also be a problem with you schmeathernet or you p1F913 hooperfernanny. Hope that helps :wink: