View Full Version : Nova carbon bonnet --> we found waldo...

24-08-05, 09:27 PM
Hi Nova ppl!
I recently made a fibreglass bonnet for my nova. Now that i have a proper molde i want to go carbon , BUT i'm almost certain that it's not possible to make a carbon look bonnet that is a perfect match of the original part.
Please show me im wrong by posting pics where i can c nova carbon look bonnets :!:

25-08-05, 08:42 AM
Ste novavanman was planning on making up some fibreglass and carbon panels, might be worth asking him if he's got any carbon moulds/prototype bonnets done yet

25-08-05, 11:23 PM
didnt Dan (djpy2k) mave a carbon bonnet on his mentalist Nova.

You'll not get hold of him though coz his sold it and gone abroad.

Cannae find a pic of the bonnet either - sure he had a huge vent in it too


26-08-05, 01:50 PM
Ok but was the bonnet painted or simply carboon look? As i said i think its possible to make a decent carbon bonnet but i dont have the same feeling about a carbon look. The only way must be painting it afterwards...still waiting :|

26-08-05, 01:57 PM
Hmm... I'm a bit confused as to what you want now, do you want ones that just look like carbon, i.e. a metal bonnet but with the carbon look film layered on them; or do you want a proper full 100% made-from-carbon bonnet?

26-08-05, 02:28 PM
I want to see a 100% carbon bonnet.

PLUS: want to c the same bonnet with "carbon look" finish. Its easy to do a carbon bonnet and the painting black or whatever...not so easy is to make a carbon look one (means no need to paint)

28-08-05, 01:59 PM
Still no carbon? How come? There should be at least one...maybe my theory is right...

28-08-05, 04:30 PM
wasn't this post on mig

and someone SAID that al wilson had a 100% carbon bonnet on his nova


its carbon and he had the mould for it, PM him and i'm sure he'll help you out

28-08-05, 05:05 PM
Maybe 2 post weren't enough as i said loads of times before i wanted to c a carbon look finish on an 100% carbon bonnet. That one's painted...

28-08-05, 05:07 PM
Forgot to say i PM'ed him a couple of weeks ago :?

28-08-05, 05:07 PM
didnt Dan (djpy2k) mave a carbon bonnet on his mentalist Nova.

it was a normal bonnet with a vent, sprayed black with carbon looking vynal stuff put on.

edit:found a pic


28-08-05, 05:10 PM
:lol: :lol:

28-08-05, 07:10 PM
Maybe 2 post weren't enough as i said loads of times before i wanted to c a carbon look finish on an 100% carbon bonnet. That one's painted...

no its not, he had the mould for the CARBON bonnet but he sold that when he broke the car for parts

28-08-05, 07:23 PM
Having the mold doesnt mean the bonnet has a carbon look. If it has well get a picture :idea:

The owner doesnt seems to have...i already searched and nothing came up...

I really would like to c a pic of that to know if i have a skill problem or if it is just impossible to do without especial equipment...

5_door owner
28-08-05, 08:16 PM
i posted about al's on mig, and it is 100% carbon with visible weave(that your after) and it is just the weave with laquer on it (not paint)

and what part are you not getting right, a nova bonnet should be easy to do compared to say wing's like this;

as all the bonnet consists of (shape wise) is one big centre peice (slight slope either side) and two end parts that are about 1/4" lower than the main part.

imo sounds like your getting wound up because you've tried it and got it a little bit wrong, but i rekon if you give it a few more go's youll get it spot on (then maybe you could sell a few and make some ???'s

28-08-05, 08:34 PM
Alrighty then some good answers coming up..

I only did a fibreglass bonnet and the final piece is so perfect is doesnt need filling before paint :wink: . The mould can also be used to carbon SO i want to studie some things first :twisted: dont wanna spend on try outs.

STILL your answer does not tell what i asked. I already know its carbon and NOW also Carbon look! That's good! :wink:

NOW is it a PERFECT match of the original bonnet? That's the final question..and i need pics to believe :twisted:

ps - i know its possible i just doubt it looks as good as it should! :|

28-08-05, 08:47 PM
I'll try to explain...the side parts of the bonnet are not easy to do. The side parts are the ones with maybe 1" that rests on 2 sponge bits when the bonnet is closed. So it might seem im pretty fck up with such a detail BUT im a perfeccionist...i could do it with fibreglass but on carbon it will always b noticeable that it was made separated.

The same thing happens on the front cuz when the bonnet finishes it has another 1" strip of metal on the inside and thats also fck up to do on just one layer.

In the end you have the meeting points of the 2 kinda of metal strips and thats even more fckd up.

I want to know if anyone cud do it or if you simply do the top surface cuz that's really simple.

BTW my fibreglass bonnet also as fibreglass copies of the inside parts where the bonnet is attached INCLUDING the original closing device so it doesnt need clips :wink: neet huh?

So help me out on this one :idea:

31-08-05, 08:58 PM
I now own Al Wilson's carbon bonnet.

It is a REAL carbon fibre skin which is fibreglassed to the metal frame of the standard Nova bonnet.

(Its like a sandwich; the top is carbon fibre, then metal frame, then fibreglass)

Oh yeh, Dan Payne's bonnet (on the yellow Nova) is made in the same way, it is NOT carbon fibre effect!!!


31-08-05, 09:12 PM
?Thank you!! Mate...


How about that? :wink: I was right after all...well my friend you got there a really good looking bonnet, its a shame it is so heavy...

31-08-05, 09:39 PM
Thanks, it does look ace, and it is still VERY light, obviously not as light as 100% carbon, but it is lighter than the standard bonnet.

When I first got it I weighed them both (standard and carbon), and the carbon bonnet is considerably lighter!


31-08-05, 10:05 PM
Yes i belive you...nova bonnet isnt light at all...but my fibreglass bonnet is less than half weight 8) I would apreciate some closer pics from that bonnet if you have the time.

Thanks 4 helping me out!

01-09-05, 01:24 AM
Will do ASAP!

23-09-05, 03:17 PM
Just to remeber the pics mate!

23-09-05, 03:29 PM
have i totally missed the point here but if you have a carbon bonnet then surely by the simple laws of physics it will be "carbon look" too.......

23-09-05, 03:32 PM



Sorry mate!


23-09-05, 04:29 PM
NO Problem!
I already have what i need! Thanks a lot for the pictures! It really helps! As you can c you dont have the sides and also dont have the front lip that goes inside helping the shape of the front bit gets harder and easyer to get.

But still a good work and good lookin bonnet. Now i know how to do mine :wink:

23-09-05, 04:39 PM
have i totally missed the point here but if you have a carbon bonnet then surely by the simple laws of physics it will be "carbon look" too.......

You and me both Stu, lol. I've tried reading this a number of times and still don't "get" what this lad is after, lol.

Oh well, he seems happy now anyway, lol.


23-09-05, 04:48 PM
Gess you'r not that smart huh? Try to use your brain once in a while...if you have a nova and if u c the pics above you'll notice the strutural diferences (apart from the kind of material - in case you didnt get it).

23-09-05, 04:54 PM
Here you have some pics of painted Carbon fibre...but i guess u'll never understand why they painted :lol: :idea:




23-09-05, 05:29 PM
Sorry, I just realised your from lisbon, and even though your english is a million times better than my portugese I think I'm mis-reading what it is your after.

Anyway, you seem to have the answer to your question, so lets leave it at that, lol.


23-09-05, 05:46 PM
Well u'v just seen carbon painted...so that means there is carbon parts without carbon look...i wanted a carbon part with carbon look...what part you didnt get?

23-09-05, 05:53 PM
If you are making something from carbon, wont it have a carbon finish?


23-09-05, 06:00 PM
Jesus christ!!!!!!! The bonnet is made out of metal right? And you paint over the metal. You can do the same on a carbon bonnet. I was looking for a carbon bonnet that wasnt painted so i could c it was carbon. That's because there r some tricky parts on a nova bonnet that cant be made on a perfect carbon look. So ~the only way of doin it is painting it over or making a bonnet that doesnt have these tricky bits. That was the choice of the nova owner on page 2.

23-09-05, 06:05 PM
Jim, i think i understand it.

He is asking if there is a place, or example of 100% Carbon firbe Bonnets. Which has been answered (al's and dan's are both carbon Skins bonded onto a Bonnet frame)

Now, he is also asking for piccies of a carbon bonnet with it's "raw" carbon finish, and is also asking for piccies of a carbon bonnet that has been painted over.

It would seem a little pointless to get a carbon bonnet made and paint it to look like metal work, but i suppose if your doing it for wieght purposes only then it makes sense. But for "flashy show" purposes you'd go for the raw carbon weave with a laquer to protect it

Don't worry your english is ALOT better than most english people's english on this site (if that makes sense) it's just a little hard to understand your point.

23-09-05, 06:12 PM
Im sure ur mockin me now...please quote where i ask 4 prices...

As i said before it's not possible to have a 100% carbon fibre bonnet with that shinin carbon fibre look we all like...i learn this on my own works and i wanted to be sure. The pics you saw prove i was right so if i want to do a carbon bonnet with a perfect carbon look i need to use a mold from a modified bonnet. That is exactly what i wanted to know.

Please dont reply no more if you still didnt get it...

23-09-05, 06:17 PM
.please quote where i ask 4 prices...

Right Jim, i think i'm now with you on this one !? :?

Excuse me, i was meerly trying to explain what you were trying to say in my own words. I think you'l find it is exactly right.

23-09-05, 09:34 PM
Atic wanted to know if you could make a bonnet 100% from carbon - which we now know you can't (or at least nobody has yet)

I think the confusion with you Nick was when you said "piccies" as in Pictures - I think Atic thought you meant "prices"!


23-09-05, 11:20 PM
hmm i don't see the confusion as i don't have the eyesight of a bat

23-09-05, 11:40 PM
No one does..

BTW: like ur engine 8)

24-09-05, 12:48 AM
thanks - i don't know whether i like it or not really as i havn't driven it yet !

but hopefully my expectations will be fullfilled !

24-09-05, 12:54 AM
The test was very realistic so the guy was never disapointed on the street :wink:


STE Novavanman
24-09-05, 08:19 PM
the sides where you have the edges facing down CAN be made by adding a flange at the right place and the bonnet has also got the catch on the front and this can be made buy making the two sections seperatly and this is then bonded together this is easy part as the flange is already there being the bonnet you CAN make it exactly the same as the pattern part ill make it for you if you want but if you cant grasp this you will never get it.

24-09-05, 10:24 PM
Yes i know i can do that but if you take 5mn and read what i wrote before you will notest severeal things. I dont know if you ever worked with fibreglass/carbon fibre but if you did you know the finishing on the carbon parts you made separatedly wont be has good as the rest. You will have the lines showing up where the tissue overlays. On fibreglass thats not a prob since you'll paint it but on carbon that will always be a staid on your work and if u r trully professional u wont like it.

Gess now everyone knows why the sides of the carbon parts i posted are painted :idea:

24-09-05, 11:36 PM
His job is making stuff out of carbon and kevlar and fibreglass, so i presume ste knows what the score is

25-09-05, 12:19 AM
I'll try to explain...the side parts of the bonnet are not easy to do. The side parts are the ones with maybe 1" that rests on 2 sponge bits when the bonnet is closed. So it might seem im pretty fck up with such a detail BUT im a perfeccionist...i could do it with fibreglass but on carbon it will always b noticeable that it was made separated.

The same thing happens on the front cuz when the bonnet finishes it has another 1" strip of metal on the inside and thats also fck up to do on just one layer.

In the end you have the meeting points of the 2 kinda of metal strips and thats even more fckd up.

I want to know if anyone cud do it or if you simply do the top surface cuz that's really simple.

BTW my fibreglass bonnet also as fibreglass copies of the inside parts where the bonnet is attached INCLUDING the original closing device so it doesnt need clips :wink: neet huh?

So help me out on this one :idea:

Seems like we're reposting and reposting and reposting and reposting and reposting...

Again its not possible to do a perfect finish on this...thats why all carbon bonnets dont have side walls...or can you think bout another reason?

25-09-05, 12:24 AM
Im sure if he can do this:

....Out of one unique piece of carbon he will post pictures detailing to prove im wrong....

25-09-05, 01:33 AM
he makes carbon fibre and fibre glass parts for a living, i'm sure ste knows what his on about

25-09-05, 01:52 AM
Please stop repeating... :?

Ok he's a pro...and he said what i already knew...now he has a new challenge...BRING IT ON!! Show me u can do it out of one single piece :wink: must be exactly like my fibreglass bonnet WITH NO OVERLAYS :!:

25-09-05, 02:00 AM
This is a carbon part made with overlay tissue:


25-09-05, 02:03 AM
Please stop repeating... :?

Ok he's a pro...and he said what i already knew...now he has a new challenge...BRING IT ON!! Show me u can do it out of one single piece :wink: must be exactly like my fibreglass bonnet WITH NO OVERLAYS :!:

wtf whos repeating.

this post has gone on long enough, it says on the title that you've found waldo, presuming you had found the answer you was looking for

25-09-05, 02:19 AM
His job is making stuff out of carbon and kevlar and fibreglass, so i presume ste knows what the score is

he makes carbon fibre and fibre glass parts for a living, i'm sure ste knows what his on about

Again, you dont read...jst assume you know what ur sayin...

You r right, i found my answer BUT a pro showed up...why not challenge him to do something other dont do? Maybe others already know they cant like the ones that made the bonnet on 1st page of this topic...

Yes its long a dam long post...i had to repeat myself cuz no one reads behind and u guys jst kept repeating...that was a god damn chance 4 u to shut up, wasnt it?

25-09-05, 09:22 AM
....that was a god damn chance 4 u to shut up, wasnt it?

hmmm imo seems like another should do this now....

25-09-05, 11:23 AM
What about a productive answer 4 a change?

25-09-05, 11:30 AM

lots of love and kisses

STE Novavanman
25-09-05, 01:55 PM

lots of love and kisses

here here what a tweat i think you should go sit in the corner you dont know what you are doing ive already made carbon fibre parts that would make any you make in your life time look sour, i do more fibre glass and carbon fibre parts in a week then you will in a life time

i suggest that you listern to people espcially admin any ways i leave it for the big boys to lock this post at this rate.

25-09-05, 05:08 PM
fook me 4 pages of that,now i have a headache!

26-09-05, 12:26 AM
Nobody said i was pro...i only made a few fibre glass parts and i dont itend to do much more as i am an Engeneer.
Only seems that you talk too much without showing anything...still waitin a pro to show me im wrong...

ROB77 Was your bonnet made by pros? Seems like someone here is sayin no... :?

26-09-05, 12:34 AM
Rob's bonnet was made by the guy who use to owne the car Al wilson.


26-09-05, 12:46 AM
Yes i know! But is he a pro? I never found one single bonnet with side walls..not even on 100%carbon..why is that?...

26-09-05, 12:49 AM
Umm i dont think he's a pro though he did make quite a few of his owne carbon parts,as for no side walls i would guess its cus its hard to form the carbon layers round to the underside?? dont know im not trying to make one so i have never looked into it.


26-09-05, 01:01 AM
That's exactly what i've been saying...its so hard that no one does it...or if theu do they paint over it to hide the overlayed tissue...im still waiting for a coment of a pro...

26-09-05, 11:01 AM
If I'm not mistaken, the carbon skin was made by essex racing, then was bonded onto the metal frame by Alex Wilson.

I am 99% sure he didn't make the carbon bonnet skin - just bonded it to the metal.

You could PM him - he still uses Novaload...


26-09-05, 11:29 AM
I already PM twice. :? I think carbon owners are embarassed to talk about it...apart from you mate!Thank you 4 that! :wink:

26-09-05, 05:47 PM
well to be honest, if someone comes on here and says "i'm a pro, and yes i can make it like that" what does that proove ?

i suggest you go to a specialist that's local to you and ask them. Then you'l get the answer your looking for , and the chance to commision them to make one for you.

26-09-05, 06:50 PM
Sorry but again i already said that there are no carbon bonnets with side walls...i searched a lot! Most people dont know the diference between carbon with epoxy or carbon with polyester resin...most people by shity parts over evaluated...

Dont you think if they could do it they would change the structure? I dont...

Finaly if someone says << I can! >> they must decide between 3 detailled pics or a logical explanation...i dont believe everything i read...

STE Novavanman
27-09-05, 05:54 PM
thats cause your an idiot ^^^^^^ :twisted: :twisted:

27-09-05, 06:08 PM
wtf whos repeating.

this post has gone on long enough, it says on the title that you've found waldo, presuming you had found the answer you was looking for

I must be...but that only makes you even worse...

As you probably didnt read i'll say it again: If you dont know, dont answer!

27-09-05, 07:07 PM
wtf whos repeating.

this post has gone on long enough, it says on the title that you've found waldo, presuming you had found the answer you was looking for

I must be...but that only makes you even worse...

As you probably didnt read i'll say it again: If you dont know, dont answer!

yeah i'm mike thats ste, DON'T bring me into a argument you have with him, that quote you've got was the last thing i said on the subject

lets face it your not going to find you answer on here, you might aswell find somewere else i'm sure theres someone who can help you

27-09-05, 07:35 PM

27-09-05, 08:16 PM
Sory but if the pro guy that only showed up after 3 pages would have shown up earlier or if he answered what i asked instead of making childish i-know-but-i-wont-tell-you kinda games this thread would be over ages ago.

Sometimes children will give up if we insist...i suspect he doesnt have a solution BUT what do i have to lose? I wont be ignorant just because you tired of me, so get use to it or LET ADMIN TAKE CARE OF THAT

Ohhhhh just one more thing...I only asked for an answer not for opinions but i guess you didnt notest...Except for ROB77 of course!

27-09-05, 09:50 PM
now thats a good way to get on peoples good side for future assistance lol.

when i get bored ill lock/delete this thred, but for the time being ill let you get all angry at nothing and miss most of the points made due to a probably language barrier....

27-09-05, 09:54 PM
now thats a good way to get on peoples good side for future assistance lol.

when i get bored ill lock/delete this thred, but for the time being ill let you get all angry at nothing and miss most of the points made due to a probably language barrier....

Now that's what i call one-sided moderation :lol: :lol:

Language barrier a?(hey) Just tell me what u dont get...and i'll refrase...or u jst pullin my leg on this :?:

ps - do you understand idiomatic experessions?

27-09-05, 10:33 PM
now thats a good way to get on peoples good side for future assistance lol.

when i get bored ill lock/delete this thred, but for the time being ill let you get all angry at nothing and miss most of the points made due to a probably language barrier....

Assistance on what :?: :?: I think this thread gives me a very sad ideia of all the help i will ever get from you...Better if you erase it as some users will thank you so others dont c them making a fool of them selves..

28-09-05, 08:02 AM
any split personality info here?!?! lol

theres being idiomatic, and then there is simply missing the point and getting wound up about things that are actually "assitance" lol.

a carbon bonnet will look like carbon fibre UNLESS its painted etc... this was told to you many many pages back, yet you wouldnt accept it. Then you also beadly take the piss out of people in what appears to be an alter ego. good skills.

28-09-05, 12:39 PM
What an asshole!!!!!

PLUS: want to c the same bonnet with "carbon look" finish. Its easy to do a carbon bonnet and the painting black or whatever...not so easy is to make a carbon look one (means no need to paint)

I'll try to explain...the side parts of the bonnet are not easy to do. The side parts are the ones with maybe 1" that rests on 2 sponge bits when the bonnet is closed. So it might seem im pretty fck up with such a detail BUT im a perfeccionist...i could do it with fibreglass but on carbon it will always b noticeable that it was made separated.

Jesus christ!!!!!!! The bonnet is made out of metal right? And you paint over the metal. You can do the same on a carbon bonnet. I was looking for a carbon bonnet that wasnt painted so i could c it was carbon. That's because there r some tricky parts on a nova bonnet that cant be made on a perfect carbon look. So ~the only way of doin it is painting it over or making a bonnet that doesnt have these tricky bits. That was the choice of the nova owner on page 2.

Yes i know i can do that but if you take 5mn and read what i wrote before you will notest severeal things. I dont know if you ever worked with fibreglass/carbon fibre but if you did you know the finishing on the carbon parts you made separatedly wont be has good as the rest. You will have the lines showing up where the tissue overlays. On fibreglass thats not a prob since you'll paint it but on carbon that will always be a staid on your work and if u r trully professional u wont like it.

What you stupid or what?

28-09-05, 01:03 PM
This thread is still alive? :lol:

Insulting admin is possibly not a good idea...! Especially stu and his twitchy ban finger :lol:

28-09-05, 01:29 PM
I was the one ofended but i wont take that seriously cuz he probably isnt a fibre expert...

28-09-05, 01:34 PM
OMG, are you still going? You have as much information as your going to get from everyone.

I think it's time this thread got locked/deleted.


STE Novavanman
28-09-05, 08:24 PM
i say leave it open and let everyone rip the piss out of him lol :lol: :lol: :lol:

if you wanna keep the weave straight so no distortions on the edges you can get a fibre clamp that stretches the fibe so no strands can move then when you lay up you work on it upside down and clamp the edge to your mould.

job done did a horse head at work today ill post pictures tomoz if i can be bothered


28-09-05, 08:35 PM
didnt the horse mind?

STE Novavanman
28-09-05, 08:46 PM
I think it was ok with it and in the end i gave it a carrot was happy in end, it was also a shemale horse.

28-09-05, 09:42 PM
I think it was ok with it and in the end i gave it a carrot was happy in end, it was also a shemale horse.

Always thought horses preferred apples.

How wrong I was!

STE Novavanman
28-09-05, 09:44 PM
sorry i am not that up on horses

28-09-05, 09:47 PM
Why exactly were you making a carbon fibre horse head?

Lightweight but strong?

28-09-05, 10:17 PM
I think it was ok with it and in the end i gave it a carrot was happy in end, it was also a shemale horse.

Always thought horses preferred apples.

How wrong I was!

sugur cubes

29-09-05, 03:40 AM
if you wanna keep the weave straight so no distortions on the edges you can get a fibre clamp that stretches the fibe so no strands can move then when you lay up you work on it upside down and clamp the edge to your mould.

job done did a horse head at work today ill post pictures tomoz if i can be bothered


Still the resin will be afected by gravity, so we still loking for an answer...

About the horse head...well...nice try :lol:

29-09-05, 08:01 AM
prehaps the carbon head is for racing, so the horse weighs less so can accelerate faster.... simple physics really lol

29-09-05, 08:56 AM
Wonder if you get horses with fake carbon heads then?

29-09-05, 07:55 PM
this is the best way to get the best performance out of a horse without carbon


STE Novavanman
29-09-05, 08:06 PM
it for some women doing the marathon

STE Novavanman
29-09-05, 08:13 PM

they are the geeps we build at my work the famous jago geep

STE Novavanman
29-09-05, 08:17 PM